2022-01-23 15:06:47 +03:00

240 lines
12 KiB

package space.kscience.visionforge.examples
import space.kscience.gdml.*
import space.kscience.visionforge.gdml.toVision
import space.kscience.visionforge.html.ResourceLocation
import space.kscience.visionforge.solid.Solids
import space.kscience.visionforge.solid.color
import space.kscience.visionforge.solid.invoke
import space.kscience.visionforge.visible
import java.nio.file.Path
fun main() = makeVisionFile(Path.of("curves.html"), resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.EMBED) {
vision("canvas") {
Gdml {
// geometry variables
val worldSize = 500
// chamber
val chamberHeight = 30 // length of the chamber
val chamberDiameter = 102 // inner diameter of the copper chamber
val chamberOuterSquareSide = 134 // chamber has a square footprint
val chamberBackplateThickness = 15 // thickness of the backplate of the chamber
// teflon disk
val cathodeTeflonDiskHoleRadius = 15
val cathodeTeflonDiskThickness = 5
val cathodeCopperSupportOuterRadius = 45
val cathodeCopperSupportInnerRadius = 8.5
val cathodeCopperSupportThickness = 1
// mylar cathode
val mylarCathodeThickness = 0.004
// patern
val cathodePatternLineWidth = 0.3
val cathodePatternDiskRadius = 4.25
// readout
val chamberTeflonWallThickness = 1
val readoutKaptonThickness = 0.5
val readoutCopperThickness = 0.2
val readoutPlaneSide = 60
structure {
val worldMaterial = materials.composite("G4_AIR")
val worldBox = solids.box(worldSize, worldSize, worldSize, name = "world")
val shieldingMaterial = materials.composite("G4_Pb")
val scintillatorMaterial = materials.composite("BC408")
val captureMaterial = materials.composite("G4_Cd")
// chamber
val copperMaterial = materials.composite("G4_Cu")
val chamberSolidBase = solids.box(chamberOuterSquareSide, chamberOuterSquareSide, chamberHeight)
val chamberSolidHole = solids.tube(chamberDiameter / 2, chamberHeight)
val chamberSolid = solids.subtraction(chamberSolidBase, chamberSolidHole)
val chamberBodyVolume = volume(copperMaterial, chamberSolid)
val chamberBackplateSolid =
solids.box(chamberOuterSquareSide, chamberOuterSquareSide, chamberBackplateThickness)
val chamberBackplateVolume = volume(copperMaterial, chamberBackplateSolid)
// chamber teflon walls
val teflonMaterial = materials.composite("G4_TEFLON")
val chamberTeflonWallSolid = solids.tube(chamberDiameter / 2, chamberHeight) {
rmin = chamberDiameter / 2.0 - chamberTeflonWallThickness
val chamberTeflonWallVolume = volume(teflonMaterial, chamberTeflonWallSolid)
// cathode
val cathodeCopperDiskMaterial = materials.composite("G4_Cu")
val cathodeWindowMaterial = materials.composite("G4_MYLAR")
val cathodeTeflonDiskSolidBase =
solids.tube(chamberOuterSquareSide / 2, cathodeTeflonDiskThickness) {
rmin = cathodeTeflonDiskHoleRadius
val cathodeCopperDiskSolid =
solids.tube(cathodeCopperSupportOuterRadius, cathodeCopperSupportThickness) {
rmin = cathodeCopperSupportInnerRadius
val cathodeTeflonDiskSolid = solids.subtraction(cathodeTeflonDiskSolidBase, cathodeCopperDiskSolid)
val cathodeTeflonDiskVolume = volume(teflonMaterial, cathodeTeflonDiskSolid)
val cathodeWindowSolid = solids.tube(cathodeTeflonDiskHoleRadius, mylarCathodeThickness)
val cathodeWindowVolume = volume(cathodeWindowMaterial, cathodeWindowSolid)
val cathodeFillingMaterial = materials.composite("G4_Galactic")
val cathodeFillingSolidBase = solids.tube(cathodeTeflonDiskHoleRadius, cathodeTeflonDiskThickness)
val cathodeFillingSolid = solids.subtraction(cathodeFillingSolidBase, cathodeCopperDiskSolid) {
position(z = chamberHeight / 2 - mylarCathodeThickness / 2)
