0.3.1-dev-11 #510
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
### Deprecated
### Removed
- Trajectory moved to https://github.com/SciProgCentre/maps-kt
- Polynomials moved to https://github.com/SciProgCentre/kmath-polynomial
### Fixed
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ allprojects {
group = "space.kscience"
version = "0.3.1-dev-10"
version = "0.3.1-dev-11"
subprojects {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# kmath-trajectory
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-trajectory:0.3.1-dev-1`.
**Gradle Groovy:**
repositories {
maven { url 'https://repo.kotlin.link' }
dependencies {
implementation 'space.kscience:kmath-trajectory:0.3.1-dev-1'
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
dependencies {
## Contributors
Erik Schouten (github: @ESchouten, email: erik-schouten@hotmail.nl)
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
plugins {
dependencies {
readme {
description = "Path and trajectory optimization (to be moved to a separate project)"
maturity = space.kscience.gradle.Maturity.DEPRECATED
propertyByTemplate("artifact", rootProject.file("docs/templates/ARTIFACT-TEMPLATE.md"))
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# kmath-trajectory
## Author
Erik Schouten
Github: ESchouten
Email: erik-schouten@hotmail.nl
@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import space.kscience.kmath.trajectory.Trajectory2D.*
import kotlin.math.acos
internal fun DubinsPose2D.getLeftCircle(radius: Double): Circle2D = getTangentCircles(radius).first
internal fun DubinsPose2D.getRightCircle(radius: Double): Circle2D = getTangentCircles(radius).second
internal fun DubinsPose2D.getTangentCircles(radius: Double): Pair<Circle2D, Circle2D> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val dX = radius * cos(bearing)
val dY = radius * sin(bearing)
return Circle2D(vector(x - dX, y + dY), radius) to Circle2D(vector(x + dX, y - dY), radius)
private fun outerTangent(from: Circle2D, to: Circle2D, direction: Direction): StraightTrajectory2D =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val centers = StraightTrajectory2D(from.center, to.center)
val p1 = when (direction) {
L -> vector(
from.center.x - from.radius * cos(centers.bearing),
from.center.y + from.radius * sin(centers.bearing)
R -> vector(
from.center.x + from.radius * cos(centers.bearing),
from.center.y - from.radius * sin(centers.bearing)
return StraightTrajectory2D(
vector(p1.x + (centers.end.x - centers.begin.x), p1.y + (centers.end.y - centers.begin.y))
private fun innerTangent(
from: Circle2D,
to: Circle2D,
direction: Direction,
): StraightTrajectory2D? =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val centers = StraightTrajectory2D(from.center, to.center)
if (centers.length < from.radius * 2) return null
val angle = when (direction) {
L -> centers.bearing + acos(from.radius * 2 / centers.length).radians
R -> centers.bearing - acos(from.radius * 2 / centers.length).radians
val dX = from.radius * sin(angle)
val dY = from.radius * cos(angle)
val p1 = vector(from.center.x + dX, from.center.y + dY)
val p2 = vector(to.center.x - dX, to.center.y - dY)
return StraightTrajectory2D(p1, p2)
public object DubinsPath {
public data class Type(
public val first: Direction,
public val second: Trajectory2D.Type,
public val third: Direction,
) {
public fun toList(): List<Trajectory2D.Type> = listOf(first, second, third)
override fun toString(): String = "${first}${second}${third}"
public companion object {
public val RLR: Type = Type(R, L, R)
public val LRL: Type = Type(L, R, L)
public val RSR: Type = Type(R, S, R)
public val LSL: Type = Type(L, S, L)
public val RSL: Type = Type(R, S, L)
public val LSR: Type = Type(L, S, R)
* Return Dubins trajectory type or null if trajectory is not a Dubins path
public fun trajectoryTypeOf(trajectory2D: CompositeTrajectory2D): Type? {
if (trajectory2D.segments.size != 3) return null
val a = trajectory2D.segments.first() as? CircleTrajectory2D ?: return null
val b = trajectory2D.segments[1]
val c = trajectory2D.segments.last() as? CircleTrajectory2D ?: return null
return Type(
if (b is CircleTrajectory2D) b.direction else S,
public fun all(
start: DubinsPose2D,
end: DubinsPose2D,
turningRadius: Double,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> = listOfNotNull(
rlr(start, end, turningRadius),
lrl(start, end, turningRadius),
rsr(start, end, turningRadius),
lsl(start, end, turningRadius),
rsl(start, end, turningRadius),
lsr(start, end, turningRadius)
public fun shortest(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D =
all(start, end, turningRadius).minBy { it.length }
