Package space.kscience.kmath.stat
Implements Sampler by delegating sampling to value of chainBuilder.
Implements RandomGenerator by delegating all operations to Random.
Non-composable median
A possibly stateful chain producing random values.
An interface that is implemented by random number generator algorithms.
Implements UniformRandomProvider by delegating all operations to RandomGenerator.
Implements RandomGenerator by delegating all operations to RandomSource.
A space of samplers. Allows performing simple operations on distributions.
A type-specific double chunk random chain
A combination of a random value and its dispersion.
An algebra for double value + its error combination. The multiplication assumes linear error propagation
Represent this RandomGenerator as commons-rng UniformRandomProvider preserving and mirroring its current state. Getting new value from one of those changes the state of another.
Specialized async for MCScope. Behaves the same way as regular CoroutineScope.async, but also stores the generator fork. The method itself is not thread safe.
Create a generic random chain with provided generator
Perform a streaming statistical analysis on a chunked data. The computation of inner representation is done in parallel if dispatcher allows it.
Returns RandomSourceGenerator with given RandomSource and seed.
Specialized launch for MCScope. Behaves the same way as regular CoroutineScope.launch, but also stores the generator fork. The method itself is not thread safe.
Returns RandomSourceGenerator with RandomSource.MT algorithm and given seed.
Generates size real samples and chunks them into some buffers.
Generates size integer samples and chunks them into some buffers.
Sample a bunch of values