
interface Chain<out T> : Flow<T> (source)

A not-necessary-Markov chain of some type



the chain element type



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object Companion


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Represent a chain as a sequence

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inline fun <T, R> Flow<T>.async(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default, crossinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.(T) -> R): AsyncFlow<R>
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fun Flow<Double>.chunked(bufferSize: Int): Flow<DoubleBuffer>

Specialized flow chunker for real buffer

fun <T> Flow<T>.chunked(bufferSize: Int, bufferFactory: BufferFactory<T>): Flow<Buffer<T>>

Collect incoming flow into fixed size chunks

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open suspend override fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>)
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fun <T, R> Chain<T>.combine(mapper: suspend (Chain<T>) -> R): Chain<R>

Map the whole chain

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fun <T, S, R> Chain<T>.combineWithState(state: S, stateFork: (S) -> S, mapper: suspend S.(Chain<T>) -> R): Chain<R>
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fun <T> Flow<T>.cumulativeSum(group: GroupOps<T>): Flow<T>
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fun <T> Chain<T>.filter(block: (T) -> Boolean): Chain<T>

block must be a pure function or at least not use external random variables, otherwise fork could be broken

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abstract suspend fun fork(): Chain<T>

Create a copy of current chain state. Consuming resulting chain does not affect initial chain.

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operator fun <R> Chain<R>.iterator(): Iterator<R>

Represent a chain as regular iterator (uses blocking calls)

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fun <T, R> Chain<T>.map(func: suspend (T) -> R): Chain<R>

Map the chain result using suspended transformation. Initial chain result can no longer be safely consumed since mapped chain consumes tokens. Accepts regular transformation function.

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inline fun <T, R> Flow<T>.mapParallel(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default, crossinline transform: suspend (T) -> R): Flow<R>
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abstract suspend fun next(): T

Generate next value, changing state if needed

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Chain<T>.nextBuffer(size: Int): Buffer<T>
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fun <T> Flow<Buffer<T>>.spread(): Flow<T>

Flat map a Flow of Buffer into continuous Flow of elements

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fun <T> Flow<T>.windowed(window: Int): Flow<Buffer<T>>

Map a flow to a moving window buffer. The window step is one. To get different steps, one could use skip operation.

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fun <T, U, R> Chain<T>.zip(other: Chain<U>, block: suspend (T, U) -> R): Chain<R>

Zip two chains together using given transformation