public fun rlr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val centers = StraightTrajectory2D(c1.center, c2.center)
if (centers.length > turningRadius * 4) return null
val firstVariant = run {
var theta = (centers.bearing - acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
var dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
var dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p = vector(c1.center.x + dX * 2, c1.center.y + dY * 2)
val e = Circle2D(p, turningRadius)
val p1 = vector(c1.center.x + dX, c1.center.y + dY)
theta = (centers.bearing + acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p2 = vector(e.center.x + dX, e.center.y + dY)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, R)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, L)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, R)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
val secondVariant = run {
var theta = (centers.bearing + acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
var dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
var dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p = vector(c1.center.x + dX * 2, c1.center.y + dY * 2)
val e = Circle2D(p, turningRadius)
val p1 = vector(c1.center.x + dX, c1.center.y + dY)
theta = (centers.bearing - acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p2 = vector(e.center.x + dX, e.center.y + dY)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, R)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, L)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, R)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
return if (firstVariant.length < secondVariant.length) firstVariant else secondVariant
public fun lrl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val centers = StraightTrajectory2D(c1.center, c2.center)
if (centers.length > turningRadius * 4) return null
val firstVariant = run {
var theta = (centers.bearing + acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
var dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
var dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p = vector(c1.center.x + dX * 2, c1.center.y + dY * 2)
val e = Circle2D(p, turningRadius)
val p1 = vector(c1.center.x + dX, c1.center.y + dY)
theta = (centers.bearing - acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p2 = vector(e.center.x + dX, e.center.y + dY)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, L)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, R)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, L)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
val secondVariant = run {
var theta = (centers.bearing - acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
var dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
var dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p = vector(c1.center.x + dX * 2, c1.center.y + dY * 2)
val e = Circle2D(p, turningRadius)
val p1 = vector(c1.center.x + dX, c1.center.y + dY)
theta = (centers.bearing + acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)).radians).normalized()
dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
val p2 = vector(e.center.x + dX, e.center.y + dY)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, L)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, R)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, L)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
return if (firstVariant.length < secondVariant.length) firstVariant else secondVariant
public fun rsr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val s = outerTangent(c1, c2, L)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.begin, R)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, R)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public fun lsl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val s = outerTangent(c1, c2, R)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.begin, L)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, L)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public fun rsl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val s = innerTangent(c1, c2, R)
if (s == null || c1.center.distanceTo(c2.center) < turningRadius * 2) return null
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.begin, R)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, L)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public fun lsr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val s = innerTangent(c1, c2, L)
if (s == null || c1.center.distanceTo(c2.center) < turningRadius * 2) return null
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.begin, L)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, R)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public typealias PathTypes = List<Type>
public fun interface MaxCurvature {
public fun compute(startPoint: PhaseVector2D): Double
public fun DubinsPath.shortest(
start: PhaseVector2D,
end: PhaseVector2D,
maxCurvature: MaxCurvature,
): CompositeTrajectory2D = shortest(start, end, maxCurvature.compute(start))
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import kotlin.math.atan2
* Combination of [Vector] and its view angle (clockwise from positive y-axis direction)
public interface DubinsPose2D : DoubleVector2D {
public val coordinates: DoubleVector2D
public val bearing: Angle
public companion object {
public fun bearingToVector(bearing: Angle): Vector2D<Double> =
Euclidean2DSpace.vector(cos(bearing), sin(bearing))
public fun vectorToBearing(vector2D: DoubleVector2D): Angle {
require(vector2D.x != 0.0 || vector2D.y != 0.0) { "Can't get bearing of zero vector" }
return atan2(vector2D.y, vector2D.x).radians
public fun of(point: DoubleVector2D, direction: DoubleVector2D): DubinsPose2D =
DubinsPose2D(point, vectorToBearing(direction))
public class PhaseVector2D(
override val coordinates: DoubleVector2D,
public val velocity: DoubleVector2D,
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates {
override val bearing: Angle get() = atan2(velocity.x, velocity.y).radians
private class DubinsPose2DImpl(
override val coordinates: DoubleVector2D,
override val bearing: Angle,
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates {
override fun toString(): String = "DubinsPose2D(x=$x, y=$y, bearing=$bearing)"
public object DubinsPose2DSerializer : KSerializer<DubinsPose2D> {
private val proxySerializer = DubinsPose2DImpl.serializer()
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
get() = proxySerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): DubinsPose2D {
return decoder.decodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: DubinsPose2D) {
val pose = value as? DubinsPose2DImpl ?: DubinsPose2DImpl(value.coordinates, value.bearing)
encoder.encodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer, pose)
public fun DubinsPose2D(coordinate: DoubleVector2D, theta: Angle): DubinsPose2D = DubinsPose2DImpl(coordinate, theta)
@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2023 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.minus
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.norm
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.plus
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.times
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.vector
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField.pow
import kotlin.math.*
internal data class Tangent(
val startCircle: Circle2D,
val endCircle: Circle2D,
val startObstacle: Obstacle,
val endObstacle: Obstacle,
val lineSegment: LineSegment2D,
val startDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction,
val endDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction = startDirection,
) : LineSegment2D by lineSegment
private class TangentPath(val tangents: List<Tangent>) {
fun last() = tangents.last()
private fun TangentPath(vararg tangents: Tangent) = TangentPath(listOf(*tangents))
* Create inner and outer tangents between two circles.
* This method returns a map of segments using [DubinsPath] connection type notation.
internal fun Circle2D.tangentsToCircle(
other: Circle2D,
): Map<DubinsPath.Type, LineSegment2D> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
//return empty map for concentric circles
if (center.equalsVector(other.center)) return emptyMap()
// A line connecting centers
val line = LineSegment(center, other.center)
// Distance between centers
val distance = line.begin.distanceTo(line.end)
val angle1 = atan2(other.center.x - center.x, other.center.y - center.y)
var angle2: Double
val routes = mapOf(
DubinsPath.Type.RSR to Pair(radius, other.radius),
DubinsPath.Type.RSL to Pair(radius, -other.radius),
DubinsPath.Type.LSR to Pair(-radius, other.radius),
DubinsPath.Type.LSL to Pair(-radius, -other.radius)
return buildMap {
for ((route, r1r2) in routes) {
val r1 = r1r2.first
val r2 = r1r2.second
val r = if (r1.sign == r2.sign) {
r1.absoluteValue - r2.absoluteValue
} else {
r1.absoluteValue + r2.absoluteValue
if (distance * distance >= r * r) {
val l = sqrt(distance * distance - r * r)
angle2 = if (r1.absoluteValue > r2.absoluteValue) {
angle1 + r1.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
} else {
angle1 - r2.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
val w = vector(-cos(angle2), sin(angle2))
center + w * r1,
other.center + w * r2
} else {
throw Exception("Circles should not intersect")
