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doc_shard Binary meta envelope 50 binary_meta false

Binary meta format is made to limit size and simplify parsing to automatic messages. The notation for the node looks the following way (all numeric values use BigEndian encoding):

                                                                                      All strings are encoded in a following way: 2 bytes for string length, byte array of given length representing UTF-8 encoded string.
                                                                                      1. Meta name as string.
                                                                                      2. 2 bytes unsigned integer representing the number of values in the node. Could be zero.
                                                                                      3. For each of values an encoded name of the value and then:
                                                                                          * `0` for Null value.
                                                                                          * `T` for `TIME` value, followed by two unsigned long values representing epoch second and nanosecond adjustment.
                                                                                          * `S` for `STRING` value followed by encoded string.
                                                                                          * `D` for double based `NUMBER` followed by double (double encoding specified by [Java serialization](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/io/DataOutput.html#writeDouble-double-)).
                                                                                          * `I` for integer based `NUMBER` followed by signed 4-bytes integer value.
                                                                                          * `B` for [`BigDecimal`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/math/BigDecimal.html) based `NUMBER` followed by 2-byte unsigned integer defining the number of bytes in representation, bytes themselves and 4-byte scale factor.
                                                                                          * `+` for boolean `true`.
                                                                                          * `-` for boolean `false`.
                                                                                          * `L` for list value and then 2-byte list size followed by sequence of values (as in item 3, but without a name).
                                                                                      4. 2 bytes unsigned integer representing the number of child nodes in this node. Could be zero.
                                                                                      5. For each of child nodes:
                                                                                          * child node name,
                                                                                          * 2-byte unsigned integer representing number of children with this name.
                                                                                          * The sequence of nodes with given name encoding like the root node, but without name.