0.3.1-dev-11 #510
@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlin.math.PI
* A circle in 2D space
public data class Circle2D(
public val center: DoubleVector2D,
@Serializable(Euclidean2DSpace.VectorSerializer::class) public val center: DoubleVector2D,
public val radius: Double
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
import space.kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Norm
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.ScaleOperations
@ -33,6 +39,7 @@ public operator fun <T> Vector2D<T>.component1(): T = x
public operator fun <T> Vector2D<T>.component2(): T = y
public typealias DoubleVector2D = Vector2D<Double>
public typealias Float64Vector2D = Vector2D<Double>
public val Vector2D<Double>.r: Double get() = Euclidean2DSpace.norm(this)
@ -44,11 +51,25 @@ public object Euclidean2DSpace : GeometrySpace<DoubleVector2D>,
Norm<DoubleVector2D, Double> {
private data class Vector2DImpl(
override val x: Double,
override val y: Double,
) : DoubleVector2D
public object VectorSerializer : KSerializer<DoubleVector2D> {
private val proxySerializer = Vector2DImpl.serializer()
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor get() = proxySerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): DoubleVector2D = decoder.decodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: DoubleVector2D) {
val vector = value as? Vector2DImpl ?: Vector2DImpl(value.x, value.y)
encoder.encodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer, vector)
public fun vector(x: Number, y: Number): DoubleVector2D = Vector2DImpl(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble())
override val zero: DoubleVector2D by lazy { vector(0.0, 0.0) }
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
import space.kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Norm
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.ScaleOperations
@ -45,17 +51,33 @@ public fun <T> Buffer<T>.asVector3D(): Vector3D<T> = object : Vector3D<T> {
public typealias DoubleVector3D = Vector3D<Double>
public typealias Float64Vector3D = Vector3D<Double>
public val DoubleVector3D.r: Double get() = Euclidean3DSpace.norm(this)
public object Euclidean3DSpace : GeometrySpace<DoubleVector3D>, ScaleOperations<DoubleVector3D>,
Norm<DoubleVector3D, Double> {
private data class Vector3DImpl(
override val x: Double,
override val y: Double,
override val z: Double,
) : DoubleVector3D
public object VectorSerializer : KSerializer<DoubleVector3D> {
private val proxySerializer = Vector3DImpl.serializer()
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor get() = proxySerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): DoubleVector3D = decoder.decodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: DoubleVector3D) {
val vector = value as? Vector3DImpl ?: Vector3DImpl(value.x, value.y, value.z)
encoder.encodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer, vector)
public fun vector(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number): DoubleVector3D =
Vector3DImpl(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), z.toDouble())
@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* A line formed by [base] vector of start and a [direction] vector. Direction vector is not necessarily normalized,
* but its length does not affect line properties
public data class Line<out V : Vector>(val base: V, val direction: V)
public typealias Line2D = Line<DoubleVector2D>
@ -17,4 +20,12 @@ public typealias Line3D = Line<DoubleVector3D>
* A directed line segment between [begin] and [end]
public data class LineSegment<out V : Vector>(val begin: V, val end: V)
public fun <V : Vector> LineSegment<V>.line(algebra: GeometrySpace<V>): Line<V> = with(algebra) {
Line(begin, end - begin)
public typealias LineSegment2D = LineSegment<DoubleVector2D>
public typealias LineSegment3D = LineSegment<DoubleVector3D>
@ -57,7 +57,11 @@ internal fun leftInnerTangent(base: Circle2D, direction: Circle2D): StraightTraj
internal fun rightInnerTangent(base: Circle2D, direction: Circle2D): StraightTrajectory2D? =
innerTangent(base, direction, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
private fun innerTangent(base: Circle2D, direction: Circle2D, side: CircleTrajectory2D.Direction): StraightTrajectory2D? =
private fun innerTangent(
base: Circle2D,
direction: Circle2D,
side: CircleTrajectory2D.Direction,
): StraightTrajectory2D? =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val centers = StraightTrajectory2D(base.center, direction.center)
if (centers.length < base.radius * 2) return null
@ -76,43 +80,49 @@ private fun innerTangent(base: Circle2D, direction: Circle2D, side: CircleTrajec
internal fun theta(theta: Double): Double = (theta + (2 * PI)) % (2 * PI)
public class DubinsPath(
public val a: CircleTrajectory2D,
public val b: Trajectory2D,
public val c: CircleTrajectory2D,
) : CompositeTrajectory2D(listOf(a, b, c)) {
public object DubinsPath {
public val type: TYPE = TYPE.valueOf(
if (b is CircleTrajectory2D) b.direction.name[0] else 'S',
public enum class TYPE {
public enum class Type {
public companion object {
public fun all(
start: DubinsPose2D,
end: DubinsPose2D,
turningRadius: Double,
): List<DubinsPath> = listOfNotNull(
rlr(start, end, turningRadius),