val cathodeFillingVolume = volume(cathodeFillingMaterial, cathodeFillingSolid)
// pattern
val cathodePatternLineAux = solids.box(
cathodeCopperSupportInnerRadius * 2,
val cathodePatternCentralHole = solids.tube(
cathodePatternDiskRadius - 0 * cathodePatternLineWidth,
cathodeCopperSupportThickness * 1.1
val cathodePatternLine = solids.subtraction(cathodePatternLineAux, cathodePatternCentralHole)
val cathodePatternDisk = solids.tube(
) { rmin = cathodePatternDiskRadius - cathodePatternLineWidth }
val cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux0 =
solids.union(cathodeCopperDiskSolid, cathodePatternLine) {
rotation(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0)
val cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux1 =
solids.union(cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux0, cathodePatternLine) {
rotation = GdmlRotation(
"cathodePatternRotation1", x = 0, y = 0, z = 45
val cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux2 =
solids.union(cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux1, cathodePatternLine) {
rotation = GdmlRotation(
"cathodePatternRotation2", x = 0, y = 0, z = 90
val cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux3 =
solids.union(cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux2, cathodePatternLine) {
rotation = GdmlRotation(
"cathodePatternRotation3", x = 0, y = 0, z = 135
val cathodeCopperDiskFinal =
solids.union(cathodeCopperDiskSolidAux3, cathodePatternDisk)
val cathodeCopperDiskVolume =
volume(cathodeCopperDiskMaterial, cathodeCopperDiskFinal)
val gasSolidOriginal = solids.tube(
chamberDiameter / 2 - chamberTeflonWallThickness,
val kaptonReadoutMaterial = materials.composite("G4_KAPTON")
val kaptonReadoutSolid = solids.box(
val kaptonReadoutVolume = volume( kaptonReadoutMaterial, kaptonReadoutSolid)
val copperReadoutSolid =
solids.box(readoutPlaneSide, readoutPlaneSide, readoutCopperThickness)
val copperReadoutVolume = volume(copperMaterial, copperReadoutSolid)
val gasSolidAux =
solids.subtraction(gasSolidOriginal, copperReadoutSolid) {
position(z = -chamberHeight / 2 + readoutCopperThickness / 2)
val gasMaterial = materials.composite("G4_Ar")
val gasSolid =
solids.subtraction( gasSolidAux, cathodeWindowSolid) {
position(z = chamberHeight / 2 - mylarCathodeThickness / 2)
rotation(z = 45)
val gasVolume = volume(gasMaterial, gasSolid)
// world setup
world = volume(worldMaterial, worldBox) {
physVolume(gasVolume) {
name = "gas"
physVolume(kaptonReadoutVolume) {
name = "kaptonReadout"
position {
z = -chamberHeight / 2 - readoutKaptonThickness / 2
physVolume(copperReadoutVolume) {
name = "copperReadout"
position {
z = -chamberHeight / 2 + readoutCopperThickness / 2
rotation { z = 45 }
physVolume(chamberBodyVolume) {
name = "chamberBody"
physVolume(chamberBackplateVolume) {
name = "chamberBackplate"
position {
z = -chamberHeight / 2 - readoutKaptonThickness - chamberBackplateThickness / 2
physVolume(chamberTeflonWallVolume) {
name = "chamberTeflonWall"
physVolume(cathodeTeflonDiskVolume) {
name = "cathodeTeflonDisk"
position {
z = chamberHeight / 2 + cathodeTeflonDiskThickness / 2
physVolume(cathodeCopperDiskVolume) {
name = "cathodeCopperDisk"
position {
z = chamberHeight / 2 + cathodeCopperSupportThickness / 2
physVolume(cathodeWindowVolume) {
name = "cathodeWindow"
position {
z = chamberHeight / 2 - mylarCathodeThickness / 2
physVolume(cathodeFillingVolume) {
name = "cathodeFilling"
position {
z = chamberHeight / 2 + cathodeTeflonDiskThickness / 2
}.toVision {
configure { _, solid, _ ->
//disable visibility for the world box
if(solid.name == "world"){
visible = false
} else {
//make all solids semi-transparent