906 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-03-17 16:02:59 +03:00
(function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
define( [ 'three-full' ], factory );
} else
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined') {
factory(require("three-full"), exports);
} else {
if (typeof THREE == 'undefined')
throw new Error('THREE is not defined', 'ThreeCSG.js');
ThreeBSP = factory(THREE);
} (function(THREE, ThreeBSP) {
"use strict";
if (!ThreeBSP) ThreeBSP = {};
var EPSILON = 1e-5,
FRONT = 1,
BACK = 2,
ThreeBSP.Geometry = function( geometry, transfer_matrix, nodeid, flippedMesh ) {
// Convert THREE.Geometry to ThreeBSP
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
this.matrix = null; // new THREE.Matrix4; not create matrix when do not needed
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
// #todo: add hierarchy support
transfer_matrix = this.matrix = geometry.matrix.clone();
geometry = geometry.geometry;
} else if ( geometry instanceof ThreeBSP.Node ) {
this.tree = geometry;
this.matrix = null; // new THREE.Matrix4;
return this;
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
var pos_buf = geometry.getAttribute('position').array,
norm_buf = geometry.getAttribute('normal').array,
polygons = [], polygon, vert1, vert2, vert3;
for (var i=0; i < pos_buf.length; i+=9) {
polygon = new ThreeBSP.Polygon;
vert1 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( pos_buf[i], pos_buf[i+1], pos_buf[i+2], norm_buf[i], norm_buf[i+1], norm_buf[i+2]);
if (transfer_matrix) vert1.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
vert2 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( pos_buf[i+3], pos_buf[i+4], pos_buf[i+5], norm_buf[i+3], norm_buf[i+4], norm_buf[i+5]);
if (transfer_matrix) vert2.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
vert3 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( pos_buf[i+6], pos_buf[i+7], pos_buf[i+8], norm_buf[i+6], norm_buf[i+7], norm_buf[i+8]);
if (transfer_matrix) vert3.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
if (flippedMesh) polygon.vertices.push( vert1, vert3, vert2 );
else polygon.vertices.push( vert1, vert2, vert3 );
polygons.push( polygon );
this.tree = new ThreeBSP.Node( polygons, nodeid );
if (nodeid!==undefined) this.maxid = this.tree.maxnodeid;
return this;
} else if (geometry.polygons && (geometry.polygons[0] instanceof ThreeBSP.Polygon)) {
var polygons = geometry.polygons;
for (var i=0;i<polygons.length;++i) {
var polygon = polygons[i];
if (transfer_matrix) {
for (var n=0;n<polygon.vertices.length;++n)
this.tree = new ThreeBSP.Node( polygons, nodeid );
if (nodeid!==undefined) this.maxid = this.tree.maxnodeid;
return this;
} else {
throw 'ThreeBSP: Given geometry is unsupported';
var polygons = [],
nfaces = geometry.faces.length,
face, polygon, vertex;
for (var i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i ) {
face = geometry.faces[i];
// faceVertexUvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs[0][i];
polygon = new ThreeBSP.Polygon;
if ( face instanceof THREE.Face3 ) {
vertex = geometry.vertices[ face.a ];
// uvs = faceVertexUvs ? new THREE.Vector2( faceVertexUvs[0].x, faceVertexUvs[0].y ) : null;
vertex = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, face.vertexNormals[0].x, face.vertexNormals[0].y, face.vertexNormals[0].z /*face.normal , uvs */ );
if (transfer_matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
polygon.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex = geometry.vertices[ face.b ];
//uvs = faceVertexUvs ? new THREE.Vector2( faceVertexUvs[1].x, faceVertexUvs[1].y ) : null;
vertex = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, face.vertexNormals[1].x, face.vertexNormals[1].y, face.vertexNormals[1].z/*face.normal , uvs */ );
if (transfer_matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
polygon.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex = geometry.vertices[ face.c ];
// uvs = faceVertexUvs ? new THREE.Vector2( faceVertexUvs[2].x, faceVertexUvs[2].y ) : null;
vertex = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, face.vertexNormals[2].x, face.vertexNormals[2].y, face.vertexNormals[2].z /*face.normal, uvs */ );
