
class MultikIntAlgebra(multikEngine: Engine) : MultikTensorAlgebra<Int, IntRing> (source)


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constructor(multikEngine: Engine)


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open override fun add(left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>): Tensor<Int>
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.argMax(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<Int>
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.argMin(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<Int>
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Convert a tensor to MultikTensor if necessary. If tensor is converted, changes on the resulting tensor are not reflected back onto the source

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open fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open override fun binaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>) -> StructureND<Int>
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open fun bindSymbol(value: String): StructureND<Int>
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open override fun diagonalEmbedding(diagonalEntries: StructureND<Int>, offset: Int, dim1: Int, dim2: Int): MultikTensor<Int>
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open infix override fun StructureND<Int>.dot(other: StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
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open fun <F : StructureFeature> getFeature(structure: StructureND<Int>, type: KClass<out F>): F?
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open override fun Tensor<Int>.getTensor(i: Int): MultikTensor<Int>
open fun Tensor<Int>.getTensor(first: Int, second: Int): Tensor<Int>
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open operator fun (Int) -> Int.invoke(structure: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.map(transform: IntRing.(Int) -> Int): MultikTensor<Int>
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.mapIndexed(transform: IntRing.(index: IntArray, Int) -> Int): MultikTensor<Int>
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inline fun <T> MutableStructureND<T>.mapIndexedInPlace(operation: (index: IntArray, t: T) -> T)

Transform a structure element-by element in place.

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open override fun StructureND<Int>.max(): Int?
open override fun StructureND<Int>.max(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<Int>
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.min(): Int?
open override fun StructureND<Int>.min(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<Int>
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open operator override fun Int.minus(arg: StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.minus(arg: Int): MultikTensor<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.minus(arg: StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
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open operator override fun Tensor<Int>.minusAssign(value: Int)
open operator override fun Tensor<Int>.minusAssign(arg: StructureND<Int>)
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open override fun multiply(left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>): Tensor<Int>
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open operator override fun StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.plus(arg: Int): MultikTensor<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.plus(arg: StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
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open operator override fun Tensor<Int>.plusAssign(value: Int)
open operator override fun Tensor<Int>.plusAssign(arg: StructureND<Int>)
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open override fun scalar(value: Int): MultikTensor<Int>
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open override fun structureND(shape: ShapeND, initializer: IntRing.(IntArray) -> Int): MultikTensor<Int>
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.sum(): Int
open override fun StructureND<Int>.sum(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): MultikTensor<Int>
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open operator override fun Int.times(arg: StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.times(arg: Int): Tensor<Int>
open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.times(arg: StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
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open operator override fun Tensor<Int>.timesAssign(value: Int)
open operator override fun Tensor<Int>.timesAssign(arg: StructureND<Int>)
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.transposed(i: Int, j: Int): MultikTensor<Int>
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open operator override fun StructureND<Int>.unaryMinus(): MultikTensor<Int>
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open fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: StructureND<Int>): StructureND<Int>
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open override fun unaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (arg: StructureND<Int>) -> StructureND<Int>
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open operator fun StructureND<Int>.unaryPlus(): StructureND<Int>
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open fun StructureND<Int>.value(): Int
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open override fun StructureND<Int>.valueOrNull(): Int?
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open override fun Tensor<Int>.view(shape: ShapeND): MultikTensor<Int>
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open override fun Tensor<Int>.viewAs(other: StructureND<Int>): MultikTensor<Int>
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fun MutableMultiArray<Int, *>.wrap(): MultikTensor<Int>
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open override fun zip(left: StructureND<Int>, right: StructureND<Int>, transform: IntRing.(Int, Int) -> Int): MultikTensor<Int>


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open override val elementAlgebra: IntRing
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open override val type: DataType