Package space.kscience.kmath.tensorflow


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class DoubleTensorFlowOutput(graph: Graph, output: Output<TFloat64>) : TensorFlowOutput<Double, TFloat64>
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class IntTensorFlowOutput(graph: Graph, output: Output<TInt32>) : TensorFlowOutput<Int, TInt32>
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class LongTensorFlowOutput(graph: Graph, output: Output<TInt64>) : TensorFlowOutput<Long, TInt64>
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abstract class TensorFlowAlgebra<T, TT : TNumber, A : Ring<T>> : TensorAlgebra<T, A>
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value class TensorFlowArray<T>(tensor: NdArray<T>) : MutableStructureND<T>

Static (eager) in-memory TensorFlow tensor

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abstract class TensorFlowOutput<T, TT : TType>(graph: Graph, output: Output<TT>) : TensorFlowTensor<T>

Lazy graph-based TensorFlow tensor. The tensor is actualized on call.

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interface TensorFlowTensor<T> : MutableStructureND<T>


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fun <T, TT : TNumber, A : TrigonometricOperations<T>, Ring<T>> TensorFlowAlgebra<T, TT, A>.cos(arg: StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT>
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Compute several outputs with TensorFlow in a single run.

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fun DoubleField.produceWithTF(block: DoubleTensorFlowAlgebra.() -> StructureND<Double>): StructureND<Double>

Compute a tensor with TensorFlow in a single run.

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fun <T, TT : TNumber, A : TrigonometricOperations<T>, Ring<T>> TensorFlowAlgebra<T, TT, A>.sin(arg: StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT>