43 lines
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43 lines
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# The Core Module (`kmath-core`)
Complex and hypercomplex number systems in KMath:
- [complex](src/commonMain/kotlin/kscience/kmath/complex/Complex.kt) : Complex Numbers
- [quaternion](src/commonMain/kotlin/kscience/kmath/complex/Quaternion.kt) : Quaternions
> #### Artifact:
> This module artifact: `space.kscience:kmath-complex:0.3.0-dev-2`.
> Bintray release version: [ ![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/mipt-npm/kscience/kmath-complex/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/mipt-npm/kscience/kmath-complex/_latestVersion)
> Bintray development version: [ ![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/mipt-npm/dev/kmath-complex/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/mipt-npm/dev/kmath-complex/_latestVersion)
> **Gradle:**
> ```gradle
> repositories {
> maven { url 'https://repo.kotlin.link' }
> maven { url 'https://dl.bintray.com/hotkeytlt/maven' }
> maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlin-eap" } // include for builds based on kotlin-eap
> }
> dependencies {
> implementation 'space.kscience:kmath-complex:0.3.0-dev-2'
> }
> ```
> **Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
> ```kotlin
> repositories {
> maven("https://repo.kotlin.link")
> maven("https://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlin-eap") // include for builds based on kotlin-eap
> maven("https://dl.bintray.com/hotkeytlt/maven") // required for a
> }
> dependencies {
> implementation("space.kscience:kmath-complex:0.3.0-dev-2")
> }
> ```