Represents mutable Structure2D.
Represent a StructureND as Structure1D. Throw error in case of dimension mismatch.
Represents a StructureND as Structure2D. Throws runtime error in case of dimension mismatch.
A zero-copy method to represent a Structure2D as a two-column x-y data. There could more than two columns in the structure.
A zero-copy method to represent a Structure2D as a two-column x-y data. There could more than two columns in the structure.
Divides an ND structure by an element of it.
Division of this element by scalar.
Division of two elements.
Returns the value at the specified indices.
Feature is some additional structure information that allows to access it special properties or hints. If the feature is not present, null
is returned.
Maps elements from one structure to another one by applying transform to them.
Maps elements from one structure to another one by applying transform to them.
Maps elements from one structure to another one by applying transform to them.
Maps elements from one structure to another one by applying transform to them alongside with their indices.
Maps elements from one structure to another one by applying transform to them alongside with their indices.
Maps elements from one structure to another one by applying transform to them alongside with their indices.
Matrix subtraction
Subtracts an element from ND structure of it.
Subtraction of two elements.
Matrix sum
Adds an ND structure to an element of it.
Addition of two elements.
Raises this value to the power pow.
Set value at specified indices
Multiplies a matrix by its element.
Multiplication of this element by a scalar.
Multiplies this element by scalar.
Multiplies an ND structure by an element of it.
The negation of this element.
Returns this value.
Add a single feature to a Matrix
Add a collection of features to a Matrix