
object Companion : IntNd4jArrayRingOps


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abstract fun add(left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open override fun binaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>) -> StructureND<Int>
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open fun bindSymbol(value: String): StructureND<Int>
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open fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): StructureND<Int>?
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open fun export(arg: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open fun <F : StructureFeature> getFeature(structure: StructureND<Int>, type: KClass<out F>): F?
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open operator fun (Int) -> Int.invoke(structure: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open fun StructureND<Int>.map(transform: IntRing.(Int) -> Int): StructureND<Int>
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open fun StructureND<Int>.mapIndexed(transform: IntRing.(index: IntArray, Int) -> Int): StructureND<Int>
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open operator override fun Int.minus(arg: StructureND<Int>): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.minus(arg: Int): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>
open operator fun StructureND<Int>.minus(arg: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open fun multiply(a: StructureND<Int>, k: Number): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>
open override fun multiply(left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>
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open operator fun StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.plus(arg: Int): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>
open operator fun StructureND<Int>.plus(arg: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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abstract fun structureND(shape: Shape, initializer: IntRing.(IntArray) -> Int): StructureND<Int>
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open operator fun Int.times(arg: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.times(arg: Int): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>
open operator fun StructureND<Int>.times(arg: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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abstract operator fun StructureND<Int>.unaryMinus(): StructureND<Int>
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open fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open override fun unaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (arg: StructureND<Int>) -> StructureND<Int>
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open operator fun StructureND<Int>.unaryPlus(): StructureND<Int>
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open override fun INDArray.wrap(): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>

Wraps INDArray to Nd4jArrayStructure.

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open fun zip(left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>, transform: IntRing.(Int, Int) -> Int): StructureND<Int>


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open override val elementAlgebra: IntRing
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open override val StructureND<Int>.ndArray: INDArray

Unwraps to or get INDArray from StructureND.


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