Package space.kscience.kmath.symja


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class SymjaExpression<T : Number, A : NumericAlgebra<T>>(algebra: A, mst: MST, evaluator: ExprEvaluator) : SpecialDifferentiableExpression<T, SymjaExpression<T, A>>


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fun MST.toIExpr(): IExpr

Matches the given MST instance to appropriate IExpr node, only standard operations and symbols (which are present in, say, MstExtendedField) are supported.

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fun IExpr.toMst(evaluator: ExprEvaluator = DEFAULT_EVALUATOR): MST

Matches the given IExpr instance to appropriate MST node or evaluates it with evaluator.

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fun <T : Number, A : NumericAlgebra<T>> MST.toSymjaExpression(algebra: A): SymjaExpression<T, A>

Wraps this MST into SymjaExpression in the context of algebra.