if (transfer_matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
polygon.vertices.push( vertex );
} else if ( typeof THREE.Face4 ) {
vertex = geometry.vertices[ face.a ];
// uvs = faceVertexUvs ? new THREE.Vector2( faceVertexUvs[0].x, faceVertexUvs[0].y ) : null;
vertex = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, face.vertexNormals[0].x, face.vertexNormals[0].y, face.vertexNormals[0].z /*, uvs */ );
if (transfer_matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
polygon.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex = geometry.vertices[ face.b ];
// uvs = faceVertexUvs ? new THREE.Vector2( faceVertexUvs[1].x, faceVertexUvs[1].y ) : null;
vertex = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, face.vertexNormals[1].x, face.vertexNormals[1].y, face.vertexNormals[1].z /*, uvs */ );
if (transfer_matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
polygon.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex = geometry.vertices[ face.c ];
// uvs = faceVertexUvs ? new THREE.Vector2( faceVertexUvs[2].x, faceVertexUvs[2].y ) : null;
vertex = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, face.vertexNormals[2].x, face.vertexNormals[2].y, face.vertexNormals[2].z /*, uvs */ );
if (transfer_matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
polygon.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex = geometry.vertices[ face.d ];
// uvs = faceVertexUvs ? new THREE.Vector2( faceVertexUvs[3].x, faceVertexUvs[3].y ) : null;
vertex = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z, face.vertexNormals[3].x, face.vertexNormals[3].y, face.vertexNormals[3].z /*, uvs */ );
if (transfer_matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(transfer_matrix);
polygon.vertices.push( vertex );
} else {
throw 'Invalid face type at index ' + i;
polygons.push( polygon );
this.tree = new ThreeBSP.Node( polygons, nodeid );
if (nodeid!==undefined) this.maxid = this.tree.maxnodeid;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.subtract = function( other_tree ) {
var a = this.tree.clone(),
b = other_tree.tree.clone();
a.clipTo( b );
b.clipTo( a );
b.clipTo( a );
a.build( b.allPolygons() );
a = new ThreeBSP.Geometry( a );
a.matrix = this.matrix;
return a;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.union = function( other_tree ) {
var a = this.tree.clone(),
b = other_tree.tree.clone();
a.clipTo( b );
b.clipTo( a );
b.clipTo( a );
a.build( b.allPolygons() );
a = new ThreeBSP.Geometry( a );
a.matrix = this.matrix;
return a;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.intersect = function( other_tree ) {
var a = this.tree.clone(),
b = other_tree.tree.clone();
b.clipTo( a );
a.clipTo( b );
b.clipTo( a );
a.build( b.allPolygons() );
a = new ThreeBSP.Geometry( a );
a.matrix = this.matrix;
return a;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.tryToCompress = function(polygons) {
if (this.maxid === undefined) return;
var arr = [], parts, foundpair,
nreduce = 0, n, len = polygons.length,
p, p1, p2, i1, i2;
// sort out polygons
for (n=0;n<len;++n) {
p = polygons[n];
if (p.id === undefined) continue;
if (arr[p.id] === undefined) arr[p.id] = [];
for(n=0; n<arr.length; ++n) {
parts = arr[n];
if (parts===undefined) continue;
len = parts.length;
foundpair = (len > 1);
while (foundpair) {
foundpair = false;
for (i1 = 0; i1<len-1; ++i1) {
p1 = parts[i1];
if (!p1 || !p1.parent) continue;
for (i2 = i1+1; i2 < len; ++i2) {
p2 = parts[i2];
if (p2 && (p1.parent === p2.parent) && (p1.nsign === p2.nsign)) {
if (p1.nsign !== p1.parent.nsign) p1.parent.flip();
parts[i1] = p1.parent;
parts[i2] = null;
if (p1.parent.vertices.length < 3) console.log('something wrong with parent');
foundpair = true;
if (nreduce>0) {
polygons.splice(0, polygons.length);
for(n=0;n<arr.length;++n) {
parts = arr[n];
if (parts !== undefined)
for (i1=0,len=parts.length; i1<len;++i1)
if (parts[i1]) polygons.push(parts[i1]);
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.direct_subtract = function( other_tree ) {
var a = this.tree,
b = other_tree.tree;
a.clipTo( b );
