WIP: Composition of specifications and devices #13

kolpakov.mm wants to merge 3 commits from dev-maxim into dev

Implemented builders for PropertyDescriptor and ActionDescriptor. Some typos have been fixed. Introduced a new hierarchical device structure based on CompositeDeviceSpec and ConfigurableCompositeDevice. They draw ideas from DeviceSpec and DeviceBySpec. This is a prototype implementation, and further refactoring is expected. The key feature is clear composition of device specifications for a declarative description of devices and their behavior. Moreover, the API for parent and child devices (specs) is the same.

Implemented builders for PropertyDescriptor and ActionDescriptor. Some typos have been fixed. Introduced a new hierarchical device structure based on CompositeDeviceSpec and ConfigurableCompositeDevice. They draw ideas from DeviceSpec and DeviceBySpec. This is a prototype implementation, and further refactoring is expected. The key feature is clear composition of device specifications for a declarative description of devices and their behavior. Moreover, the API for parent and child devices (specs) is the same.
kolpakov.mm added 2 commits 2024-12-19 11:50:27 +03:00

Please fix MR name to better reflect what it does.

Please fix MR name to better reflect what it does.
altavir self-assigned this 2024-12-19 11:52:55 +03:00
altavir requested review from altavir 2024-12-19 11:53:00 +03:00

Also please add examples of new API usage both in code and in MR description.

Also please add examples of new API usage both in code and in MR description.
kolpakov.mm changed title from WIP: dev-maxim to WIP: Composition of specifications and devices 2024-12-19 11:57:55 +03:00
kolpakov.mm added 1 commit 2024-12-19 12:12:12 +03:00

Added examples of new API usage - CompositeControlTest based on Analyzer device with subdevices. In specification, define "by childSpec" for passing child device specification. In device, define "by childDevice" for getting child device. For now not properly working, not all tests are passed.

Added examples of new API usage - CompositeControlTest based on Analyzer device with subdevices. In specification, define "by childSpec" for passing child device specification. In device, define "by childDevice" for getting child device. For now not properly working, not all tests are passed.
altavir added the due date 2024-12-26 2024-12-19 12:59:06 +03:00
This pull request is marked as a work in progress.


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin dev-maxim:dev-maxim
git checkout dev-maxim
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