
data class Complex(re: Double, im: Double)

Represents double-based complex number.


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fun Complex(re: Number, im: Number)
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fun Complex(re: Number)
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fun Complex(re: Double, im: Double)


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object Companion : MemorySpec<Complex>


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open override fun toString(): String


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val im: Double

The imaginary part.

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val re: Double

The real part.


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val Complex.conjugate: Complex

This complex's conjugate.

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open operator override fun Complex.div(k: Number): Complex
open operator fun Complex.div(arg: StructureND<Complex>): StructureND<Complex>
open operator fun Complex.div(arg: Complex): Complex
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operator fun Complex.minus(d: Double): Complex

Subtracts real number from complex one.

open operator fun Complex.minus(arg: Complex): Complex
open operator fun Complex.minus(other: Number): Complex
open operator fun Complex.minus(arg: StructureND<Complex>): StructureND<Complex>
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operator fun Double): Complex

Adds real number to complex one.

open operator fun Complex): Complex
open operator fun Number): Complex
open operator fun StructureND<Complex>): StructureND<Complex>
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open infix fun Complex.pow(pow: Number): Complex
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val Complex.r: Double

Absolute value of complex number.

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val Complex.reciprocal: Complex

This complex's reciprocal.

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val Complex.theta: Double

An angle between vector represented by complex number and X axis.

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open operator fun Complex.times(arg: Complex): Complex
open operator fun Complex.times(k: Number): Complex
open operator fun Complex.times(arg: StructureND<Complex>): StructureND<Complex>
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fun Complex.toQuaternion(): Quaternion

Creates a quaternion with w-component equal to re-component of given complex and x-component equal to im-component of given complex.

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open operator override fun Complex.unaryMinus(): Complex
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open operator fun Complex.unaryPlus(): Complex


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