lrl(start, end, turningRadius),
rsr(start, end, turningRadius),
lsl(start, end, turningRadius),
rsl(start, end, turningRadius),
lsr(start, end, turningRadius)
* Return Dubins trajectory type or null if trajectory is not a Dubins path
public fun trajectoryTypeOf(trajectory2D: CompositeTrajectory2D): Type?{
if(trajectory2D.segments.size != 3) return null
val a = trajectory2D.segments.first() as? CircleTrajectory2D ?: return null
val b = trajectory2D.segments[1]
val c = trajectory2D.segments.last() as? CircleTrajectory2D ?: return null
return Type.valueOf(
if (b is CircleTrajectory2D) b.direction.name[0] else 'S',
public fun shortest(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): DubinsPath =
all(start, end, turningRadius).minBy { it.length }
public fun all(
start: DubinsPose2D,
end: DubinsPose2D,
turningRadius: Double,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> = listOfNotNull(
rlr(start, end, turningRadius),
lrl(start, end, turningRadius),
rsr(start, end, turningRadius),
lsl(start, end, turningRadius),
rsl(start, end, turningRadius),
lsr(start, end, turningRadius)
public fun rlr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): DubinsPath? = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
public fun shortest(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D =
all(start, end, turningRadius).minBy { it.length }
public fun rlr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val centers = StraightTrajectory2D(c1.center, c2.center)
@ -132,7 +142,7 @@ public class DubinsPath(
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
DubinsPath(a1, a2, a3)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
val secondVariant = run {
@ -149,13 +159,14 @@ public class DubinsPath(
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
DubinsPath(a1, a2, a3)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
return if (firstVariant.length < secondVariant.length) firstVariant else secondVariant
public fun lrl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): DubinsPath? = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
public fun lrl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val centers = StraightTrajectory2D(c1.center, c2.center)
@ -175,10 +186,10 @@ public class DubinsPath(
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
DubinsPath(a1, a2, a3)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
val secondVariant = run{
val secondVariant = run {
var theta = theta(centers.bearing - acos(centers.length / (turningRadius * 4)))
var dX = turningRadius * sin(theta)
var dY = turningRadius * cos(theta)
@ -192,50 +203,60 @@ public class DubinsPath(
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, p1, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a2 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(e.center, p1, p2, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, p2, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
DubinsPath(a1, a2, a3)
CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, a2, a3)
return if (firstVariant.length < secondVariant.length) firstVariant else secondVariant
public fun rsr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): DubinsPath {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val s = leftOuterTangent(c1, c2)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
return DubinsPath(a1, s, a3)
public fun lsl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): DubinsPath {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val s = rightOuterTangent(c1, c2)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
return DubinsPath(a1, s, a3)
public fun rsl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): DubinsPath? {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val s = rightInnerTangent(c1, c2)
if (s == null || c1.center.distanceTo(c2.center) < turningRadius * 2) return null
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
return DubinsPath(a1, s, a3)
public fun lsr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): DubinsPath? {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val s = leftInnerTangent(c1, c2)
if (s == null || c1.center.distanceTo(c2.center) < turningRadius * 2) return null
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
return DubinsPath(a1, s, a3)
public fun rsr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val s = leftOuterTangent(c1, c2)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public fun lsl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val s = rightOuterTangent(c1, c2)
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public fun rsl(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? {
val c1 = start.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val s = rightInnerTangent(c1, c2)
if (s == null || c1.center.distanceTo(c2.center) < turningRadius * 2) return null
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public fun lsr(start: DubinsPose2D, end: DubinsPose2D, turningRadius: Double): CompositeTrajectory2D? {
val c1 = start.getLeftCircle(turningRadius)
val c2 = end.getRightCircle(turningRadius)
val s = leftInnerTangent(c1, c2)
if (s == null || c1.center.distanceTo(c2.center) < turningRadius * 2) return null
val a1 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c1.center, start, s.start, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.LEFT)
