Package-level declarations
A circle in 2D space
2D Euclidean space
Line equality using GeometrySpace.norm provided by the space and given precision
Vector equality using Euclidian L2 norm and given precision
Vector equality within given precision (using GeometrySpace.norm provided by the space
Based on
Create a normalized Quaternion from rotation angle and rotation vector
taken from
Normalized angle 2 PI range symmetric around center. By default, uses (0, 2PI) range.
Project vector onto a hyperplane, which is defined by a normal and base. In 2D case it is the projection to a line, in 3d case it is the one to a plane.
Project vector onto a line.
Use a composition of quaternions to create a rotation
Rotate a vector in a Euclidean3DSpace
Convert a Quaternion to a rotation matrix