• v0.2.0 5b655a9354

    0.2.0 Stable

    spc-code released this 2023-08-23 16:27:13 +03:00 | 0 commits to master since this release

    • Core interfaces for building a device server
    • Magix service for binding controls devices (both as RPC client and server)
    • A plugin for Controls-kt device server on top of modbus-rtu/modbus-tcp protocols
    • A client and server connectors for OPC-UA via Eclipse Milo
    • Implementation of byte ports on top os ktor-io asynchronous API
    • Implementation of direct serial port communication with JSerialComm
    • A combined Magix event loop server with web server for visualization.
    • An API for stand-alone Controls-kt device or a hub.
    • An implementation of controls-storage on top of JetBrains Xodus.
    • A kotlin API for magix standard and some zero-dependency magix services
    • Java API to work with magix endpoints without Kotlin
    • MQTT client magix endpoint
    • RabbitMQ client magix endpoint
    • Magix endpoint (client) based on RSocket
    • A magix event loop implementation in Kotlin. Includes HTTP/SSE and RSocket routes.
    • Magix history database API
    • ZMQ client endpoint for Magix