
A field of Complex.


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open override fun acos(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun acosh(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun add(left: Complex, right: Complex): Complex
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open override fun asin(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun asinh(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun atan(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun atanh(arg: Complex): Complex
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open fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: Complex, right: Complex): Complex
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open override fun binaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Complex, right: Complex) -> Complex
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open fun bindSymbol(value: String): Complex
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open override fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): Complex?
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open override fun cos(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun cosh(arg: Complex): Complex
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open operator override fun Complex.div(k: Number): Complex
open operator fun Complex.div(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun divide(left: Complex, right: Complex): Complex
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open override fun exp(arg: Complex): Complex
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open fun export(arg: Complex): Complex
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open fun leftSideNumberOperation(operation: String, left: Number, right: Complex): Complex
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open fun leftSideNumberOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Number, right: Complex) -> Complex
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open override fun ln(arg: Complex): Complex
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operator fun Double.minus(c: Complex): Complex

Subtracts complex number from real one.

operator fun Complex.minus(d: Double): Complex

Subtracts real number from complex one.

open operator fun Complex.minus(arg: Complex): Complex
open operator fun Number.minus(other: Complex): Complex
open operator fun Complex.minus(other: Number): Complex
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open override fun multiply(left: Complex, right: Complex): Complex
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open override fun norm(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun number(value: Number): Complex
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operator fun Complex): Complex

Adds complex number to real one.

operator fun Double): Complex

Adds real number to complex one.

open operator fun Complex): Complex
open operator fun Complex): Complex
open operator fun Number): Complex
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open infix fun Complex.pow(pow: Number): Complex
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open override fun power(arg: Complex, pow: Number): Complex
fun power(arg: Complex, pow: Complex): Complex
open fun power(arg: Complex, pow: Int): Complex
open fun power(arg: Complex, pow: UInt): Complex
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open fun rightSideNumberOperation(operation: String, left: Complex, right: Number): Complex
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open override fun rightSideNumberOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Complex, right: Number) -> Complex
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open override fun scale(a: Complex, value: Double): Complex
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open override fun sin(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun sinh(arg: Complex): Complex
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open fun sqrt(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun tan(arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun tanh(arg: Complex): Complex
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operator fun Double.times(c: Complex): Complex

Multiplies real number by complex one.

open operator fun Complex.times(arg: Complex): Complex
open operator fun Number.times(arg: Complex): Complex
open operator fun Complex.times(k: Number): Complex
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open operator override fun Complex.unaryMinus(): Complex
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open fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: Complex): Complex
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open override fun unaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (arg: Complex) -> Complex
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open operator fun Complex.unaryPlus(): Complex


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val i: Complex

The imaginary unit.

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open override val one: Complex
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open override val zero: Complex


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val ComplexField.ndAlgebra: ComplexFieldOpsND
fun ComplexField.ndAlgebra(vararg shape: Int): ComplexFieldND
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inline fun <R> ComplexField.withNdAlgebra(vararg shape: Int, action: ComplexFieldND.() -> R): R

Produce a context for n-dimensional operations inside this real field


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