private fun dubinsTangentsToCircles(
firstCircle: Circle2D,
secondCircle: Circle2D,
firstObstacle: Obstacle,
secondObstacle: Obstacle,
): Map<DubinsPath.Type, Tangent> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val line = LineSegment(firstCircle.center, secondCircle.center)
val distance = line.begin.distanceTo(line.end)
val angle1 = atan2(
secondCircle.center.x - firstCircle.center.x,
secondCircle.center.y - firstCircle.center.y
var r: Double
var angle2: Double
val routes = mapOf(
DubinsPath.Type.RSR to Pair(firstCircle.radius, secondCircle.radius),
DubinsPath.Type.RSL to Pair(firstCircle.radius, -secondCircle.radius),
DubinsPath.Type.LSR to Pair(-firstCircle.radius, secondCircle.radius),
DubinsPath.Type.LSL to Pair(-firstCircle.radius, -secondCircle.radius)
return buildMap {
for ((route: DubinsPath.Type, r1r2) in routes) {
val r1 = r1r2.first
val r2 = r1r2.second
r = if (r1.sign == r2.sign) {
r1.absoluteValue - r2.absoluteValue
} else {
r1.absoluteValue + r2.absoluteValue
if (distance * distance >= r * r) {
val l = sqrt(distance * distance - r * r)
angle2 = if (r1.absoluteValue > r2.absoluteValue) {
angle1 + r1.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
} else {
angle1 - r2.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
val w = vector(-cos(angle2), sin(angle2))
startCircle = Circle2D(firstCircle.center, firstCircle.radius),
endCircle = secondCircle,
startObstacle = firstObstacle,
endObstacle = secondObstacle,
lineSegment = LineSegment(
firstCircle.center + w * r1,
secondCircle.center + w * r2
startDirection = route.first,
endDirection = route.third
} else {
throw Exception("Circles should not intersect")
internal class Obstacle(
public val circles: List<Circle2D>,
) {
internal val tangents: List<Tangent> = boundaryTangents().first
public val boundaryRoute: DubinsPath.Type = boundaryTangents().second
public val center: Vector2D<Double> = vector(
circles.sumOf { it.center.x } / circles.size,
circles.sumOf { it.center.y } / circles.size
private fun boundaryTangents(): Pair<List<Tangent>, DubinsPath.Type> {
// outer tangents for a polygon circles can be either lsl or rsr
fun Circle2D.dubinsTangentsToCircles(
other: Circle2D,
): Map<DubinsPath.Type, Tangent> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val line = LineSegment(center, other.center)
val d = line.begin.distanceTo(line.end)
val angle1 = atan2(other.center.x - center.x, other.center.y - center.y)
var r: Double
var angle2: Double
val routes = mapOf(
DubinsPath.Type.RSR to Pair(radius, other.radius),
DubinsPath.Type.LSL to Pair(-radius, -other.radius)
return buildMap {
for ((routeType, r1r2) in routes) {
val r1 = r1r2.first
val r2 = r1r2.second
r = if (r1.sign == r2.sign) {
r1.absoluteValue - r2.absoluteValue
} else {
r1.absoluteValue + r2.absoluteValue
if (d * d >= r * r) {
val l = (d * d - r * r).pow(0.5)
angle2 = if (r1.absoluteValue > r2.absoluteValue) {
angle1 + r1.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
} else {
angle1 - r2.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
val w = vector(-cos(angle2), sin(angle2))
routeType, Tangent(
Circle2D(center, radius),
center + w * r1,
other.center + w * r2
startDirection = routeType.first,
endDirection = routeType.third
} else {
throw Exception("Circles should not intersect")
val firstCircles = circles
val secondCircles = circles.slice(1..circles.lastIndex) +
val lslTangents = firstCircles.zip(secondCircles)
{ a, b -> a.dubinsTangentsToCircles(b)[DubinsPath.Type.LSL]!! }
val rsrTangents = firstCircles.zip(secondCircles)
{ a, b -> a.dubinsTangentsToCircles(b)[DubinsPath.Type.RSR]!! }
val center = vector(
circles.sumOf { it.center.x } / circles.size,
circles.sumOf { it.center.y } / circles.size
val lslToCenter = lslTangents.sumOf { it.lineSegment.begin.distanceTo(center) } +
lslTangents.sumOf { it.lineSegment.end.distanceTo(center) }
val rsrToCenter = rsrTangents.sumOf { it.lineSegment.begin.distanceTo(center) } +
rsrTangents.sumOf { it.lineSegment.end.distanceTo(center) }
return if (rsrToCenter >= lslToCenter) {
Pair(rsrTangents, DubinsPath.Type.RSR)
} else {
Pair(lslTangents, DubinsPath.Type.LSL)
internal fun nextTangent(circle: Circle2D, direction: Trajectory2D.Direction): Tangent {
if (direction == boundaryRoute.first) {
for (i in circles.indices) {
if (circles[i] == circle) {
return tangents[i]
} else {
for (i in circles.indices) {
if (circles[i] == circle) {
if (i > 0) {
return Tangent(
circles[i - 1],
tangents[i - 1].lineSegment.end,
tangents[i - 1].lineSegment.begin
} else {
return Tangent(
error("next tangent not found")
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other == null || other !is Obstacle) return false
