
fun interface Sampler<out T : Any>

Sampler that generates chains of values of type T.


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abstract fun sample(generator: RandomGenerator): Chain<T>

Generates a chain of samples.


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suspend fun <T : Any> Sampler<T>.next(generator: RandomGenerator): T

Samples one value from this Sampler.

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suspend fun Sampler<Double>.nextBuffer(generator: RandomGenerator, size: Int): Buffer<Double>

Samples a Buffer of values from this Sampler.

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fun <T : Any> Sampler<T>.sampleBuffer(generator: RandomGenerator, size: Int, bufferFactory: BufferFactory<T> = Buffer.Companion::boxing): Chain<Buffer<T>>

Sample a bunch of values

@JvmName(name = "sampleRealBuffer")
fun Sampler<Double>.sampleBuffer(generator: RandomGenerator, size: Int): Chain<Buffer<Double>>

Generates size real samples and chunks them into some buffers.

@JvmName(name = "sampleIntBuffer")
fun Sampler<Int>.sampleBuffer(generator: RandomGenerator, size: Int): Chain<Buffer<Int>>

Generates size integer samples and chunks them into some buffers.


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