val a3 = CircleTrajectory2D.of(c2.center, s.end, end, CircleTrajectory2D.Direction.RIGHT)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(a1, s, a3)
public fun interface MaxCurvature {
public fun compute(startPoint: PhaseVector2D): Double
public fun DubinsPath.shortest(
start: PhaseVector2D,
end: PhaseVector2D,
maxCurvature: MaxCurvature,
): CompositeTrajectory2D = shortest(start, end, maxCurvature.compute(start))
@ -2,35 +2,62 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.DoubleVector2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Vector
import kotlin.math.atan2
* Combination of [Vector] and its view angle (clockwise from positive y-axis direction)
public interface DubinsPose2D : DoubleVector2D {
public val coordinate: DoubleVector2D
public val coordinates: DoubleVector2D
public val bearing: Double
public class PhaseVector2D(
override val coordinate: DoubleVector2D,
override val coordinates: DoubleVector2D,
public val velocity: DoubleVector2D,
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinate {
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates {
override val bearing: Double get() = atan2(velocity.x, velocity.y)
private class DubinsPose2DImpl(
override val coordinate: DoubleVector2D,
override val coordinates: DoubleVector2D,
override val bearing: Double,
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinate{
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates{
override fun toString(): String = "Pose2D(x=$x, y=$y, bearing=$bearing)"
override fun toString(): String = "DubinsPose2D(x=$x, y=$y, bearing=$bearing)"
public object DubinsPose2DSerializer: KSerializer<DubinsPose2D>{
private val proxySerializer = DubinsPose2DImpl.serializer()
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
get() = proxySerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): DubinsPose2D {
return decoder.decodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: DubinsPose2D) {
val pose = value as? DubinsPose2DImpl ?: DubinsPose2DImpl(value.coordinates, value.bearing)
encoder.encodeSerializableValue(proxySerializer, pose)
public fun DubinsPose2D(coordinate: DoubleVector2D, theta: Double): DubinsPose2D = DubinsPose2DImpl(coordinate, theta)
@ -2,15 +2,19 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.DoubleVector2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.atan2
public sealed interface Trajectory2D {
public val length: Double
@ -18,6 +22,7 @@ public sealed interface Trajectory2D {
* Straight path segment. The order of start and end defines the direction
public data class StraightTrajectory2D(
public val start: DoubleVector2D,
public val end: DoubleVector2D,
@ -30,6 +35,7 @@ public data class StraightTrajectory2D(
* An arc segment
public data class CircleTrajectory2D(
public val circle: Circle2D,
public val start: DubinsPose2D,
@ -102,7 +108,10 @@ public data class CircleTrajectory2D(
public open class CompositeTrajectory2D(public val segments: List<Trajectory2D>) : Trajectory2D {
public class CompositeTrajectory2D(public val segments: List<Trajectory2D>) : Trajectory2D {
override val length: Double get() = segments.sumOf { it.length }
public fun CompositeTrajectory2D(vararg segments: Trajectory2D): CompositeTrajectory2D = CompositeTrajectory2D(segments.toList())
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.trajectory
public fun interface MaxCurvature {
public fun compute(startPoint: PhaseVector2D): Double
public fun DubinsPath.Companion.shortest(
start: PhaseVector2D,
end: PhaseVector2D,
maxCurvature: MaxCurvature,
): DubinsPath = shortest(start, end, maxCurvature.compute(start))
@ -28,31 +28,33 @@ class DubinsTests {
println("Absolute distance: $absoluteDistance")
val expectedLengths = mapOf(
DubinsPath.TYPE.RLR to 13.067681939031397,
DubinsPath.TYPE.RSR to 12.28318530717957,
DubinsPath.TYPE.LSL to 32.84955592153878,
DubinsPath.TYPE.RSL to 23.37758938854081,
DubinsPath.TYPE.LSR to 23.37758938854081
DubinsPath.Type.RLR to 13.067681939031397,
DubinsPath.Type.RSR to 12.28318530717957,
DubinsPath.Type.LSL to 32.84955592153878,
DubinsPath.Type.RSL to 23.37758938854081,
DubinsPath.Type.LSR to 23.37758938854081
expectedLengths.forEach {
val path = dubins.find { p -> p.type === it.key }
val path = dubins.find { p -> DubinsPath.trajectoryTypeOf(p) === it.key }
assertNotNull(path, "Path ${it.key} not found")
println("${it.key}: ${path.length}")
val a = path.segments[0] as CircleTrajectory2D
val b = path.segments[1]
val c = path.segments[2] as CircleTrajectory2D
// Not working, theta double precision inaccuracy
if (path.b is CircleTrajectory2D) {
val b = path.b as CircleTrajectory2D
} else if (path.b is StraightTrajectory2D) {
val b = path.b as StraightTrajectory2D
assertTrue(path.a.end.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.start, b.bearing)))
assertTrue(path.c.start.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.end, b.bearing)))
if (b is CircleTrajectory2D) {
} else if (b is StraightTrajectory2D) {
assertTrue(a.end.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.start, b.bearing)))
assertTrue(c.start.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.end, b.bearing)))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user