GDML converter refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import hep.dataforge.names.Name
import hep.dataforge.names.asName
import hep.dataforge.names.toName
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ import kotlin.random.Random
private val solidsName = "solids".asName()
private val volumesName = "volumes".asName()
class GDMLTransformer(val root: GDML) {
class GDMLTransformer internal constructor(val root: GDML) {
//private val materialCache = HashMap<GDMLMaterial, Meta>()
private val random = Random(222)
@ -38,25 +39,35 @@ class GDMLTransformer(val root: GDML) {
* A special group for local templates
internal val proto by lazy { SolidGroup() }
private val proto by lazy { SolidGroup() }
internal val solids by lazy {
private val solids by lazy {
|||| {
config["edges.enabled"] = false
internal val volumes by lazy {
private val referenceStore = HashMap<Name, MutableList<Proxy>>()
private fun proxySolid(group: SolidGroup, solid: GDMLSolid, name: String): Proxy {
val templateName = solidsName + name
if (proto[templateName] == null) {
solids.addSolid(solid, name)
val ref = group.ref(templateName, name)
referenceStore.getOrPut(templateName) { ArrayList() }.add(ref)
return ref
// fun proxySolid(group: SolidGroup, solid: GDMLSolid, name: String): Proxy {
// val fullName = solidsName + name
// if (proto[fullName] == null) {
// solids.addSolid(this, solid, name)
// }
// return group.ref(fullName, name)
// }
private fun proxyVolume(group: SolidGroup, physVolume: GDMLPhysVolume, volume: GDMLGroup): Proxy {
val templateName = volumesName +
if (proto[templateName] == null) {
proto[templateName] = volume(volume)
val ref = group.ref(templateName, ?: "").withPosition(physVolume)
referenceStore.getOrPut(templateName) { ArrayList() }.add(ref)
return ref
private val styleCache = HashMap<Name, Meta>()
@ -70,14 +81,14 @@ class GDMLTransformer(val root: GDML) {
fun Solid.useStyle(name: String, builder: MetaBuilder.() -> Unit) {
private fun Solid.useStyle(name: String, builder: MetaBuilder.() -> Unit) {
styleCache.getOrPut(name.toName()) {
internal fun configureSolid(obj: Solid, parent: GDMLVolume, solid: GDMLSolid) {
private fun configureSolid(obj: Solid, parent: GDMLVolume, solid: GDMLSolid) {
val material = parent.materialref.resolve(root) ?: GDMLElement(parent.materialref.ref)
val styleName = "material[${}]"
@ -92,8 +103,244 @@ class GDMLTransformer(val root: GDML) {
var onFinish: GDMLTransformer.() -> Unit = {}
internal fun finalize(final: SolidGroup): SolidGroup {
private fun <T : Solid> T.withPosition(
newPos: GDMLPosition? = null,
newRotation: GDMLRotation? = null,
newScale: GDMLScale? = null
): T = apply {
newPos?.let {
val point = Point3D(it.x(lUnit), it.y(lUnit), it.z(lUnit))
if (position != null || point != World.ZERO) {
position = point
newRotation?.let {
val point = Point3D(it.x(aUnit), it.y(aUnit), it.z(aUnit))
if (rotation != null || point != World.ZERO) {
rotation = point
//this@withPosition.rotationOrder = RotationOrder.ZXY
newScale?.let {
val point = Point3D(it.x, it.y, it.z)
if (scale != null || point != World.ONE) {
scale = point
//TODO convert units if needed
private fun <T : Solid> T.withPosition(physVolume: GDMLPhysVolume): T = withPosition(
private inline operator fun Number.times(d: Double) = toDouble() * d
private inline operator fun Number.times(f: Float) = toFloat() * f
private fun SolidGroup.addSolid(
solid: GDMLSolid,
name: String = ""
): Solid {
val lScale = solid.lscale(lUnit)
val aScale = solid.ascale()
return when (solid) {
is GDMLBox -> box(solid.x * lScale, solid.y * lScale, solid.z * lScale, name)
is GDMLTube -> tube(
solid.rmax * lScale,
solid.z * lScale,
solid.rmin * lScale,
solid.startphi * aScale,
solid.deltaphi * aScale,
is GDMLCone -> cone(solid.rmax1, solid.z, solid.rmax2, name = name) {
require(solid.rmin1 == 0.0) { "Empty cones are not supported" }
require(solid.rmin2 == 0.0) { "Empty cones are not supported" }
startAngle = solid.startphi.toFloat()
angle = solid.deltaphi.toFloat()
is GDMLXtru -> extrude(name) {
shape {
solid.vertices.forEach {
point(it.x * lScale, it.y * lScale)
solid.sections.sortedBy { it.zOrder }.forEach { section ->
section.zPosition * lScale,
section.xOffset * lScale,
section.yOffset * lScale,
is GDMLScaledSolid -> {
//Add solid with modified scale
val innerSolid: GDMLSolid = solid.solidref.resolve(root)
?: error("Solid with tag ${solid.solidref.ref} for scaled solid ${} not defined")
addSolid(innerSolid, name).apply {
scaleX *= solid.scale.x.toFloat()
scaleY *= solid.scale.y.toFloat()
scaleZ = solid.scale.z.toFloat()
is GDMLSphere -> sphere(solid.rmax * lScale, solid.deltaphi * aScale, solid.deltatheta * aScale, name) {
phiStart = solid.startphi * aScale
thetaStart = solid.starttheta * aScale
is GDMLOrb -> sphere(solid.r * lScale, name = name)
is GDMLPolyhedra -> extrude(name) {
//getting the radius of first
require(solid.planes.size > 1) { "The polyhedron geometry requires at least two planes" }
val baseRadius = solid.planes.first().rmax * lScale
shape {
(0..solid.numsides).forEach {
val phi = solid.deltaphi * aScale / solid.numsides * it + solid.startphi * aScale
(baseRadius * cos(phi) to baseRadius * sin(phi))
solid.planes.forEach { plane ->
//scaling all radii relative to first layer radius
layer(plane.z * lScale, scale = plane.rmax * lScale / baseRadius)
is GDMLBoolSolid -> {
val first: GDMLSolid = solid.first.resolve(root) ?: error("")
val second: GDMLSolid = solid.second.resolve(root) ?: error("")
val type: CompositeType = when (solid) {
is GDMLUnion -> CompositeType.UNION
is GDMLSubtraction -> CompositeType.SUBTRACT
is GDMLIntersection -> CompositeType.INTERSECT
return composite(type, name) {
else -> error("Renderer for $solid not supported yet")
private fun SolidGroup.addSolidWithCaching(
solid: GDMLSolid,
name: String =
): Solid? {
return when (solidAction(solid)) {
Action.ADD -> {
addSolid(solid, name)
Action.PROTOTYPE -> {
proxySolid(this, solid, name)
Action.REJECT -> {
private fun SolidGroup.addPhysicalVolume(
physVolume: GDMLPhysVolume
) {
val volume: GDMLGroup = physVolume.volumeref.resolve(root)
?: error("Volume with ref ${physVolume.volumeref.ref} could not be resolved")
// a special case for single solid volume
if (volume is GDMLVolume && volume.physVolumes.isEmpty() && volume.placement == null) {
val solid = volume.solidref.resolve(root)
?: error("Solid with tag ${volume.solidref.ref} for volume ${} not defined")
addSolidWithCaching(solid, ?: "")?.apply {
configureSolid(this, volume, solid)
when (volumeAction(volume)) {
Action.ADD -> {
val group: SolidGroup = volume(volume)
this[ ?: ""] = group.withPosition(physVolume)
Action.PROTOTYPE -> {
proxyVolume(this, physVolume, volume)
Action.REJECT -> {
private fun SolidGroup.addDivisionVolume(
divisionVolume: GDMLDivisionVolume
) {
val volume: GDMLGroup = divisionVolume.volumeref.resolve(root)
?: error("Volume with ref ${divisionVolume.volumeref.ref} could not be resolved")
//TODO add divisions
set(Name.EMPTY, volume(volume))
private fun volume(
group: GDMLGroup
): SolidGroup = SolidGroup().apply {
if (group is GDMLVolume) {
val solid: GDMLSolid = group.solidref.resolve(root)
?: error("Solid with tag ${group.solidref.ref} for volume ${} not defined")
addSolidWithCaching(solid)?.apply {
configureSolid(this, group, solid)
when (val vol: GDMLPlacement? = group.placement) {
is GDMLPhysVolume -> addPhysicalVolume(vol)