return circles == other.circles
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return circles.hashCode()
internal fun Obstacle(vararg circles: Circle2D): Obstacle = Obstacle(listOf(*circles))
private fun LineSegment2D.intersectSegment(other: LineSegment2D): Boolean {
fun crossProduct(v1: DoubleVector2D, v2: DoubleVector2D): Double {
return v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x
return if (crossProduct(other.begin - begin, other.end - begin).sign ==
crossProduct(other.begin - end, other.end - end).sign
) {
} else {
crossProduct(begin - other.begin, end - other.begin).sign != crossProduct(
begin - other.end,
end - other.end
private fun LineSegment2D.intersectCircle(circle: Circle2D): Boolean {
val a = (begin.x - end.x).pow(2.0) + (begin.y - end.y).pow(2.0)
val b = 2 * ((begin.x - end.x) * (end.x - circle.center.x) +
(begin.y - end.y) * (end.y - circle.center.y))
val c = (end.x - circle.center.x).pow(2.0) + (end.y - circle.center.y).pow(2.0) -
val d = b.pow(2.0) - 4 * a * c
if (d < 1e-6) {
return false
} else {
val t1 = (-b - d.pow(0.5)) * 0.5 / a
val t2 = (-b + d.pow(0.5)) * 0.5 / a
if (((0 < t1) and (t1 < 1)) or ((0 < t2) and (t2 < 1))) {
return true
return false
private fun Tangent.intersectObstacle(obstacle: Obstacle): Boolean {
for (tangent in obstacle.tangents) {
if (lineSegment.intersectSegment(tangent.lineSegment)) {
return true
for (circle in obstacle.circles) {
if (lineSegment.intersectCircle(circle)) {
return true
return false
private fun outerTangents(first: Obstacle, second: Obstacle): Map<DubinsPath.Type, Tangent> = buildMap {
for (circle1 in first.circles) {
for (circle2 in second.circles) {
for (tangent in dubinsTangentsToCircles(circle1, circle2, first, second)) {
if (!(tangent.value.intersectObstacle(first))
and !(tangent.value.intersectObstacle(second))
) {
private fun arcLength(
circle: Circle2D,
point1: DoubleVector2D,
point2: DoubleVector2D,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
): Double {
val phi1 = atan2(point1.y - circle.center.y, point1.x - circle.center.x)
val phi2 = atan2(point2.y - circle.center.y, point2.x - circle.center.x)
var angle = 0.0
when (direction) {
Trajectory2D.L -> {
angle = if (phi2 >= phi1) {
phi2 - phi1
} else {
2 * PI + phi2 - phi1
Trajectory2D.R -> {
angle = if (phi2 >= phi1) {
2 * PI - (phi2 - phi1)
} else {
-(phi2 - phi1)
return circle.radius * angle
private fun normalVectors(v: DoubleVector2D, r: Double): Pair<DoubleVector2D, DoubleVector2D> {
return Pair(
r * vector(v.y / norm(v), -v.x / norm(v)),
r * vector(-v.y / norm(v), v.x / norm(v))
private fun constructTangentCircles(
point: DoubleVector2D,
direction: DoubleVector2D,
r: Double,
): Map<Trajectory2D.Type, Circle2D> {
val center1 = point + normalVectors(direction, r).first
val center2 = point + normalVectors(direction, r).second
val p1 = center1 - point
return if (atan2(p1.y, p1.x) - atan2(direction.y, direction.x) in listOf(PI / 2, -3 * PI / 2)) {
Trajectory2D.L to Circle2D(center1, r),
Trajectory2D.R to Circle2D(center2, r)
} else {
Trajectory2D.L to Circle2D(center2, r),
Trajectory2D.R to Circle2D(center1, r)
private fun sortedObstacles(
currentObstacle: Obstacle,
obstacles: List<Obstacle>,
): List<Obstacle> {
return obstacles.sortedBy { norm(it.center - currentObstacle.center) }
private fun tangentsAlongTheObstacle(
initialCircle: Circle2D,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
finalCircle: Circle2D,
obstacle: Obstacle,
): List<Tangent> {
val dubinsTangents = mutableListOf<Tangent>()
var tangent = obstacle.nextTangent(initialCircle, direction)
while (tangent.endCircle != finalCircle) {
tangent = obstacle.nextTangent(tangent.endCircle, direction)
return dubinsTangents
private fun allFinished(
paths: List<TangentPath>,
finalObstacle: Obstacle,
): Boolean {
for (path in paths) {
if (path.last().endObstacle != finalObstacle) {
return false
return true
private fun LineSegment2D.toTrajectory() = StraightTrajectory2D(begin, end)
private fun TangentPath.toTrajectory(): CompositeTrajectory2D = CompositeTrajectory2D(
buildList {
tangents.zipWithNext().forEach { (left, right) ->
internal fun findAllPaths(
start: DubinsPose2D,
startingRadius: Double,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
finalRadius: Double,
obstacles: List<Obstacle>,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
fun DubinsPose2D.direction() = vector(cos(bearing), sin(bearing))
val initialCircles = constructTangentCircles(
val finalCircles = constructTangentCircles(
val trajectories = mutableListOf<CompositeTrajectory2D>()
for (i in listOf(Trajectory2D.L, Trajectory2D.R)) {
for (j in listOf(Trajectory2D.L, Trajectory2D.R)) {
val finalCircle = finalCircles[j]!!
