
Represents piecewise-defined function where all the sub-functions are polynomials.


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fun <T : Comparable<T>, C : Ring<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.asFunction(ring: C): (T) -> T?

Convert this polynomial to a function returning nullable value (null if argument is outside piecewise range).

fun <T : Comparable<T>, C : Ring<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.asFunction(ring: C, defaultValue: T): (T) -> T

Convert this polynomial to a function using defaultValue for arguments outside the piecewise range.

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abstract override fun findPiece(arg: T): Polynomial<T>?

Returns the appropriate sub-function for given piece key.

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Compute analytical indefinite integral of this PiecewisePolynomial, keeping all intervals intact

Compute definite integral of given PiecewisePolynomial piece by piece in a given range Requires UnivariateIntegrationNodes or IntegrationRange and IntegrandMaxCalls

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fun <T : Comparable<T>, C : Ring<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.value(ring: C, arg: T): T?

Return a value of polynomial function with given ring a given arg or null if argument is outside piecewise definition.


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An ordered list of range-polynomial pairs. The list does not in general guarantee that there are no "holes" in it.