2023-01-06 10:40:21 +03:00
package center.sciprog.maps.features
2023-02-06 10:37:22 +03:00
import androidx.compose.foundation.ExperimentalFoundationApi
import androidx.compose.foundation.PointerMatcher
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import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
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import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.PathEffect
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import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEvent
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerKeyboardModifiers
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import center.sciprog.attributes.Attribute
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import center.sciprog.attributes.AttributesBuilder
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import center.sciprog.attributes.SetAttribute
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import center.sciprog.attributes.withAttribute
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public object ZAttribute : Attribute<Float>
public object DraggableAttribute : Attribute<DragHandle<Any>>
public object DragListenerAttribute : SetAttribute<DragListener<Any>>
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* Click radius for point-like and line objects
public object ClickRadius : Attribute<Float>
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public object ClickListenerAttribute : SetAttribute<MouseListener<Any>>
public object HoverListenerAttribute : SetAttribute<MouseListener<Any>>
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//public object TapListenerAttribute : SetAttribute<TapListener<Any>>
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public object VisibleAttribute : Attribute<Boolean>
public object ColorAttribute : Attribute<Color>
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public fun <T : Any, F : Feature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.color(color: Color): FeatureRef<T, F> =
modifyAttribute(ColorAttribute, color)
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public object ZoomRangeAttribute : Attribute<FloatRange>
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public fun <T : Any, F : Feature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.zoomRange(range: FloatRange): FeatureRef<T, F> =
modifyAttribute(ZoomRangeAttribute, range)
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public object AlphaAttribute : Attribute<Float>
public fun <T : Any, F : Feature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.modifyAttributes(modify: AttributesBuilder.() -> Unit): FeatureRef<T, F> {
resolve().withAttributes {
} as F
return this
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public fun <T : Any, F : Feature<T>, V> FeatureRef<T, F>.modifyAttribute(
key: Attribute<V>,
value: V?,
): FeatureRef<T, F> {
2023-02-06 10:37:22 +03:00
parent.feature(id, resolve().withAttributes { withAttribute(key, value) } as F)
return this
* Add drag to this feature
* @param constraint optional drag constraint
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public fun <T : Any, F : DraggableFeature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.draggable(
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constraint: ((T) -> T)? = null,
listener: (PointerEvent.(from: ViewPoint<T>, to: ViewPoint<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
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): FeatureRef<T, F> = with(parent) {
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if (attributes[DraggableAttribute] == null) {
val handle = DragHandle.withPrimaryButton<Any> { event, start, end ->
val feature = featureMap[id] as? DraggableFeature<T> ?: return@withPrimaryButton DragResult(end)
start as ViewPoint<T>
end as ViewPoint<T>
if (start in feature) {
val finalPosition = constraint?.invoke(end.focus) ?: end.focus
feature(id, feature.withCoordinates(finalPosition))
feature.attributes[DragListenerAttribute]?.forEach {
it.handle(event, start, ViewPoint(finalPosition, end.zoom))
DragResult(ViewPoint(finalPosition, end.zoom), false)
} else {
DragResult(end, true)
modifyAttribute(DraggableAttribute, handle)
//Apply callback
if (listener != null) {
return this@draggable
public fun <T : Any, F : DraggableFeature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.onDrag(
listener: PointerEvent.(from: ViewPoint<T>, to: ViewPoint<T>) -> Unit,
): FeatureRef<T, F> = modifyAttributes {
DragListener { event, from, to -> event.listener(from as ViewPoint<T>, to as ViewPoint<T>) }
public fun <T : Any, F : DomainFeature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.onClick(
onClick: PointerEvent.(click: ViewPoint<T>) -> Unit,
): FeatureRef<T, F> = modifyAttributes {
MouseListener { event, point ->
event.onClick(point as ViewPoint<T>)
2023-02-13 16:49:36 +03:00
public fun <T : Any, F : DomainFeature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.onClick(
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pointerMatcher: PointerMatcher,
keyboardModifiers: PointerKeyboardModifiers.() -> Boolean = { true },
onClick: PointerEvent.(click: ViewPoint<T>) -> Unit,
): FeatureRef<T, F> = modifyAttributes {
MouseListener { event, point ->
if (pointerMatcher.matches(event) && keyboardModifiers(event.keyboardModifiers)) {
event.onClick(point as ViewPoint<T>)
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public fun <T : Any, F : DomainFeature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.onHover(
2023-02-06 10:37:22 +03:00
onClick: PointerEvent.(move: ViewPoint<T>) -> Unit,
): FeatureRef<T, F> = modifyAttributes {
MouseListener { event, point -> event.onClick(point as ViewPoint<T>) }
// @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
// @OptIn(ExperimentalFoundationApi::class)
// public fun <F : DomainFeature<T>> FeatureId<F>.onTap(
// pointerMatcher: PointerMatcher = PointerMatcher.Primary,
// keyboardFilter: PointerKeyboardModifiers.() -> Boolean = { true },
// onTap: (point: ViewPoint<T>) -> Unit,
// ): FeatureId<F> = modifyAttributes {
// TapListenerAttribute.add(
// TapListener(pointerMatcher, keyboardFilter) { point -> onTap(point as ViewPoint<T>) }
// )
// }
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2023-02-13 16:49:36 +03:00
public object PathEffectAttribute : Attribute<PathEffect>
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2023-02-13 16:49:36 +03:00
public fun <T : Any> FeatureRef<T, LineSegmentFeature<T>>.pathEffect(effect: PathEffect): FeatureRef<T, LineSegmentFeature<T>> =
modifyAttribute(PathEffectAttribute, effect)
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public object StrokeAttribute : Attribute<Float>
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2023-02-13 16:49:36 +03:00
public fun <T : Any, F : LineSegmentFeature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.stroke(width: Float): FeatureRef<T, F> =
modifyAttribute(StrokeAttribute, width)