val finalObstacle = Obstacle(listOf(finalCircle))
var currentPaths: List<TangentPath> = listOf(
LineSegment(start, start),
while (!allFinished(currentPaths, finalObstacle)) {
val newPaths = mutableListOf<TangentPath>()
for (tangentPath: TangentPath in currentPaths) {
val currentCircle = tangentPath.last().endCircle
val currentDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction = tangentPath.last().endDirection
val currentObstacle = tangentPath.last().endObstacle
var nextObstacle: Obstacle? = null
if (currentObstacle != finalObstacle) {
val tangentToFinal = outerTangents(currentObstacle, finalObstacle)[DubinsPath.Type(
for (obstacle in sortedObstacles(currentObstacle, obstacles)) {
if (tangentToFinal!!.intersectObstacle(obstacle)) {
nextObstacle = obstacle
if (nextObstacle == null) {
nextObstacle = finalObstacle
val nextTangents: Map<DubinsPath.Type, Tangent> = outerTangents(currentObstacle, nextObstacle)
.filter { (key, tangent) ->
obstacles.none { obstacle -> tangent.intersectObstacle(obstacle) } &&
key.first == currentDirection &&
(nextObstacle != finalObstacle || key.third == j)
var tangentsAlong: List<Tangent>
for (tangent in nextTangents.values) {
if (tangent.startCircle == tangentPath.last().endCircle) {
val lengthMaxPossible = arcLength(
val lengthCalculated = arcLength(
tangentsAlong = if (lengthCalculated > lengthMaxPossible) {
} else {
} else {
tangentsAlong = tangentsAlongTheObstacle(
newPaths.add(TangentPath(tangentPath.tangents + tangentsAlong + tangent))
} else {
currentPaths = newPaths
trajectories += currentPaths.map { tangentPath ->
val lastDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction = tangentPath.last().endDirection
val end = finalCircles[j]!!
tangentPath.tangents +
LineSegment(finish, finish),
startDirection = lastDirection,
endDirection = j
}.map { it.toTrajectory() }
return trajectories
public object Obstacles {
public fun allPathsAvoiding(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
obstaclePolygons: List<Polygon<Double>>,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
val obstacles: List<Obstacle> = obstaclePolygons.map { polygon ->
Obstacle(polygon.points.map { point -> Circle2D(point, trajectoryRadius) })
return findAllPaths(start, trajectoryRadius, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacles)
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import kotlin.math.atan2
public sealed interface Trajectory2D {
public val length: Double
public sealed interface Type
public sealed interface Direction: Type
public object R : Direction {
override fun toString(): String = "R"
public object S : Type {
override fun toString(): String = "L"
public object L : Direction {
override fun toString(): String = "L"
* Straight path segment. The order of start and end defines the direction
public data class StraightTrajectory2D(
override val begin: DoubleVector2D,
override val end: DoubleVector2D,
) : Trajectory2D, LineSegment2D {
override val length: Double get() = begin.distanceTo(end)
public val bearing: Angle get() = (atan2(end.x - begin.x, end.y - begin.y).radians).normalized()
* An arc segment
public data class CircleTrajectory2D(
public val circle: Circle2D,
public val start: DubinsPose2D,
public val end: DubinsPose2D,
) : Trajectory2D {
* Arc length in radians
val arcLength: Angle
get() = if (direction == Trajectory2D.L) {
start.bearing - end.bearing
} else {
end.bearing - start.bearing
override val length: Double by lazy {
circle.radius * arcLength.radians
public val direction: Trajectory2D.Direction by lazy {
if (start.y < circle.center.y) {
if (start.bearing > Angle.pi) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
} else if (start.y > circle.center.y) {
if (start.bearing < Angle.pi) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
} else {
if (start.bearing == Angle.zero) {
if (start.x < circle.center.x) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
} else {
if (start.x > circle.center.x) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
public companion object {
public fun of(
center: DoubleVector2D,
start: DoubleVector2D,
end: DoubleVector2D,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
): CircleTrajectory2D {
