feature/root #69

altavir merged 23 commits from feature/root into dev 2021-09-11 19:14:21 +03:00
10 changed files with 200 additions and 184 deletions
Showing only changes of commit bdbe940272 - Show all commits

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ allprojects {
group = "space.kscience"
version = "0.2.0-dev-23"
version = "0.2.0-dev-24"
subprojects {

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ public fun MetaProvider.doubleArray(
it?.doubleArray ?: doubleArrayOf(*default)
public class DObjectCache(private val cache: List<Meta>, public val refStack: List<Int> = emptyList()) {
public operator fun get(index: Int): Meta = cache[index]
@ -25,28 +24,6 @@ public class DObjectCache(private val cache: List<Meta>, public val refStack: Li
public val empty: DObjectCache = DObjectCache(emptyList(), emptyList())
//public interface ObjectRef<T : DObject> {
// public fun resolve(): T?
//public class ChildObjectRef<T : DObject>(
// public val builder: (Meta, DObjectCache) -> T,
// public val refCache: DObjectCache,
// public val metaProvider: () -> Meta?
//) : ObjectRef<T> {
// override fun resolve(): T? {
// val meta = metaProvider() ?: return null
// meta["\$ref"]?.int?.let { refId ->
// if (refCache.refStack.contains(refId)) {
// println("Circular reference $refId in stack ${refCache.refStack}")
// return null
// }
// return builder(refCache[refId], refCache.stack(refId))
// }
// return builder(meta, refCache)
// }
public open class DObject(public val meta: Meta, private val refCache: DObjectCache) {

