Package space.kscience.kmath.nd4j


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class DoubleNd4jArrayField(shape: Shape) : DoubleNd4jArrayFieldOps, FieldND<Double, DoubleField>
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open class DoubleNd4jArrayFieldOps : Nd4jArrayExtendedFieldOps<Double, DoubleField>
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object DoubleNd4jTensorAlgebra : Nd4jTensorAlgebra<Double, DoubleField>

Double specialization of Nd4jTensorAlgebra.

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class FloatNd4jArrayField(shape: Shape) : FloatNd4jArrayFieldOps, RingND<Float, FloatField>
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open class FloatNd4jArrayFieldOps : Nd4jArrayExtendedFieldOps<Float, FloatField>

Represents FieldND over Nd4jArrayStructure of Float.

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class IntNd4jArrayRing(shape: Shape) : IntNd4jArrayRingOps, RingND<Int, IntRing>
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open class IntNd4jArrayRingOps : Nd4jArrayRingOps<Int, IntRing>

Represents RingND over Nd4jArrayIntStructure.

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interface Nd4jArrayAlgebra<T, out C : Algebra<T>> : AlgebraND<T, C>

Represents AlgebraND over Nd4jArrayAlgebra.

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Represents intersection of ExtendedField and Field over Nd4jArrayStructure.

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interface Nd4jArrayField<T, out F : Field<T>> : FieldOpsND<T, F> , Nd4jArrayRingOps<T, F>

Represents FieldND over Nd4jArrayStructure.

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interface Nd4jArrayGroupOps<T, out S : Ring<T>> : GroupOpsND<T, S> , Nd4jArrayAlgebra<T, S>

Represents GroupND over Nd4jArrayStructure.

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interface Nd4jArrayRingOps<T, out R : Ring<T>> : RingOpsND<T, R> , Nd4jArrayGroupOps<T, R>

Represents RingND over Nd4jArrayStructure.

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sealed class Nd4jArrayStructure<T> : MutableStructureND<T>

Represents a StructureND wrapping an INDArray object.

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interface Nd4jTensorAlgebra<T : Number, A : Field<T>> : AnalyticTensorAlgebra<T, A>

ND4J based TensorAlgebra implementation.


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fun INDArray.asDoubleStructure(): Nd4jArrayStructure<Double>

Wraps this INDArray to Nd4jArrayStructure.

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fun INDArray.asFloatStructure(): Nd4jArrayStructure<Float>

Wraps this INDArray to Nd4jArrayStructure.

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fun INDArray.asIntStructure(): Nd4jArrayStructure<Int>

Wraps this INDArray to Nd4jArrayStructure.

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fun DoubleField.nd4j(shapeFirst: Int, vararg shapeRest: Int): DoubleNd4jArrayField
fun FloatField.nd4j(shapeFirst: Int, vararg shapeRest: Int): FloatNd4jArrayField
fun IntRing.nd4j(shapeFirst: Int, vararg shapeRest: Int): IntNd4jArrayRing


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val DoubleField.nd4j: DoubleNd4jArrayFieldOps
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val FloatField.nd4j: FloatNd4jArrayFieldOps
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val IntRing.nd4j: IntNd4jArrayRingOps