Package space.kscience.kmath.distributions


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interface Distribution<T : Any> : Sampler<T>

A distribution of typed objects.

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interface Distribution1D<T : Comparable<T>> : Distribution<T>
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class DistributionBuilder<T : Any>
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class FactorizedDistribution<T>(distributions: Collection<NamedDistribution<T>>) : NamedDistribution<T>

A multivariate distribution that has independent distributions for separate axis.

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interface NamedDistribution<T> : Distribution<Map<String, T>>

A multivariate distribution that takes a map of parameters.

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class NamedDistributionWrapper<T : Any>(name: String, distribution: Distribution<T>) : NamedDistribution<T>
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class NormalDistribution(sampler: GaussianSampler) : Distribution1D<Double>

Implements Distribution1D for the normal (gaussian) distribution.


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fun <T : Comparable<T>> Distribution1D<T>.integral(from: T, to: T): Double

Compute probability integral in an interval

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fun NormalDistribution(mean: Double, standardDeviation: Double, normalized: NormalizedGaussianSampler = ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler): NormalDistribution