A simplified double-based spline-interpolation-based analytic integration
IntegrationRange—the univariate range of integration. By default, uses
interval.IntegrandMaxCalls—the maximum number of function calls during integration. For non-iterative rules, always uses the maximum number of points. By default, uses 10 points.
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fun <T : Any> UnivariateIntegrator<T>.integrate(vararg features: IntegrandFeature, function: (Double) -> T): UnivariateIntegrand<T>
A shortcut method to integrate a function with additional features. Range must be provided in features. The function is placed in the end position to allow passing a lambda.
fun <T : Any> UnivariateIntegrator<T>.integrate(range: ClosedRange<Double>, vararg features: IntegrandFeature, function: (Double) -> T): UnivariateIntegrand<T>
A shortcut method to integrate a function in range with additional features. The function is placed in the end position to allow passing a lambda.
fun <T : Any> UnivariateIntegrator<T>.integrate(range: ClosedRange<Double>, featureBuilder: MutableList<IntegrandFeature>.() -> Unit = {}, function: (Double) -> T): UnivariateIntegrand<T>
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Runs one integration pass and return a new Integrand with a new set of features.