
Arithmetic context for univariate polynomials with coefficients stored as a List constructed with the provided ring of constants.



the type of constants. Polynomials have them a coefficients in their terms.


type of provided underlying ring of constants. It's Ring of C.


underlying ring of constants of type A.


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constructor(ring: A)


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open override fun add(left: Polynomial<C>, right: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
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inline fun Polynomial<C>.asFunction(): (C) -> C

Represent this polynomial as a regular context-less function.

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Converts the constant to polynomial.

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open fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: Polynomial<C>, right: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
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open override fun binaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Polynomial<C>, right: Polynomial<C>) -> Polynomial<C>
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open fun bindSymbol(value: String): Polynomial<C>
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open fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): Polynomial<C>?
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open operator fun Polynomial<C>.div(k: Number): Polynomial<C>
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open fun export(arg: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
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inline operator fun Polynomial<C>.invoke(argument: C): C

Evaluates value of this polynomial on provided argument.

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operator fun C.minus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
operator fun Polynomial<C>.minus(other: C): Polynomial<C>

Returns difference between the constant represented as a polynomial and the polynomial.

open operator override fun Polynomial<C>.minus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>

Returns difference of the polynomials.

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open override fun multiply(left: Polynomial<C>, right: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
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fun number(value: C): Polynomial<C>

Converts the constant value to polynomial.

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operator fun C.plus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
operator fun Polynomial<C>.plus(other: C): Polynomial<C>

Returns sum of the constant represented as a polynomial and the polynomial.

open operator override fun Polynomial<C>.plus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>

Returns sum of the polynomials.

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open fun power(arg: Polynomial<C>, pow: UInt): Polynomial<C>
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open override fun scale(a: Polynomial<C>, value: Double): Polynomial<C>
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inline fun Polynomial<C>.substitute(argument: C): C

Evaluates value of this polynomial on provided argument.

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operator fun C.times(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
operator fun Polynomial<C>.times(other: C): Polynomial<C>

Returns product of the constant represented as a polynomial and the polynomial.

open operator override fun Polynomial<C>.times(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>

Returns product of the polynomials.

open operator fun Number.times(arg: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
open operator fun Polynomial<C>.times(k: Number): Polynomial<C>
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open operator override fun Polynomial<C>.unaryMinus(): Polynomial<C>

Returns negation of the polynomial.

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open fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C>
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open override fun unaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (arg: Polynomial<C>) -> Polynomial<C>
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open operator fun Polynomial<C>.unaryPlus(): Polynomial<C>


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Instance of unit constant (unit of the underlying ring).

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Instance of zero constant (zero of the underlying ring).

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Degree of the polynomial, see also. If the polynomial is zero, degree is -1.

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open override val one: Polynomial<C>

Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the polynomial ring).

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val ring: A

Underlying ring of constants. Its operations on constants are used by local operations on constants and polynomials.

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open override val zero: Polynomial<C>

Instance of zero polynomial (zero of the polynomial ring).