fun calculatePose(
vector: DoubleVector2D,
theta: Angle,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
): DubinsPose2D = DubinsPose2D(
when (direction) {
Trajectory2D.L -> (theta - Angle.piDiv2).normalized()
Trajectory2D.R -> (theta + Angle.piDiv2).normalized()
val s1 = StraightTrajectory2D(center, start)
val s2 = StraightTrajectory2D(center, end)
val pose1 = calculatePose(start, s1.bearing, direction)
val pose2 = calculatePose(end, s2.bearing, direction)
val trajectory = CircleTrajectory2D(Circle2D(center, s1.length), pose1, pose2)
if (trajectory.direction != direction) error("Trajectory direction mismatch")
return trajectory
public class CompositeTrajectory2D(public val segments: List<Trajectory2D>) : Trajectory2D {
override val length: Double get() = segments.sumOf { it.length }
public fun CompositeTrajectory2D(vararg segments: Trajectory2D): CompositeTrajectory2D =
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2023 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.equalsFloat
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertNotNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class DubinsTests {
fun dubinsTest() = with(Euclidean2DSpace){
val straight = StraightTrajectory2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), vector(100.0, 100.0))
val lineP1 = straight.shift(1, 10.0).inverse()
val start = DubinsPose2D(straight.end, straight.bearing)
val end = DubinsPose2D(lineP1.begin, lineP1.bearing)
val radius = 2.0
val dubins = DubinsPath.all(start, end, radius)
val absoluteDistance = start.distanceTo(end)
println("Absolute distance: $absoluteDistance")
val expectedLengths = mapOf(
DubinsPath.Type.RLR to 13.067681939031397,
DubinsPath.Type.RSR to 12.28318530717957,
DubinsPath.Type.LSL to 32.84955592153878,
DubinsPath.Type.RSL to 23.37758938854081,
DubinsPath.Type.LSR to 23.37758938854081
expectedLengths.forEach {
val path = dubins.find { p -> DubinsPath.trajectoryTypeOf(p) == it.key }
assertNotNull(path, "Path ${it.key} not found")
println("${it.key}: ${path.length}")
val a = path.segments[0] as CircleTrajectory2D
val b = path.segments[1]
val c = path.segments[2] as CircleTrajectory2D
// Not working, theta double precision inaccuracy
if (b is CircleTrajectory2D) {
} else if (b is StraightTrajectory2D) {
assertTrue(a.end.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.begin, b.bearing)))
assertTrue(c.start.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.end, b.bearing)))
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2023 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.vector
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class ObstacleTest {
fun firstPath() {
val startPoint = vector(-5.0, -1.0)
val startDirection = vector(1.0, 1.0)
val startRadius = 0.5
val finalPoint = vector(20.0, 4.0)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, -1.0)
val finalRadius = 0.5
val obstacles = listOf(
Circle2D(vector(7.0, 1.0), 5.0)
val outputTangents = findAllPaths(
DubinsPose2D.of(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D.of(finalPoint, finalDirection),
val length = outputTangents.minOf { it.length }
assertEquals(27.2113183, length, 1e-6)
fun secondPath() {
val startPoint = vector(-5.0, -1.0)
val startDirection = vector(1.0, 1.0)
val startRadius = 0.5
val finalPoint = vector(20.0, 4.0)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, -1.0)
val finalRadius = 0.5
val obstacles = listOf(
Circle2D(vector(1.0, 6.5), 0.5),
Circle2D(vector(2.0, 1.0), 0.5),
Circle2D(vector(6.0, 0.0), 0.5),
Circle2D(vector(5.0, 5.0), 0.5)
), Obstacle(
Circle2D(vector(10.0, 1.0), 0.5),
Circle2D(vector(16.0, 0.0), 0.5),
Circle2D(vector(14.0, 6.0), 0.5),
Circle2D(vector(9.0, 4.0), 0.5)
val paths = findAllPaths(
DubinsPose2D.of(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D.of(finalPoint, finalDirection),
val length = paths.minOf { it.length }
assertEquals(28.9678224, length, 1e-6)
fun equalObstacles() {
val circle1 = Circle2D(vector(1.0, 6.5), 0.5)
val circle2 = Circle2D(vector(1.0, 6.5), 0.5)
assertEquals(circle1, circle2)
val obstacle1 = Obstacle(listOf(circle1))
val obstacle2 = Obstacle(listOf(circle2))
assertEquals(obstacle1, obstacle2)