is GDMLDivisionVolume -> addDivisionVolume(vol)
group.physVolumes.forEach { physVolume ->
private fun finalize(final: SolidGroup): SolidGroup {
//final.prototypes = proto
final.useStyle("GDML") {
Solid.ROTATION_ORDER_KEY put RotationOrder.ZXY
//inline prototypes
// referenceStore.forEach { (protoName, list) ->
// val proxy = list.singleOrNull() ?: return@forEach
// val parent = proxy.parent as? MutableVisionGroup ?: return@forEach
// val token = parent.children.entries.find { it.value == proxy }?.key ?: error("Inconsistent reference cache")
// val prototype = proto[protoName] as? Solid ?: error("Inconsistent reference cache")
// prototype.parent = null
// parent[token] = prototype
// prototype.updateFrom(proxy)
// //FIXME update prototype
// proto[protoName] = null
// }
final.prototypes {
proto.children.forEach { (token, item) ->
item.parent = null
@ -105,252 +352,19 @@ class GDMLTransformer(val root: GDML) {
define(it.key.toString(), it.value)
final.rotationOrder = RotationOrder.ZXY
return final
private fun Solid.withPosition(
lUnit: LUnit,
aUnit: AUnit = AUnit.RADIAN,
newPos: GDMLPosition? = null,
newRotation: GDMLRotation? = null,
newScale: GDMLScale? = null
): Solid = apply {
newPos?.let {
val point = Point3D(it.x(lUnit), it.y(lUnit), it.z(lUnit))
if (position != null || point != World.ZERO) {
position = point
newRotation?.let {
val point = Point3D(it.x(aUnit), it.y(aUnit), it.z(aUnit))
if (rotation != null || point != World.ZERO) {
rotation = point
//this@withPosition.rotationOrder = RotationOrder.ZXY
newScale?.let {
val point = Point3D(it.x, it.y, it.z)
if (scale != null || point != World.ONE) {
scale = point
//TODO convert units if needed
private fun Solid.withPosition(context: GDMLTransformer, physVolume: GDMLPhysVolume) = withPosition(
context.lUnit, context.aUnit,
private inline operator fun Number.times(d: Double) = toDouble() * d
private inline operator fun Number.times(f: Float) = toFloat() * f
private fun SolidGroup.addSolid(
context: GDMLTransformer,
solid: GDMLSolid,
name: String = ""
): Solid {
val lScale = solid.lscale(context.lUnit)
val aScale = solid.ascale()
return when (solid) {
is GDMLBox -> box(solid.x * lScale, solid.y * lScale, solid.z * lScale, name)
is GDMLTube -> tube(
solid.rmax * lScale,
solid.z * lScale,
solid.rmin * lScale,
solid.startphi * aScale,
solid.deltaphi * aScale,
is GDMLCone -> cone(solid.rmax1, solid.z, solid.rmax2, name = name) {
require(solid.rmin1 == 0.0) { "Empty cones are not supported" }
require(solid.rmin2 == 0.0) { "Empty cones are not supported" }
startAngle = solid.startphi.toFloat()
angle = solid.deltaphi.toFloat()
is GDMLXtru -> extrude(name) {
shape {
solid.vertices.forEach {
point(it.x * lScale, it.y * lScale)
solid.sections.sortedBy { it.zOrder }.forEach { section ->
section.zPosition * lScale,
section.xOffset * lScale,
section.yOffset * lScale,
is GDMLScaledSolid -> {
//Add solid with modified scale
val innerSolid: GDMLSolid = solid.solidref.resolve(context.root)
?: error("Solid with tag ${solid.solidref.ref} for scaled solid ${} not defined")
addSolid(context, innerSolid, name).apply {
scaleX *= solid.scale.x.toFloat()
scaleY *= solid.scale.y.toFloat()
scaleZ = solid.scale.z.toFloat()
is GDMLSphere -> sphere(solid.rmax * lScale, solid.deltaphi * aScale, solid.deltatheta * aScale, name) {
phiStart = solid.startphi * aScale
thetaStart = solid.starttheta * aScale
is GDMLOrb -> sphere(solid.r * lScale, name = name)
is GDMLPolyhedra -> extrude(name) {
//getting the radius of first
require(solid.planes.size > 1) { "The polyhedron geometry requires at least two planes" }
val baseRadius = solid.planes.first().rmax * lScale
shape {
(0..solid.numsides).forEach {
