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Create a histogram group with custom cell borders

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fun <V : Any, A : Ring<V>, ScaleOperations<V>> Histogram.Companion.uniform1D(valueAlgebra: A, binSize: Double, startPoint: Double = 0.0): UniformHistogram1DGroup<V, A>
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fun <V : Any, A : Field<V>> Histogram.Companion.uniformNDFromRanges(valueAlgebraND: FieldOpsND<V, A>, vararg ranges: Pair<ClosedFloatingPointRange<Double>, Int>, bufferFactory: BufferFactory<V> = valueAlgebraND.elementAlgebra.bufferFactory): UniformHistogramGroupND<V, A>
fun <V : Any, A : Field<V>> Histogram.Companion.uniformNDFromRanges(valueAlgebraND: FieldOpsND<V, A>, vararg ranges: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Double>, bufferFactory: BufferFactory<V> = valueAlgebraND.elementAlgebra.bufferFactory): UniformHistogramGroupND<V, A>

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