b.clipTo( a );
b.clipTo( a );
a.build( b.collectPolygons([]) );
return this;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.direct_union = function( other_tree ) {
var a = this.tree,
b = other_tree.tree;
a.clipTo( b );
b.clipTo( a );
b.clipTo( a );
a.build( b.collectPolygons([]) );
return this;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.direct_intersect = function( other_tree ) {
var a = this.tree,
b = other_tree.tree;
b.clipTo( a );
a.clipTo( b );
b.clipTo( a );
a.build( b.collectPolygons([]) );
return this;
ThreeBSP.CreateNormal = function(axis_name, pos, size) {
// create geometry to make cut on specified axis
var vert1, vert2, vert3;
if (!size || (size<10000)) size = 10000;
switch(axis_name) {
case "x":
vert1 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex(pos, -3*size, size, 1, 0, 0),
vert3 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex(pos, size, size, 1, 0, 0),
vert2 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex(pos, size, -3*size, 1, 0, 0);
case "y":
vert1 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex(-3*size, pos, size, 0, 1, 0),
vert2 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( size, pos, size, 0, 1, 0),
vert3 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( size, pos, -3*size, 0, 1, 0);
case "z":
vert1 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex(-3*size, size, pos, 0, 0, 1),
vert3 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( size, size, pos, 0, 0, 1),
vert2 = new ThreeBSP.Vertex( size, -3*size, pos, 0, 0, 1);
var polygon = new ThreeBSP.Polygon([vert1, vert2, vert3]);
var node = new ThreeBSP.Node([polygon]);
return new ThreeBSP.Geometry(node);
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.cut_from_plane = function( other_tree) {
// just cut peaces from second geometry, which just simple plane
var a = this.tree,
b = other_tree.tree;
b.clipTo( a );
return this;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.toGeometry = function() {
var i, j,
matrix = this.matrix ? new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse( this.matrix ) : null,
geometry = new THREE.Geometry(),
polygons = this.tree.collectPolygons([]),
polygon_count = polygons.length,
polygon, polygon_vertice_count,
vertice_dict = {},
vertex_idx_a, vertex_idx_b, vertex_idx_c,
vertex, face;
for ( i = 0; i < polygon_count; ++i ) {
polygon = polygons[i];
polygon_vertice_count = polygon.vertices.length;
for ( j = 2; j < polygon_vertice_count; ++j ) {
// verticeUvs = [];
vertex = polygon.vertices[0];
// verticeUvs.push( new THREE.Vector2( vertex.uv.x, vertex.uv.y ) );
vertex = new THREE.Vector3( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );
if (matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(matrix);
if ( typeof vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ] !== 'undefined' ) {
vertex_idx_a = vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ];
} else {
geometry.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex_idx_a = vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ] = geometry.vertices.length - 1;
vertex = polygon.vertices[j-1];
// verticeUvs.push( new THREE.Vector2( vertex.uv.x, vertex.uv.y ) );
vertex = new THREE.Vector3( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );
if (matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(matrix);
if ( typeof vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ] !== 'undefined' ) {
vertex_idx_b = vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ];
} else {
geometry.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex_idx_b = vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ] = geometry.vertices.length - 1;
vertex = polygon.vertices[j];
// verticeUvs.push( new THREE.Vector2( vertex.uv.x, vertex.uv.y ) );
vertex = new THREE.Vector3( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );
if (matrix) vertex.applyMatrix4(matrix);
if ( typeof vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ] !== 'undefined' ) {
vertex_idx_c = vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ];
} else {
geometry.vertices.push( vertex );
