
interface Symbol : MST(source)

A marker interface for a symbol. A symbol must have an identity with equality relation based on it. Other properties are to store additional, transient data only.



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object Companion


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open infix override fun MST.and(other: MST): MST

Logic 'and'

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open operator fun MST.div(arg: MST): MST

Division of two elements.

open operator fun MST.div(k: Number): MST

Division of this element by scalar.

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fun <T> MST.interpret(algebra: Algebra<T>, vararg arguments: Pair<Symbol, T>): T
fun <T> MST.interpret(algebra: Algebra<T>, arguments: Map<Symbol, T>): T

Interprets the MST node with this Algebra and optional arguments

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open operator override fun MST.minus(arg: MST): MST.Binary
open operator override fun MST.minus(arg: MST): MST.Binary
open operator override fun MST.minus(arg: MST): MST.Binary
open operator override fun MST.minus(arg: MST): MST.Binary

Subtraction of two elements.

open operator fun MST.minus(other: Number): MST

Subtraction of element from number.

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open operator override fun MST.not(): MST

Logic 'not'

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open infix override fun MST.or(other: MST): MST

Logic 'or'

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open operator fun MST): MST

Addition of two elements.

open operator fun Number): MST

Addition of element and scalar.

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open infix fun MST.pow(pow: Number): MST

Raises this value to the power pow.

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open operator fun MST.times(arg: MST): MST

Multiplies this element by scalar.

open operator fun MST.times(k: Number): MST

Multiplication of this element by a scalar.

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fun <T : Any> MST.toExpression(algebra: Algebra<T>): Expression<T>

Interpret this MST as expression.

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open operator override fun MST.unaryMinus(): MST.Unary
open operator override fun MST.unaryMinus(): MST.Unary
open operator override fun MST.unaryMinus(): MST.Unary
open operator override fun MST.unaryMinus(): MST.Unary

The negation of this element.

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open operator override fun MST.unaryPlus(): MST.Unary
open operator override fun MST.unaryPlus(): MST.Unary
open operator override fun MST.unaryPlus(): MST.Unary
open operator override fun MST.unaryPlus(): MST.Unary

Returns this value.

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open infix override fun MST.xor(other: MST): MST

Logic 'xor'


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abstract val identity: String

Identity object for the symbol. Two symbols with the same identity are considered to be the same symbol.