val phi = solid.deltaphi * aScale / solid.numsides * it + solid.startphi * aScale
(baseRadius * cos(phi) to baseRadius * sin(phi))
solid.planes.forEach { plane ->
//scaling all radii relative to first layer radius
layer(plane.z * lScale, scale = plane.rmax * lScale / baseRadius)
is GDMLBoolSolid -> {
val first: GDMLSolid = solid.first.resolve(context.root) ?: error("")
val second: GDMLSolid = solid.second.resolve(context.root) ?: error("")
val type: CompositeType = when (solid) {
is GDMLUnion -> CompositeType.UNION
is GDMLSubtraction -> CompositeType.SUBTRACT
is GDMLIntersection -> CompositeType.INTERSECT
return composite(type, name) {
addSolid(context, first).withPosition(
context.lUnit, context.aUnit,
addSolid(context, second).withPosition(
context.lUnit, context.aUnit,
else -> error("Renderer for $solid not supported yet")
val result by lazy {
private fun SolidGroup.addSolidWithCaching(
context: GDMLTransformer,
solid: GDMLSolid,
name: String =
): Solid? {
return when (context.solidAction(solid)) {
GDMLTransformer.Action.ADD -> {
addSolid(context, solid, name)
GDMLTransformer.Action.PROTOTYPE -> {
// context.proxySolid(this, solid, name)
val fullName = solidsName +
if (context.proto[fullName] == null) {
context.solids.addSolid(context, solid,
ref(fullName, name)
GDMLTransformer.Action.REJECT -> {
private fun SolidGroup.addPhysicalVolume(
context: GDMLTransformer,
physVolume: GDMLPhysVolume
) {
val volume: GDMLGroup = physVolume.volumeref.resolve(context.root)
?: error("Volume with ref ${physVolume.volumeref.ref} could not be resolved")
// a special case for single solid volume
if (volume is GDMLVolume && volume.physVolumes.isEmpty() && volume.placement == null) {
val solid = volume.solidref.resolve(context.root)
?: error("Solid with tag ${volume.solidref.ref} for volume ${} not defined")
addSolidWithCaching(context, solid, ?: "")?.apply {
context.configureSolid(this, volume, solid)
withPosition(context, physVolume)
when (context.volumeAction(volume)) {
GDMLTransformer.Action.ADD -> {
val group: SolidGroup = volume(context, volume)
this[ ?: ""] = group.withPosition(context, physVolume)
GDMLTransformer.Action.PROTOTYPE -> {
val fullName = volumesName +
if (context.proto[fullName] == null) {
context.proto[fullName] = volume(context, volume)
ref(fullName, ?: "").withPosition(context, physVolume)
GDMLTransformer.Action.REJECT -> {
private fun SolidGroup.addDivisionVolume(
context: GDMLTransformer,
divisionVolume: GDMLDivisionVolume
) {
val volume: GDMLGroup = divisionVolume.volumeref.resolve(context.root)
?: error("Volume with ref ${divisionVolume.volumeref.ref} could not be resolved")
//TODO add divisions
set(Name.EMPTY, volume(context, volume))
private fun volume(
context: GDMLTransformer,
group: GDMLGroup
): SolidGroup = SolidGroup().apply {
if (group is GDMLVolume) {
val solid: GDMLSolid = group.solidref.resolve(context.root)
?: error("Solid with tag ${group.solidref.ref} for volume ${} not defined")
addSolidWithCaching(context, solid)?.apply {
context.configureSolid(this, group, solid)
when (val vol: GDMLPlacement? = group.placement) {
is GDMLPhysVolume -> addPhysicalVolume(context, vol)
is GDMLDivisionVolume -> addDivisionVolume(context, vol)
group.physVolumes.forEach { physVolume ->
addPhysicalVolume(context, physVolume)
fun GDML.toVision(block: GDMLTransformer.() -> Unit = {}): SolidGroup {
val context = GDMLTransformer(this).apply(block)
return context.finalize(volume(context, world))
return context.result
@ -18,72 +18,72 @@ expect class Counter() {
fun incrementAndGet(): Int
private class GdmlOptimizer() : VisionVisitor {
val logger = KotlinLogging.logger("SingleChildReducer")