vertex_idx_c = vertice_dict[ vertex.x + ',' + vertex.y + ',' + vertex.z ] = geometry.vertices.length - 1;
face = new THREE.Face3(
new THREE.Vector3( polygon.normal.x, polygon.normal.y, polygon.normal.z )
geometry.faces.push( face );
// geometry.faceVertexUvs[0].push( verticeUvs );
return geometry;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.scale = function(x,y,z) {
// try to scale as THREE.BufferGeometry
var polygons = this.tree.collectPolygons([]);
for (var i = 0; i < polygons.length; ++i) {
var polygon = polygons[i];
for (var k=0; k < polygon.vertices.length; ++k) {
var v = polygon.vertices[k];
v.x *= x;
v.y *= y;
v.z *= z;
delete polygon.normal;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.toPolygons = function() {
var polygons = this.tree.collectPolygons([]);
for (var i = 0; i < polygons.length; ++i ) {
delete polygons[i].id;
delete polygons[i].parent;
return polygons;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.toBufferGeometry = function() {
return ThreeBSP.CreateBufferGeometry(this.toPolygons());
ThreeBSP.CreateBufferGeometry = function(polygons) {
var i, j, polygon_count = polygons.length, buf_size = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < polygon_count; ++i )
buf_size += (polygons[i].vertices.length - 2) * 9;
var positions_buf = new Float32Array(buf_size),
normals_buf = new Float32Array(buf_size),
iii = 0, polygon;
function CopyVertex(vertex) {
positions_buf[iii] = vertex.x;
positions_buf[iii+1] = vertex.y;
positions_buf[iii+2] = vertex.z;
normals_buf[iii] = polygon.nsign * vertex.nx;
normals_buf[iii+1] = polygon.nsign * vertex.ny;
normals_buf[iii+2] = polygon.nsign * vertex.nz;
for ( i = 0; i < polygon_count; ++i ) {
polygon = polygons[i];
for ( j = 2; j < polygon.vertices.length; ++j ) {
var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( positions_buf, 3 ) );
geometry.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( normals_buf, 3 ) );
// geometry.computeVertexNormals();
return geometry;
ThreeBSP.Geometry.prototype.toMesh = function( material ) {
var geometry = this.toGeometry(),
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
if (this.matrix) {
mesh.position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrix );
mesh.rotation.setFromRotationMatrix( this.matrix );
return mesh;
ThreeBSP.Polygon = function( vertices, normal, w ) {
if ( !( vertices instanceof Array ) ) {
vertices = [];
this.vertices = vertices;
this.nsign = 1;
if ( vertices.length > 0 ) {
} else {
this.normal = this.w = undefined;
ThreeBSP.Polygon.prototype.copyProperties = function(parent, more) {
this.normal = parent.normal; // .clone();
this.w = parent.w;
this.nsign = parent.nsign;
if (more && (parent.id !== undefined)) {
this.id = parent.id;
this.parent = parent;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Polygon.prototype.calculateProperties = function() {
if (this.normal) return;
var a = this.vertices[0],
b = this.vertices[1],
c = this.vertices[2];
this.nsign = 1;
this.normal = b.clone().subtract( a ).cross(
c.clone().subtract( a )
this.w = this.normal.clone().dot( a );
return this;
ThreeBSP.Polygon.prototype.clone = function() {
var vertice_count = this.vertices.length,
polygon = new ThreeBSP.Polygon;
for (var i = 0; i < vertice_count; ++i )
polygon.vertices.push( this.vertices[i].clone() );
return polygon.copyProperties(this);
ThreeBSP.Polygon.prototype.flip = function() {
/// normal is not changed, only sign variable
//this.normal.multiplyScalar( -1 );
//this.w *= -1;
this.nsign *= -1;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Polygon.prototype.classifyVertex = function( vertex ) {
var side_value = this.nsign * (this.normal.dot( vertex ) - this.w);
if ( side_value < -EPSILON ) return BACK;
if ( side_value > EPSILON ) return FRONT;
return COPLANAR;
ThreeBSP.Polygon.prototype.classifySide = function( polygon ) {
var i, classification,
num_positive = 0, num_negative = 0,
vertice_count = polygon.vertices.length;
for ( i = 0; i < vertice_count; ++i ) {
classification = this.classifyVertex( polygon.vertices[i] );
if ( classification === FRONT ) {
} else if ( classification === BACK ) {
if ( num_positive > 0 && num_negative === 0 ) return FRONT;
