• v0.2.0-dev-5 2d946b10ae

    0.2.0-dev-5 Pre-Release

    altavir released this 2021-01-20 17:32:31 +03:00 | 1293 commits to master since this release


    • fun annotation for SAM interfaces in library
    • Explicit public visibility for all public APIs
    • Better trigonometric and hyperbolic functions for AutoDiffField (https://github.com/mipt-npm/kmath/pull/140)
    • Automatic README generation for features (#139)
    • Native support for memory, core and dimensions
    • kmath-ejml to supply EJML SimpleMatrix wrapper (https://github.com/mipt-npm/kmath/pull/136)
    • A separate Symbol entity, which is used for global unbound symbol.
    • A Symbol indexing scope.
    • Basic optimization API for Commons-math.
    • Chi squared optimization for array-like data in CM
    • Fitting utility object in prob/stat
    • ND4J support module submitting NDStructure and NDAlgebra over INDArray
    • Coroutine-deterministic Monte-Carlo scope with a random number generator
    • Some minor utilities to kmath-for-real
    • Generic operation result parameter to MatrixContext
    • New MatrixFeature interfaces for matrix decompositions


    • Package changed from scientifik to kscience.kmath
    • Gradle version: 6.6 -> 6.8
    • Minor exceptions refactor (throwing IllegalArgumentException by argument checks instead of IllegalStateException)
    • Polynomial secondary constructor made function
    • Kotlin version: 1.3.72 -> 1.4.21
    • kmath-ast doesn't depend on heavy kotlin-reflect library
    • Full autodiff refactoring based on Symbol
    • kmath-prob renamed to kmath-stat
    • Grid generators moved to kmath-for-real
    • Use Point<Double> instead of specialized type in kmath-for-real
    • Optimized dot product for buffer matrices moved to kmath-for-real
    • EjmlMatrix context is an object
    • Matrix LUP inverse renamed to inverseWithLUP
    • NumericAlgebra moved outside of regular algebra chain (Ring no longer implements it).
    • Features moved to NDStructure and became transparent.



    • kmath-koma module because it doesn't support Kotlin 1.4.
    • Support of legacy JS backend (we will support only IR)
    • toGrid method.
    • Public visibility of BufferAccessor2D


