
class DoubleBufferField(size: Int) : DoubleBufferOps, ExtendedField<Buffer<Double>>

ExtendedField over DoubleBuffer.


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fun DoubleBufferField(size: Int)


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abstract fun acos(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the inverse cosine of arg.

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open override fun acosh(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of arg.

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abstract fun add(left: Buffer<Double>, right: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Addition of two elements.

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abstract fun asin(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the inverse sine of arg.

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open override fun asinh(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of arg.

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abstract fun atan(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the inverse tangent of arg.

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open override fun atanh(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of arg.

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open fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: Buffer<Double>, right: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Dynamically invokes a binary operation with the certain name.

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open override fun binaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Buffer<Double>, right: Buffer<Double>) -> Buffer<Double>

Dynamically dispatches a binary operation with the certain name.

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open fun bindSymbol(value: String): Buffer<Double>

The same as bindSymbolOrNull but throws an error if symbol could not be bound

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open fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): Buffer<Double>?

Wraps a raw string to T object. This method is designed for three purposes:

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open fun buffer(size: Int, vararg elements: Double): Buffer<Double>
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abstract fun cos(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the cosine of arg.

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open override fun cosh(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of arg.

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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.div(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Division of two elements.

open operator fun Buffer<Double>.div(k: Number): Buffer<Double>

Division of this element by scalar.

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abstract fun divide(left: Buffer<Double>, right: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Division of two elements.

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abstract fun exp(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes Euler's number e raised to the power of the value arg.

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open fun export(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Export an algebra element, so it could be accessed even after algebra scope is closed. This method must be used on algebras where data is stored externally or any local algebra state is used. By default (if not overridden), exports the object itself.

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open fun leftSideNumberOperation(operation: String, left: Number, right: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Dynamically invokes a binary operation with the certain name with numeric first argument.

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open fun leftSideNumberOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Number, right: Buffer<Double>) -> Buffer<Double>

Dynamically dispatches a binary operation with the certain name with numeric first argument.

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abstract fun ln(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the natural logarithm (base e) of the value arg.

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open override fun Buffer<Double>.map(block: DoubleField.(Double) -> Double): DoubleBuffer
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open fun Buffer<Double>.mapIndexed(block: DoubleField.(index: Int, arg: Double) -> Double): Buffer<Double>
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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.minus(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Subtraction of two elements.

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abstract fun multiply(left: Buffer<Double>, right: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Multiplies two elements.

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open override fun norm(arg: Buffer<Double>): Double

Computes the norm of arg (i.e., absolute value or vector length).

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open override fun number(value: Number): Buffer<Double>

Wraps a number to T object.

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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.plus(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Addition of two elements.

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open infix fun Buffer<Double>.pow(pow: Number): Buffer<Double>

Raises this value to the power pow.

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open override fun power(arg: Buffer<Double>, pow: Number): DoubleBuffer

Raises arg to a power if possible (negative number could not be raised to a fractional power). Throws IllegalArgumentException if not possible.

open fun power(arg: Buffer<Double>, pow: Int): Buffer<Double>

open fun power(arg: Buffer<Double>, pow: UInt): Buffer<Double>

Raises arg to the integer power pow.

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open fun rightSideNumberOperation(operation: String, left: Buffer<Double>, right: Number): Buffer<Double>

Dynamically invokes a binary operation with the certain name with numeric second argument.

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open override fun rightSideNumberOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Buffer<Double>, right: Number) -> Buffer<Double>

Dynamically dispatches a binary operation with the certain name with numeric first argument.

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abstract fun scale(a: Buffer<Double>, value: Double): Buffer<Double>

Scaling an element by a scalar.

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abstract fun sin(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the sine of arg.

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open override fun sinh(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Computes the hyperbolic sine of arg.

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open fun sqrt(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the square root of the value arg.

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open override fun tan(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Computes the tangent of arg.

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open override fun tanh(arg: Buffer<Double>): DoubleBuffer

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of arg.

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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.times(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Multiplies this element by scalar.

open operator fun Number.times(arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Multiplication of this number by element.

open operator fun Buffer<Double>.times(k: Number): Buffer<Double>

Multiplication of this element by a scalar.

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abstract operator fun Buffer<Double>.unaryMinus(): Buffer<Double>

The negation of this element.

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open fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: Buffer<Double>): Buffer<Double>

Dynamically invokes a unary operation with the certain name.

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open override fun unaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (arg: Buffer<Double>) -> Buffer<Double>

Dynamically dispatches a unary operation with the certain name.

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open operator fun Buffer<Double>.unaryPlus(): Buffer<Double>

Returns this value.

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open fun Buffer<Double>.zip(other: Buffer<Double>, block: DoubleField.(left: Double, right: Double) -> Double): Buffer<Double>


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open override val bufferFactory: BufferFactory<Double>
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open override val elementAlgebra: DoubleField
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open override val one: Buffer<Double>

The neutral element of multiplication

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val size: Int

the size of buffers to operate on.

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open override val zero: Buffer<Double>

The neutral element of addition.


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