if ( num_positive === 0 && num_negative > 0 ) return BACK;
if ( num_positive === 0 && num_negative === 0 ) return COPLANAR;
return SPANNING;
ThreeBSP.Polygon.prototype.splitPolygon = function( polygon, coplanar_front, coplanar_back, front, back ) {
var classification = this.classifySide( polygon );
if ( classification === COPLANAR ) {
( (this.nsign * polygon.nsign * this.normal.dot( polygon.normal ) > 0) ? coplanar_front : coplanar_back ).push( polygon );
} else if ( classification === FRONT ) {
front.push( polygon );
} else if ( classification === BACK ) {
back.push( polygon );
} else {
var vertice_count = polygon.vertices.length,
nnx = this.normal.x,
nny = this.normal.y,
nnz = this.normal.z,
i, j, ti, tj, vi, vj,
t, v,
f = [], b = [];
for ( i = 0; i < vertice_count; ++i ) {
j = (i + 1) % vertice_count;
vi = polygon.vertices[i];
vj = polygon.vertices[j];
ti = this.classifyVertex( vi );
tj = this.classifyVertex( vj );
if ( ti != BACK ) f.push( vi );
if ( ti != FRONT ) b.push( vi );
if ( (ti | tj) === SPANNING ) {
// t = ( this.w - this.normal.dot( vi ) ) / this.normal.dot( vj.clone().subtract( vi ) );
//v = vi.clone().lerp( vj, t );
t = (this.w - (nnx*vi.x + nny*vi.y + nnz*vi.z)) / (nnx*(vj.x-vi.x) + nny*(vj.y-vi.y) + nnz*(vj.z-vi.z));
v = vi.interpolate( vj, t );
f.push( v );
b.push( v );
//if ( f.length >= 3 ) front.push( new ThreeBSP.Polygon( f ).calculateProperties() );
//if ( b.length >= 3 ) back.push( new ThreeBSP.Polygon( b ).calculateProperties() );
if ( f.length >= 3 ) front.push( new ThreeBSP.Polygon( f ).copyProperties(polygon, true) );
if ( b.length >= 3 ) back.push( new ThreeBSP.Polygon( b ).copyProperties(polygon, true) );
ThreeBSP.Vertex = function(x, y, z, nx, ny, nz) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.nx = nx;
this.ny = ny;
this.nz = nz;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.setnormal = function ( nx, ny, nz ) {
this.nx = nx;
this.ny = ny;
this.nz = nz;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.clone = function() {
return new ThreeBSP.Vertex( this.x, this.y, this.z, this.nx, this.ny, this.nz);
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.add = function( vertex ) {
this.x += vertex.x;
this.y += vertex.y;
this.z += vertex.z;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.subtract = function( vertex ) {
this.x -= vertex.x;
this.y -= vertex.y;
this.z -= vertex.z;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.multiplyScalar = function( scalar ) {
this.x *= scalar;
this.y *= scalar;
this.z *= scalar;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.cross = function( vertex ) {
var x = this.x,
y = this.y,
z = this.z;
this.x = y * vertex.z - z * vertex.y;
this.y = z * vertex.x - x * vertex.z;
this.z = x * vertex.y - y * vertex.x;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.normalize = function() {
var length = Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z );
this.x /= length;
this.y /= length;
this.z /= length;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.dot = function( vertex ) {
return this.x*vertex.x + this.y*vertex.y + this.z*vertex.z;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.diff = function( vertex ) {
var dx = (this.x - vertex.x),
dy = (this.y - vertex.y),
dz = (this.z - vertex.z),
len2 = this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y + this.z*this.z;
return (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) / (len2>0 ? len2 : 1e-10);
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.lerp = function( a, t ) {
a.clone().subtract( this ).multiplyScalar( t )
a.normal.clone().sub( this.normal ).multiplyScalar( t )
// a.uv.clone().sub( this.uv ).multiplyScalar( t )
return this;
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.interpolate = function( other, t ) {
return this.clone().lerp( other, t );
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.interpolate = function( a, t ) {
var t1 = 1-t;
return new ThreeBSP.Vertex(this.x*t1 + a.x*t, this.y*t1 + a.y*t, this.z*t1 + a.z*t,
this.nx*t1 + a.nx*t, this.ny*t1 + a.ny*t, this.nz*t1 + a.nz*t);
ThreeBSP.Vertex.prototype.applyMatrix4 = function ( m ) {