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.*
import space.kscience.dataforge.names.Name
import space.kscience.dataforge.names.plus
import space.kscience.dataforge.values.doubleArray
import space.kscience.visionforge.isEmpty
import space.kscience.visionforge.solid.*
import space.kscience.visionforge.solid.SolidMaterial.Companion.MATERIAL_COLOR_KEY
import kotlin.math.*
@ -16,7 +17,16 @@ private operator fun Number.times(f: Float) = toFloat() * f
private fun degToRad(d: Double) = d * PI / 180.0
private class RootToSolidContext(val prototypeHolder: PrototypeHolder)
private class RootToSolidContext(val prototypeHolder: PrototypeHolder, val maxLayer: Int = 3) {
val layers: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf(0)
val layerLimits = listOf(10_000, 25_000, 50_000, 100_000, 200_000, 400_000, 600_000)
val bottomLayer: Int get() = layers.size - 1
fun addLayer() {
// converting to XYZ to TaitBryan angles according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles#Rotation_matrix
private fun Solid.rotate(rot: DoubleArray) {
@ -67,157 +77,164 @@ private fun Solid.useMatrix(matrix: DGeoMatrix?) {
private fun SolidGroup.addShape(
shape: DGeoShape,
context: RootToSolidContext,
name: String? = shape.fName.ifEmpty { null }
): Solid? = when (shape.typename) {
"TGeoCompositeShape" -> {
val fNode: DGeoBoolNode? by shape.dObject(::DGeoBoolNode)
val node = fNode ?: error("Composite shape node not resolved")
val compositeType = when (node.typename) {
"TGeoIntersection" -> CompositeType.INTERSECT
"TGeoSubtraction" -> CompositeType.SUBTRACT
"TGeoUnion" -> CompositeType.GROUP
else -> error("Unknown bool node type ${node.typename}")
smartComposite(compositeType, name = name) {
addShape(node.fLeft!!, context, null).also {
if (it == null) TODO()
name: String? = shape.fName.ifEmpty { null },
block: Solid.() -> Unit = {}
) {
when (shape.typename) {
"TGeoCompositeShape" -> {
val fNode: DGeoBoolNode? by shape.dObject(::DGeoBoolNode)
val node = fNode ?: error("Composite shape node not resolved")
val compositeType = when (node.typename) {
"TGeoIntersection" -> CompositeType.INTERSECT
"TGeoSubtraction" -> CompositeType.SUBTRACT
"TGeoUnion" -> CompositeType.GROUP
else -> error("Unknown bool node type ${node.typename}")
addShape(node.fRight!!, context, null).also {
if (it == null) TODO()
"TGeoXtru" -> {
val fNvert by shape.meta.int(0)
val fX by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fY by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fNz by shape.meta.int(0)
val fZ by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fX0 by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fY0 by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fScale by shape.meta.doubleArray()
extruded(name = name) {
(0 until fNvert).forEach { index ->
shape {
point(fX[index], fY[index])
smartComposite(compositeType, name = name) {
addShape(node.fLeft!!, context, null) {
(0 until fNz).forEach { index ->
addShape(node.fRight!!, context, null) {
"TGeoTube" -> {
val fRmax by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fDz by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fRmin by shape.meta.double(0.0)
"TGeoXtru" -> {
val fNvert by shape.meta.int(0)
val fX by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fY by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fNz by shape.meta.int(0)
val fZ by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fX0 by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fY0 by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fScale by shape.meta.doubleArray()
radius = fRmax,
height = fDz * 2,
innerRadius = fRmin,
name = name
"TGeoTubeSeg" -> {
val fRmax by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fDz by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fRmin by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fPhi1 by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fPhi2 by shape.meta.double(0.0)
extruded(name = name) {
(0 until fNvert).forEach { index ->
shape {
point(fX[index], fY[index])
radius = fRmax,
height = fDz * 2,
innerRadius = fRmin,
startAngle = degToRad(fPhi1),
angle = degToRad(fPhi2 - fPhi1),
name = name
"TGeoPcon" -> {
val fDphi by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fNz by shape.meta.int(2)
val fPhi1 by shape.meta.double(360.0)
val fRmax by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fRmin by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fZ by shape.meta.doubleArray()
if (fNz == 2) {
bottomOuterRadius = fRmax[0],
bottomInnerRadius = fRmin[0],
height = fZ[1] - fZ[0],
topOuterRadius = fRmax[1],
topInnerRadius = fRmin[1],
(0 until fNz).forEach { index ->
"TGeoTube" -> {
val fRmax by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fDz by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fRmin by shape.meta.double(0.0)
radius = fRmax,
height = fDz * 2,
innerRadius = fRmin,
name = name,
block = block
"TGeoTubeSeg" -> {
val fRmax by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fDz by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fRmin by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fPhi1 by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fPhi2 by shape.meta.double(0.0)
radius = fRmax,
height = fDz * 2,
innerRadius = fRmin,
startAngle = degToRad(fPhi1),
angle = degToRad(fDphi),
name = name
) {
z = (fZ[1] + fZ[0]) / 2
} else {
angle = degToRad(fPhi2 - fPhi1),
name = name,
block = block
"TGeoPgon" -> {
val fDphi by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fNz by shape.meta.int(2)
val fPhi1 by shape.meta.double(360.0)
val fRmax by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fRmin by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fZ by shape.meta.doubleArray()
"TGeoPcon" -> {
val fDphi by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fNz by shape.meta.int(2)
val fPhi1 by shape.meta.double(360.0)
val fRmax by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fRmin by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fZ by shape.meta.doubleArray()
if (fNz == 2) {
bottomOuterRadius = fRmax[0],
bottomInnerRadius = fRmin[0],
height = fZ[1] - fZ[0],
topOuterRadius = fRmax[1],
topInnerRadius = fRmin[1],
startAngle = degToRad(fPhi1),
angle = degToRad(fDphi),
name = name,
) {
z = (fZ[1] + fZ[0]) / 2
val fNedges by shape.meta.int(1)
} else {
"TGeoPgon" -> {
val fDphi by shape.meta.double(0.0)
val fNz by shape.meta.int(2)
val fPhi1 by shape.meta.double(360.0)
val fRmax by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fRmin by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val fZ by shape.meta.doubleArray()
val startphi = degToRad(fPhi1)
val deltaphi = degToRad(fDphi)
val fNedges by shape.meta.int(1)
extruded(name) {
//getting the radius of first
require(fNz > 1) { "The polyhedron geometry requires at least two planes" }
val baseRadius = fRmax[0]
shape {
(0..fNedges).forEach {
val phi = deltaphi * fNedges * it + startphi
(baseRadius * cos(phi) to baseRadius * sin(phi))
val startphi = degToRad(fPhi1)
val deltaphi = degToRad(fDphi)
extruded(name) {
//getting the radius of first
require(fNz > 1) { "The polyhedron geometry requires at least two planes" }
val baseRadius = fRmax[0]
shape {
(0..fNedges).forEach {
val phi = deltaphi * fNedges * it + startphi
(baseRadius * cos(phi) to baseRadius * sin(phi))
(0 until fNz).forEach { index ->
//scaling all radii relative to first layer radius
layer(fZ[index], scale = fRmax[index] / baseRadius)
(0 until fNz).forEach { index ->
//scaling all radii relative to first layer radius
layer(fZ[index], scale = fRmax[index] / baseRadius)
"TGeoShapeAssembly" -> {
val fVolume by shape.dObject(::DGeoVolume)
fVolume?.let { volume ->
addRootVolume(volume, context, block = block)
"TGeoShapeAssembly" -> {
val fVolume by shape.dObject(::DGeoVolume)
fVolume?.let { volume ->
addRootVolume(volume, context)
"TGeoBBox" -> {
box(shape.fDX * 2, shape.fDY * 2, shape.fDZ * 2, name = name, block = block)
else -> {
TODO("A shape with type ${shape.typename} not implemented")
"TGeoBBox" -> {
box(shape.fDX * 2, shape.fDY * 2, shape.fDZ * 2, name = name)
else -> {
TODO("A shape with type ${shape.typename} not implemented")
private fun SolidGroup.addRootNode(obj: DGeoNode, context: RootToSolidContext) {
val volume = obj.fVolume ?: return
addRootVolume(volume, context, obj.fName).apply {
addRootVolume(volume, context, obj.fName) {
if (context.bottomLayer > 0) {
this.layer = context.bottomLayer
when (obj.typename) {
"TGeoNodeMatrix" -> {
val fMatrix by obj.dObject(::DGeoMatrix)
"TGeoNodeOffset" -> {
val fOffset by obj.meta.double(0.0)
@ -227,19 +244,29 @@ private fun SolidGroup.addRootNode(obj: DGeoNode, context: RootToSolidContext) {
private fun buildVolume(volume: DGeoVolume, context: RootToSolidContext): Solid {
private fun buildVolume(volume: DGeoVolume, context: RootToSolidContext): Solid? {
val group = SolidGroup {
if(volume.fNodes.isEmpty()) {
val nodesNum = volume.fNodes.size
if (nodesNum == 0) {
//TODO add smart filter
volume.fShape?.let { shape ->
addShape(shape, context)
val expectedLayerSize = context.layers.last() + nodesNum
//If expected number exceeds layer limit, move everything else to the bottom layer.
if (expectedLayerSize >= context.layerLimits[context.bottomLayer]) {
println("Adding new layer. Sizes after add: ${context.layers}")
context.layers[context.bottomLayer] += nodesNum
volume.fNodes.forEach { node ->
addRootNode(node, context)
return if (group.children.size == 1 && group.meta.isEmpty()) {
return if (group.isEmpty()) {
} else if (group.children.size == 1 && group.meta.isEmpty()) {
(group.children.values.first() as Solid).apply { parent = null }
} else {
@ -252,8 +279,15 @@ private fun SolidGroup.addRootVolume(
volume: DGeoVolume,
context: RootToSolidContext,
name: String? = null,
cache: Boolean = true
): Solid {
cache: Boolean = true,
block: Solid.() -> Unit = {}
) {
//skip if maximum layer number is reached
if (context.bottomLayer > context.maxLayer){
println("Maximum layer depth reached. Skipping ${volume.fName}")
val combinedName = if (volume.fName.isEmpty()) {
} else if (name == null) {
@ -262,23 +296,29 @@ private fun SolidGroup.addRootVolume(
return if (!cache) {
val group = buildVolume(volume, context)
if (!cache) {
val group = buildVolume(volume, context)?.apply {
volume.fFillColor?.let {
meta[MATERIAL_COLOR_KEY] = RootColors[it]
set(combinedName?.let { Name.parse(it) }, group)
} else {
val templateName = volumesName + volume.name
val existing = getPrototype(templateName)
if (existing == null) {
context.prototypeHolder.prototypes {
set(templateName, buildVolume(volume, context))
val group = buildVolume(volume, context)
set(templateName, group)
ref(templateName, name)
}.apply {
volume.fFillColor?.let {
meta[MATERIAL_COLOR_KEY] = RootColors[it]
ref(templateName, name).apply {
volume.fFillColor?.let {
meta[MATERIAL_COLOR_KEY] = RootColors[it]

