
class MonotonicSeriesAlgebra<T, out A : Ring<T>, out BA : BufferAlgebra<T, A>, L : Comparable<L>>(bufferAlgebra: BA, offsetToLabel: (Int) -> L, labelToOffset: (L) -> Double) : SeriesAlgebra<T, A, BA, L> (source)

A SeriesAlgebra with reverse label to index transformation.



returns floating point number that is used for index resolution.


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constructor(bufferAlgebra: BA, offsetToLabel: (Int) -> L, labelToOffset: (L) -> Double)


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open override fun add(left: Buffer<T>, right: Buffer<T>): Series<T>
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open fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: Buffer<T>, right: Buffer<T>): Buffer<T>
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open override fun binaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Buffer<T>, right: Buffer<T>) -> Buffer<T>
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open fun bindSymbol(value: String): Buffer<T>
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open fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): Buffer<T>?
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fun ceilOffset(label: L): Int

An offset of the given label rounded up

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fun <T : Comparable<T>> StatisticalAlgebra<T, *, *>.ecdf(buffer: Buffer<T>): (T) -> Double
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open fun export(arg: Buffer<T>): Buffer<T>
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fun floorOffset(label: L): Int

An offset of the given label rounded down

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inline fun <R> Buffer<T>.fold(initial: R, operation: A.(acc: R, T) -> R): R
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inline fun <R> Buffer<T>.foldWithLabel(initial: R, operation: A.(acc: R, arg: T, label: L) -> R): R
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open fun Buffer<T>.getByLabel(label: L): T

Get value by label (rounded down) or throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if the value is outside series boundaries.

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open override fun Buffer<T>.getByLabelOrNull(label: L): T?

Get value by label (rounded down) or return null if the value is outside series boundaries.

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fun Buffer<T>.getByOffset(index: Int): T

Get the value by absolute index in the series algebra or throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range

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fun Buffer<T>.getByOffsetOrNull(index: Int): T?

Get the value by absolute offset in the series algebra or return null if index is out of range

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Kolmogorov-Smirnov sample comparison test Implementation copied from

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inline fun Buffer<T>.map(crossinline transform: A.(T) -> T): Series<T>

Map a series to another series of the same size

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inline fun Buffer<T>.mapWithLabel(crossinline transform: A.(arg: T, label: L) -> T): Series<T>

Map series to another series of the same size with label

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open operator fun Buffer<T>.minus(arg: Buffer<T>): Buffer<T>
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fun Buffer<T>.moveBy(offset: Int): Series<T>

Zero-copy move Buffer or Series by given offset. If it is Series, sum intrinsic series position and the offset.

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fun Buffer<T>.moveTo(position: Int): Series<T>

Zero-copy move Buffer or Series to given position ignoring series offset if it is present.

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open override fun multiply(left: Buffer<T>, right: Buffer<T>): Buffer<T>
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open operator fun Buffer<T>.plus(arg: Buffer<T>): Buffer<T>
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fun <T, BA : BufferAlgebra<T, *>, PowerOperations<Buffer<T>>> SeriesAlgebra<T, *, BA, *>.power(arg: Buffer<T>, pow: Number): Series<T>
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inline fun series(size: Int, startOffset: Int = 0, crossinline block: A.(label: L) -> T): Series<T>

Build a new series by label positioned at startOffset.

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inline fun seriesByOffset(size: Int, startOffset: Int = 0, crossinline block: A.(offset: Int) -> T): Series<T>

Build a new series by offset positioned at startOffset.

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open operator fun Buffer<T>.times(arg: Buffer<T>): Buffer<T>
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open operator override fun Buffer<T>.unaryMinus(): Buffer<T>
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open fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: Buffer<T>): Buffer<T>
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open override fun unaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (arg: Buffer<T>) -> Buffer<T>
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open operator fun Buffer<T>.unaryPlus(): Buffer<T>
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inline fun Buffer<T>.zip(other: Buffer<T>, crossinline operation: A.(left: T, right: T) -> T): Series<T>

Zip two buffers in the range whe they overlap


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open override val bufferAlgebra: BA
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open val elementAlgebra: A
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Get a label buffer for given buffer.

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A range of valid offset indices. In general, does not start with zero.

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val offsetToLabel: (Int) -> L
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An offset of the buffer start relative to SeriesAlgebra zero offset