Pilot version of hierarchy.md (will be upgrated and supplemented for sure) #65
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# Hierarchy

**the image will be changed**
### Vision
* function `getPropertyValue(name: Name, inherit: Boolean = false, includeStyles: Boolean = true, includeDefaults: Boolean = true)` - get property value with given layer flags.
* function `getProperty(name: Name, inherit: Boolean, includeStyles: Boolean, includeDefaults: Boolean)`.
* function `setProperty(name: Name, item: Any?)` - a convenient method to set property node or value. If `item` is null, then node is removed, not a value
Sets the `item` property to the element with the `name` identification.
It gets properties of element with `name` identification.
`inherit` — toggles parent node property lookup. Null means inference from descriptor. Default is false.
`includeStyles` — toggles inclusion of. Null means inference from descriptor. Default is true.
`includeDefaults` — default is false.
### VisionBase
* function `setProperty(name: Name, item: MetaItem?, notify: Boolean = true)`
Basic vision implementation
Sets the `item` property to the element with the `name` identification. `notify` is a value which toggles the necessity of the change notification. Default is true.
### VisionGroup
A group of Visions.
### MutableVisionGroup
Mutable version of VisionGroup.
low structure changes of this group. Unconsumed changes are discarded.
### Solid
Interface for 3-dimensional Vision.
### SolidGroup
* function `getPrototype(name: Name)` - get a prototype redirecting the request to the parent if prototype is not found. If prototype is a ref, then it is unfolded automatically.
* function `prototypes(builder: VisionContainerBuilder<Solid>.() -> Unit)` - create or edit prototype node as a group.
### SolidReferenceGroup
A reference Solid to reuse a template object.
### RootVisionGroup
Non-serializable root group used to propagate manager to its children.
* function Vision.root(manager: VisionManager) - designate this [VisionGroup] as a root group and assign a [VisionManager] as its parent.
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interface Vision
interface Vision{
val parent: VisionGroup?
fun getPropertyValue(name,inherit,includeStyles,includeDefaults): Value?
interface Solid
Vision <- Solid
interface Solid{
The base for 3D geometry
Vision <-- Solid
class VisionGroup{
A group of Visions
class VisionGroup
val children: Map<NameToken, Vision>
val defaultTarget: String
fun content(target): Map<Name, Any>
fun get(name: Name): Vision?
Vision <-- VisionGroup
class VisionBase
Vision <- VisionBase
class VisionBase{
basic vision implementation
Vision <-- VisionBase
class SolidLabel
Solid <--- SolidLabel
SolidBase <-- SolidLabel
class SolidGroup
class SolidGroup{
var properties: MutableMeta?
val children: Map<NameToken, Vision>
var prototypes: MutableVisionGroup?
fun getPrototype(name): Solid?
fun prototypes(builder)
Solid <--- SolidGroup
VisionGroupBase <-- SolidGroup
class SolidBase
Solid <--- SolidBase
VisionBase <-- SolidBase
class SphereLayer
SolidBase <-- SphereLayer
GeometrySolid <-- SphereLayer
Solid <-- SphereLayer
class Sphere
SolidBase <-- Sphere
GeometrySolid <-- Sphere
Solid <-- Sphere
class Box
SolidBase <-- Box
Hexagon <-- Box
class GenericHexagon
SolidBase <-- GenericHexagon
Hexagon <-- GenericHexagon
class Extruded
SolidBase <-- Extruded
GeometrySolid <-- Extruded
Solid <-- Extruded
class PolyLine
Solid <--- PolyLine
SolidBase <-- PolyLine
interface GeometrySolid
Solid <--- GeometrySolid
interface Hexagon
GeometrySolid <-- Hexagon
Solid <-- Hexagon
class ConeSegment
GeometrySolid <-- ConeSegment
Solid <-- ConeSegment
class ConeSurface
GeometrySolid <-- ConeSurface
Solid <-- ConeSurface
class Convex
Solid <--- Convex
SolidBase <-- Convex
class Composite
Solid <--- Composite
SolidBase <-- Composite
interface SolidReference
interface SolidReference{
val prototype: Solid
fun getPropertyValue(name,inherit,includeStyles,includeDefaults): Value?
VisionGroup <---- SolidReference
interface MutableVisionGroup
class SolidReferenceGroup{
val refName: Name
var properties: MutableMeta?
val prototype: Solid
val children: Map<NameToken, Vision>
fun getPropertyValue(name,inherit,includeStyles,includeDefaults): Value?
VisionBase <-- SolidReferenceGroup
interface MutableVisionGroup{
fun onStructureChanged(owner, block)
fun removeStructureListener(owner)
VisionGroup <---- MutableVisionGroup
class SolidReferenceGroup
VisionGroup <-- SolidReferenceGroup
Solid <-- SolidReferenceGroup
VisionBase <-- SolidReferenceGroup
SolidReference <-- SolidReferenceGroup
class ReferenceChild
VisionGroup <-- ReferenceChild
Solid <-- ReferenceChild
SolidReference <-- ReferenceChild
class VisionGroupBase
class VisionGroupBase{
val children: Map<NameToken, Vision>
fun set(name: Name?, child: Vision?)
VisionBase <-- VisionGroupBase
MutableVisionGroup <-- VisionGroupBase
class RootVisionGroup
VisionGroupBase <-- RootVisionGroup
class VisionOfPlotly
class VisionOfPlotly{
var properties: MutableMeta?
val plot: Plot
VisionBase <-- VisionOfPlotly
class VisionOfMarkup{
val format: String
var content: String?
VisionBase <-- VisionOfMarkup
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user