
class Mean<T>(group: Ring<T>, division: (T, count: Int) -> T) : ComposableStatistic<T, Pair<T, Int>, T> , BlockingStatistic<T, T>

Arithmetic mean


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fun <T> Mean(group: Ring<T>, division: (T, count: Int) -> T)


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object Companion


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open suspend override fun composeIntermediate(first: Pair<T, Int>, second: Pair<T, Int>): Pair<T, Int>
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open suspend override fun computeIntermediate(data: Buffer<T>): Pair<T, Int>
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open suspend override fun evaluate(data: Buffer<T>): T
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open override fun evaluateBlocking(data: Buffer<T>): T
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open suspend override fun toResult(intermediate: Pair<T, Int>): T


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