// input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix
var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z, e = m.elements;
this.x = e[0] * x + e[4] * y + e[8] * z + e[12];
this.y = e[1] * x + e[5] * y + e[9] * z + e[13];
this.z = e[2] * x + e[6] * y + e[10] * z + e[14];
x = this.nx; y = this.ny; z = this.nz;
this.nx = e[0] * x + e[4] * y + e[8] * z;
this.ny = e[1] * x + e[5] * y + e[9] * z;
this.nz = e[2] * x + e[6] * y + e[10] * z;
return this;
// ================================================================================================
ThreeBSP.Node = function( polygons, nodeid ) {
this.polygons = [];
this.front = this.back = undefined;
if ( !(polygons instanceof Array) || polygons.length === 0 ) return;
this.divider = polygons[0].clone();
var polygon_count = polygons.length,
front = [], back = [];
for (var i = 0; i < polygon_count; ++i ) {
if (nodeid!==undefined) {
polygons[i].id = nodeid++;
delete polygons[i].parent;
this.divider.splitPolygon( polygons[i], this.polygons, this.polygons, front, back );
if (nodeid !== undefined) this.maxnodeid = nodeid;
if ( front.length > 0 )
this.front = new ThreeBSP.Node( front );
if ( back.length > 0 )
this.back = new ThreeBSP.Node( back );
ThreeBSP.Node.isConvex = function( polygons ) {
var i, j, len = polygons.length;
for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i )
for ( j = 0; j < len; ++j )
if ( i !== j && polygons[i].classifySide( polygons[j] ) !== BACK ) return false;
return true;
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.build = function( polygons ) {
var polygon_count = polygons.length,
front = [], back = [];
if ( !this.divider )
this.divider = polygons[0].clone();
for (var i = 0; i < polygon_count; ++i )
this.divider.splitPolygon( polygons[i], this.polygons, this.polygons, front, back );
if ( front.length > 0 ) {
if ( !this.front ) this.front = new ThreeBSP.Node();
this.front.build( front );
if ( back.length > 0 ) {
if ( !this.back ) this.back = new ThreeBSP.Node();
this.back.build( back );
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.collectPolygons = function(arr) {
var len = this.polygons.length;
for (var i=0;i<len;++i) arr.push(this.polygons[i]);
if ( this.front ) this.front.collectPolygons(arr);
if ( this.back ) this.back.collectPolygons(arr);
return arr;
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.allPolygons = function() {
var polygons = this.polygons.slice();
if ( this.front ) polygons = polygons.concat( this.front.allPolygons() );
if ( this.back ) polygons = polygons.concat( this.back.allPolygons() );
return polygons;
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.numPolygons = function() {
var res = this.polygons.length;
if ( this.front ) res += this.front.numPolygons();
if ( this.back ) res += this.back.numPolygons();
return res;
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.clone = function() {
var node = new ThreeBSP.Node();
node.divider = this.divider.clone();
node.polygons = this.polygons.map( function( polygon ) { return polygon.clone(); } );
node.front = this.front && this.front.clone();
node.back = this.back && this.back.clone();
return node;
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.invert = function() {
var polygon_count = this.polygons.length;
for (var i = 0; i < polygon_count; ++i )
if ( this.front ) this.front.invert();
if ( this.back ) this.back.invert();
var temp = this.front;
this.front = this.back;
this.back = temp;
return this;
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.clipPolygons = function( polygons ) {
if ( !this.divider ) return polygons.slice();
var polygon_count = polygons.length, front = [], back = [];
for (var i = 0; i < polygon_count; ++i )
this.divider.splitPolygon( polygons[i], front, back, front, back );
if ( this.front ) front = this.front.clipPolygons( front );
if ( this.back ) back = this.back.clipPolygons( back );
else back = [];
return front.concat( back );
ThreeBSP.Node.prototype.clipTo = function( node ) {
this.polygons = node.clipPolygons( this.polygons );
if ( this.front ) this.front.clipTo( node );
if ( this.back ) this.back.clipTo( node );
return ThreeBSP;