private operator fun Point3D?.plus(other: Point3D?): Point3D? = if (this == null && other == null) {
} else {
(this ?: Point3D(0, 0, 0)) + (other ?: Point3D(0, 0, 0))
private fun Vision.updateFrom(other: Vision): Vision {
if (this is Solid && other is Solid) {
position += other.position
rotation += other.rotation
if (this.scale != null || other.scale != null) {
scaleX = scaleX.toDouble() * other.scaleX.toDouble()
scaleY = scaleY.toDouble() * other.scaleY.toDouble()
scaleZ = scaleZ.toDouble() * other.scaleZ.toDouble()
|||| { (name, item) ->
if (properties?.getItem(name) == null) {
config[name] = item
return this
private val depthCount = HashMap<Int, Counter>()
override suspend fun visit(name: Name, vision: Vision) {
val depth = name.length
depthCount.getOrPut(depth) { Counter() }.incrementAndGet()
override fun skip(name: Name, vision: Vision): Boolean = vision is Proxy.ProxyChild
override suspend fun visitChildren(name: Name, group: VisionGroup) {
if (name == "volumes".toName()) return
if (group !is MutableVisionGroup) return
val newChildren = group.children.entries.associate { (visionToken, vision) ->
//Reduce single child groups
if (vision is VisionGroup && vision !is Proxy && vision.children.size == 1) {
val (token, child) = vision.children.entries.first()
child.parent = null
if (token != visionToken) {
child.config["solidName"] = token.toString()
visionToken to child.updateFrom(vision)
} else {
visionToken to vision
if (newChildren != group.children) {
newChildren.forEach { (token, child) ->
group[token] = child
private fun Point3D?.safePlus(other: Point3D?): Point3D? = if (this == null && other == null) {
} else {
(this ?: Point3D(0, 0, 0)) + (other ?: Point3D(0, 0, 0))
suspend fun SolidGroup.optimizeGdml(): Job = coroutineScope {
prototypes?.let {
VisionVisitor.visitTree(GdmlOptimizer(), this, it)
} ?: CompletableDeferred(Unit)
internal fun Vision.updateFrom(other: Vision): Vision {
if (this is Solid && other is Solid) {
position = position.safePlus(other.position)
rotation = rotation.safePlus(other.rotation)
if (this.scale != null || other.scale != null) {
scaleX = scaleX.toDouble() * other.scaleX.toDouble()
scaleY = scaleY.toDouble() * other.scaleY.toDouble()
scaleZ = scaleZ.toDouble() * other.scaleZ.toDouble()
|||| { (name, item) ->
if (properties?.getItem(name) == null) {
config[name] = item
return this
//private class GdmlOptimizer() : VisionVisitor {
// val logger = KotlinLogging.logger("SingleChildReducer")
// private val depthCount = HashMap<Int, Counter>()
// override suspend fun visit(name: Name, vision: Vision) {
// val depth = name.length
// depthCount.getOrPut(depth) { Counter() }.incrementAndGet()
// }
// override fun skip(name: Name, vision: Vision): Boolean = vision is Proxy.ProxyChild
// override suspend fun visitChildren(name: Name, group: VisionGroup) {
// if (name == "volumes".toName()) return
// if (group !is MutableVisionGroup) return
// val newChildren = group.children.entries.associate { (visionToken, vision) ->
// //Reduce single child groups
// if (vision is VisionGroup && vision !is Proxy && vision.children.size == 1) {
// val (token, child) = vision.children.entries.first()
// child.parent = null
// if (token != visionToken) {
// child.config["solidName"] = token.toString()
// }
// visionToken to child.updateFrom(vision)
// } else {
// visionToken to vision
// }
// }
// if (newChildren != group.children) {
// group.removeAll()
// newChildren.forEach { (token, child) ->
// group[token] = child
// }
// }
// }
//suspend fun SolidGroup.optimizeGdml(): Job = coroutineScope {
// prototypes?.let {
// VisionVisitor.visitTree(GdmlOptimizer(), this, it)
// } ?: CompletableDeferred(Unit)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user