WIP: Простая конфигурация устройств через спецификации #12

kolpakov.mm wants to merge 2 commits from dev-maxim into dev

Добавлены некоторые базовые автотесты для создания устройств по спецификациям. Добавлена возможность включения внутри устройства других устройств с их собственными спецификациями. На примере анализатора жидкостей.

Добавлены некоторые базовые автотесты для создания устройств по спецификациям. Добавлена возможность включения внутри устройства других устройств с их собственными спецификациями. На примере анализатора жидкостей.
kolpakov.mm added 1 commit 2024-10-10 21:22:25 +03:00
kolpakov.mm added 1 commit 2024-10-24 18:20:03 +03:00
kolpakov.mm changed title from WIP: Add simple expressions and equations to WIP: Простая конфигурация устройств через спецификации 2024-10-24 18:27:54 +03:00
altavir requested changes 2024-10-31 15:47:30 +03:00
altavir left a comment

Create a separate demo project under demo instead of doing everything in tests. Replace Russian with English. Remove debug prints. Use device logger when it is needed.

Create a separate demo project under `demo` instead of doing everything in tests. Replace Russian with English. Remove debug prints. Use device logger when it is needed.
@ -16,10 +16,13 @@ kscience{
commonMain {

Use libs.versions for version storage or use spclibs reference

Use libs.versions for version storage or use `spclibs` reference
@ -77,0 +78,4 @@
* Create and register a derived state.
public fun <T> derivedState(

What is the reason for this method in the state container? Why computeValue does not take parameters?

What is the reason for this method in the state container? Why `computeValue` does not take parameters?
@ -77,0 +80,4 @@
public fun <T> derivedState(
dependencies: List<DeviceState<*>>,
computeValue: () -> T,

Should be suspended

Should be suspended
@ -53,0 +53,4 @@
public fun <T> DeviceState.Companion.derived(
scope: CoroutineScope,
dependencies: List<DeviceState<*>>,
computeValue: () -> T

Should use suspended function

Should use suspended function
@ -57,2 +63,4 @@
public fun <T> DeviceState.Companion.fromFlow(

Should be documented

Should be documented
@ -103,0 +134,4 @@
) : DeviceStateWithDependencies<T> {
private val _valueFlow: StateFlow<T>
init {

Don't assign values in init. Use fake constructor if needed

Don't assign values in init. Use fake constructor if needed
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package space.kscience.controls.constructor.dsl.core
* Класс для представления аннотации.

Rewrite comments in English

Rewrite comments in English
@ -7,0 +15,4 @@
* Converts a value from this unit to the base unit.
public fun toBase(value: Double): Double

Not clear how we select the base unit. Probably better documentation is needed. Is it better than the external dispatch that is used right now?

Not clear how we select the base unit. Probably better documentation is needed. Is it better than the external dispatch that is used right now?
@ -0,0 +38,4 @@
val maxPosition: Int = meta["maxPosition"].int ?: 100
// Получить текущую позицию мотора
suspend fun getPosition(): Int = _position

probably better to use readPosition instead of getPosition. It communicates what the functions do better.

probably better to use `readPosition` instead of `getPosition`. It communicates what the functions do better.
@ -0,0 +41,4 @@
suspend fun getPosition(): Int = _position
// Установить позицию мотора
suspend fun setPosition(value: Int) {

Consider encapsulating those functions.

Consider encapsulating those functions.
@ -0,0 +68,4 @@
// Реализация устройства клапана
class ValveDevice(

Maybe call it VirtualValv or similar to discriminate between virtual devices and real ones.

Maybe call it `VirtualValv` or similar to discriminate between virtual devices and real ones.
@ -0,0 +82,4 @@
suspend fun setState(value: Boolean) {
_state = value
val stateStr = if (_state) "открыт" else "закрыт"
println("ValveDevice: Клапан теперь $stateStr")

Remove debug prints. Use property subscription for testing. Don't use Russian.

Remove debug prints. Use property subscription for testing. Don't use Russian.
@ -0,0 +120,4 @@
private var _pressure: Double = 0.0
// Получить текущее давление
suspend fun getPressure(): Double = _pressure


@ -0,0 +264,4 @@
// Выполнить забор пробы
suspend fun performSampling() {
println("NeedleDevice: Забор пробы в позиции $position мм")

Remove debug prints. If needed, use device log

Remove debug prints. If needed, use device log
@ -0,0 +371,4 @@
) : DeviceBySpec<AnalyzerDevice>(AnalyzerSpec, context, meta) {
val transportationSystem: TransportationSystem
get() = nestedDevices["transportationSystem"] as TransportationSystem

Probably better to use DeviceGroup API?

Probably better to use DeviceGroup API?
kolpakov.mm closed this pull request 2024-12-18 23:39:39 +03:00

Pull request closed

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