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2023 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.vector
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.LineSegment
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.equalsLine
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class TangentTest {
fun tangents() {
val c1 = Circle2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), 1.0)
val c2 = Circle2D(vector(4.0, 0.0), 1.0)
val routes = listOf(
val segments = listOf(
begin = vector(0.0, 1.0),
end = vector(4.0, 1.0)
begin = vector(0.5, 0.8660254),
end = vector(3.5, -0.8660254)
begin = vector(0.5, -0.8660254),
end = vector(3.5, 0.8660254)
begin = vector(0.0, -1.0),
end = vector(4.0, -1.0)
val tangentMap = c1.tangentsToCircle(c2)
val tangentMapKeys = tangentMap.keys.toList()
val tangentMapValues = tangentMap.values.toList()
assertEquals(routes, tangentMapKeys)
for (i in segments.indices) {
assertTrue(segments[i].equalsLine(Euclidean2DSpace, tangentMapValues[i]))
fun concentric(){
val c1 = Circle2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), 10.0)
val c2 = Circle2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), 1.0)
assertEquals(emptyMap(), c1.tangentsToCircle(c2))
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.equalsFloat
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.radians
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.sin
fun DubinsPose2D.equalsFloat(other: DubinsPose2D) =
x.equalsFloat(other.x) && y.equalsFloat(other.y) && bearing.radians.equalsFloat(other.bearing.radians)
fun StraightTrajectory2D.inverse() = StraightTrajectory2D(end, begin)
fun StraightTrajectory2D.shift(shift: Int, width: Double): StraightTrajectory2D = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val dX = width * sin(inverse().bearing)
val dY = width * sin(bearing)
return StraightTrajectory2D(
vector(begin.x - dX * shift, begin.y - dY * shift),
vector(end.x - dX * shift, end.y - dY * shift)
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory.segments
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.circumference
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.degrees
import space.kscience.kmath.trajectory.CircleTrajectory2D
import space.kscience.kmath.trajectory.Trajectory2D
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class ArcTests {
fun arcTest() = with(Euclidean2DSpace){
val circle = Circle2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), 2.0)
val arc = CircleTrajectory2D.of(
vector(-2.0, 0.0),
vector(0.0, 2.0),
assertEquals(circle.circumference / 4, arc.length, 1.0)
assertEquals(0.0, arc.start.bearing.degrees)
assertEquals(90.0, arc.end.bearing.degrees)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory.segments
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.circumference
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class CircleTests {
fun arcTest() {
val center = Euclidean2DSpace.vector(0.0, 0.0)
val radius = 2.0
val expectedCircumference = 12.56637
val circle = Circle2D(center, radius)
assertEquals(expectedCircumference, circle.circumference, 1e-4)
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory.segments
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.degrees
import space.kscience.kmath.trajectory.StraightTrajectory2D
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class LineTests {
fun lineTest() = with(Euclidean2DSpace){
val straight = StraightTrajectory2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), vector(100.0, 100.0))
assertEquals(sqrt(100.0.pow(2) + 100.0.pow(2)), straight.length)
assertEquals(45.0, straight.bearing.degrees)
fun lineAngleTest() = with(Euclidean2DSpace){
//val zero = Vector2D(0.0, 0.0)
val north = StraightTrajectory2D(zero, vector(0.0, 2.0))
assertEquals(0.0, north.bearing.degrees)
val east = StraightTrajectory2D(zero, vector(2.0, 0.0))
assertEquals(90.0, east.bearing.degrees)
val south = StraightTrajectory2D(zero, vector(0.0, -2.0))
assertEquals(180.0, south.bearing.degrees)
val west = StraightTrajectory2D(zero, vector(-2.0, 0.0))
assertEquals(270.0, west.bearing.degrees)
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ include(
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