
interface Buffer<out T>

A generic read-only random-access structure for both primitives and objects.

Buffer is in general identity-free. Buffer.contentEquals should be used for content equality checks.



the type of elements contained in the buffer.


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object Companion


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abstract operator fun get(index: Int): T

Gets element at given index.

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abstract operator fun iterator(): Iterator<T>

Iterates over all elements.

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abstract override fun toString(): String


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abstract val size: Int

The size of this buffer.


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fun <T> Buffer<T>.asIterable(): Iterable<T>

Creates an iterable that returns all elements from this Buffer.

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fun <T> Buffer<T>.asND(): Structure1D<T>

Represent this buffer as 1D structure

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fun <T> Buffer<T>.asReadOnly(): Buffer<T>

Convert this buffer to read-only buffer.

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fun <T> Buffer<T>.asSequence(): Sequence<T>

Creates a sequence that returns all elements from this Buffer.

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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.div(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Division of two elements.

open operator fun Buffer<Double>.div(k: Number): Buffer<Double>

Division of this element by scalar.

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fun <T> Buffer<T>.first(): T
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inline fun <T : Any, R> Buffer<T>.fold(initial: R, operation: (R, T) -> R): R

Fold given buffer according to operation

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val Buffer<*>.indices: IntRange

Returns an IntRange of the valid indices for this Buffer.

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fun <V : Comparable<V>> Buffer<V>.indicesSorted(): IntArray

Return a new array filled with buffer indices. Indices order is defined by sorting associated buffer value. This feature allows sorting buffer values without reordering its content.

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fun <V, C : Comparable<C>> Buffer<V>.indicesSortedBy(selector: (V) -> C): IntArray
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fun <V, C : Comparable<C>> Buffer<V>.indicesSortedByDescending(selector: (V) -> C): IntArray
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fun <V : Comparable<V>> Buffer<V>.indicesSortedDescending(): IntArray
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fun <V> Buffer<V>.indicesSortedWith(comparator: Comparator<V>): IntArray
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fun <T> Buffer<T>.last(): T
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open override fun Buffer<Double>.map(block: DoubleField.(Double) -> Double): DoubleBuffer

inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> Buffer<T>.map(block: (T) -> R): Buffer<R>

Create a new buffer from this one with the given mapping function and using Buffer.Companion.auto buffer factory.

inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> Buffer<T>.map(bufferFactory: BufferFactory<R>, crossinline block: (T) -> R): Buffer<R>

Create a new buffer from this one with the given mapping function. Provided bufferFactory is used to construct the new buffer.

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open fun Buffer<Double>.mapIndexed(block: DoubleField.(index: Int, arg: Double) -> Double): Buffer<Double>

inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> Buffer<T>.mapIndexed(bufferFactory: BufferFactory<R> = Buffer.Companion::auto, crossinline block: (index: Int, T) -> R): Buffer<R>

Create a new buffer from this one with the given indexed mapping function. Provided BufferFactory is used to construct the new buffer.

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inline fun Buffer<Double>.mapInline(block: (Double) -> Double): DoubleBuffer
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open operator override fun Buffer<Double>.minus(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Subtraction of two elements.

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open operator override fun Buffer<Double>.plus(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Addition of two elements.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>> Buffer<T>.requireSorted()

Checks that the Buffer is sorted (ascending) and throws IllegalArgumentException if it is not.

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fun <V : Comparable<V>> Buffer<V>.sorted(): Buffer<V>

Create a zero-copy virtual buffer that contains the same elements but in ascending order

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fun <V, C : Comparable<C>> Buffer<V>.sortedBy(selector: (V) -> C): Buffer<V>
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fun <V, C : Comparable<C>> Buffer<V>.sortedByDescending(selector: (V) -> C): Buffer<V>
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fun <V : Comparable<V>> Buffer<V>.sortedDescending(): Buffer<V>

Create a zero-copy virtual buffer that contains the same elements but in descending order

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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.times(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Multiplies this element by scalar.

open operator fun Buffer<Double>.times(k: Number): Buffer<Double>

Multiplication of this element by a scalar.

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fun Buffer<Double>.toDoubleArray(): DoubleArray

Returns a new DoubleArray containing all the elements of this Buffer.

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fun Buffer<Float>.toFloatArray(): FloatArray

Returns a new FloatArray containing all the elements of this Buffer.

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fun Buffer<Int>.toIntArray(): IntArray

Returns a new IntArray containing all the elements of this Buffer.

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fun <T> Buffer<T>.toList(): List<T>

Returns a new List containing all elements of this buffer.

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fun Buffer<Long>.toLongArray(): LongArray

Returns a new LongArray containing all the elements of this Buffer.

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fun <T> Buffer<T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T>

Returns a new MutableList filled with all elements of this buffer. NOTE: this method uses a protective copy, so it should not be used in performance-critical code.

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fun Buffer<Short>.toShortArray(): ShortArray

Returns a new ShortArray containing all the elements of this Buffer.

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inline fun <T> Buffer<T>.toTypedArray(): Array<T>

Returns a new Array containing all elements of this buffer. NOTE: this method uses a protective copy, so it should not be used in performance-critical code.

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open operator override fun Buffer<Double>.unaryMinus(): DoubleBuffer

The negation of this element.

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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.unaryPlus(): Buffer<Double>

Returns this value.

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open fun Buffer<Double>.zip(other: Buffer<Double>, block: DoubleField.(left: Double, right: Double) -> Double): Buffer<Double>

inline fun <T1 : Any, T2 : Any, R : Any> Buffer<T1>.zip(other: Buffer<T2>, bufferFactory: BufferFactory<R> = Buffer.Companion::auto, crossinline transform: (T1, T2) -> R): Buffer<R>

Zip two buffers using given transform.


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