View File

@ -65,12 +65,6 @@ application {
tasks.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJsCompile>() {
kotlinOptions {
freeCompilerArgs = freeCompilerArgs + "-Xir-property-lazy-initialization"
//distributions {
// main {
// contents {

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.get
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.isLeaf
import space.kscience.dataforge.values.string
import space.kscience.visionforge.solid.Solids
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.io.path.writeText
private fun Meta.countTypes(): Sequence<String> = sequence {
@ -37,12 +39,18 @@ fun main() {
val solid = geo.toSolid()
context.makeVisionFile {
vision("canvas") {
/* SolidGroup {
@ -99,6 +107,3 @@ fun main() {

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ kotlin.code.style=official

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ private fun RBuilder.visionTree(props: ObjectTreeProps): Unit {
.filter { !it.key.toString().startsWith("@") } // ignore statics and other hidden children
.sortedBy { (it.value as? VisionGroup)?.isEmpty ?: true } // ignore empty groups
.sortedBy { (it.value as? VisionGroup)?.isEmpty() ?: true } // ignore empty groups
.forEach { (childToken, child) ->
styledDiv {
css {

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public interface VisionGroup : Provider, Vision, VisionContainer<Vision> {
public operator fun VisionGroup.iterator(): Iterator<Vision> = children.values.iterator()
public val VisionGroup.isEmpty: Boolean get() = this.children.isEmpty()
public fun VisionGroup.isEmpty(): Boolean = this.children.isEmpty()
public interface VisionContainerBuilder<in V : Vision> {
//TODO add documentation

View File

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ internal fun checkOrStoreFile(htmlPath: Path, filePath: Path, resource: String):
if (!skip) {
logger.debug("File $fullPath does not exist or wrong checksum. Writing file")
Files.write(fullPath, bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)
Files.write(md5File, checksum.encodeToByteArray(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)
Files.write(fullPath, bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE,StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)
Files.write(md5File, checksum.encodeToByteArray(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)
return if (htmlPath.isAbsolute && fullPath.startsWith(htmlPath.parent)) {

View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ public inline fun VisionContainerBuilder<Solid>.box(
ySize: Number,
zSize: Number,
name: String? = null,
action: Box.() -> Unit = {},
): Box = Box(xSize.toFloat(), ySize.toFloat(), zSize.toFloat()).apply(action).also { set(name, it) }
block: Box.() -> Unit = {},
): Box = Box(xSize.toFloat(), ySize.toFloat(), zSize.toFloat()).apply(block).also { set(name, it) }