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Extensions to MST API: transformations, dynamic compilation and visualization.

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Commons math binding for kmath

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Complex and hypercomplex number systems in KMath.

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The core interfaces of KMath.

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The Maven coordinates of this project are space.kscience:kmath-coroutines:0.3.0.

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A proof of concept module for adding type-safe dimensions to structures

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EJML based linear algebra implementation.

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Specialization of KMath APIs for Double numbers.

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Functions and interpolations.

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The Maven coordinates of this project are space.kscience:kmath-geometry:0.3.0.

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The Maven coordinates of this project are space.kscience:kmath-histograms:0.3.0.

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Integration with Jafama.

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The Maven coordinates of this project are space.kscience:kmath-jupyter:0.3.0.

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Kotlin∇ integration module.

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The Maven coordinates of this project are space.kscience:kmath-memory:0.3.0.

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JetBrains Multik connector

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ND4J based implementations of KMath abstractions.

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The Maven coordinates of this project are space.kscience:kmath-optimization:0.3.0.

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The Maven coordinates of this project are space.kscience:kmath-stat:0.3.0.

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Symja integration module

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Google tensorflow connector

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Common linear algebra operations on tensors.

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Binding for