Extend mathematic operations support in the kmath-ast parser #120
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ allprojects {
repositories {
group = "scientifik"
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
plugins {
repositories {
plugins { id("scientifik.mpp") }
kotlin.sourceSets {
// all {
@ -15,23 +9,15 @@ kotlin.sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
jvmMain {
dependencies {
jsMain {
dependencies {
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
grammar ArithmeticsEvaluator;
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
fragment DIGIT: '0'..'9';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
fragment LETTER: 'a'..'z';
What about uppercase letters? What about uppercase letters?
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
Added. Added.
fragment CAPITAL_LETTER: 'A'..'Z';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
fragment UNDERSCORE: '_';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
NUM: (DIGIT | '.')+ ([eE] [-+]? DIGIT+)?;
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
MUL: '*';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
DIV: '/';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
PLUS: '+';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
MINUS: '-';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
POW: '^';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
COMMA: ',';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
LPAR: '(';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
RPAR: ')';
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
WS: [ \n\t\r]+ -> skip;
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
: ID
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
: ID LPAR subSumChain RPAR
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
: ID LPAR subSumChain COMMA subSumChain RPAR
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
: num
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
| singular
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
| unaryFunction
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
| binaryFunction
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
| MINUS term
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
| LPAR subSumChain RPAR
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
: term (POW term)*
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
: powChain ((DIV | MUL) powChain)*
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Is operator precedence right? Looks suspicious. It would be nice to add test for it Is operator precedence right? Looks suspicious. It would be nice to add test for it
Tests were added Tests were added
Fixed Fixed
: divMulChain ((PLUS | MINUS) divMulChain)*
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
: subSumChain EOF
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
`1.23e+3` generally + in exponent is generally allowed
Fixed Fixed
@ -41,27 +41,28 @@ sealed class MST {
//TODO add a function with named arguments
fun <T> Algebra<T>.evaluate(node: MST): T {
return when (node) {
is MST.Numeric -> (this as? NumericAlgebra<T>)?.number(node.value)
?: error("Numeric nodes are not supported by $this")
is MST.Symbolic -> symbol(node.value)
is MST.Unary -> unaryOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.value))
is MST.Binary -> when {
this !is NumericAlgebra -> binaryOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.left), evaluate(node.right))
node.left is MST.Numeric && node.right is MST.Numeric -> {
val number = RealField.binaryOperation(
node.left is MST.Numeric -> leftSideNumberOperation(node.operation, node.left.value, evaluate(node.right))
node.right is MST.Numeric -> rightSideNumberOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.left), node.right.value)
else -> binaryOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.left), evaluate(node.right))
fun <T> Algebra<T>.evaluate(node: MST): T = when (node) {
is MST.Numeric -> (this as? NumericAlgebra<T>)?.number(node.value)
?: error("Numeric nodes are not supported by $this")
is MST.Symbolic -> symbol(node.value)
is MST.Unary -> unaryOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.value))
is MST.Binary -> when {
this !is NumericAlgebra -> binaryOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.left), evaluate(node.right))
node.left is MST.Numeric && node.right is MST.Numeric -> {
val number = RealField.binaryOperation(
node.left is MST.Numeric -> leftSideNumberOperation(node.operation, node.left.value, evaluate(node.right))
node.right is MST.Numeric -> rightSideNumberOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.left), node.right.value)
else -> binaryOperation(node.operation, evaluate(node.left), evaluate(node.right))
fun <T> MST.compile(algebra: Algebra<T>): T = algebra.evaluate(this)
fun <T> MST.compile(algebra: Algebra<T>): T = algebra.evaluate(this)
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.Grammar
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.parseToEnd
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.parser
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.tryParseToEnd
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.lexer.Token
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.lexer.TokenMatch
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.lexer.regexToken
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.parser.ParseResult
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.parser.Parser
import scientifik.kmath.operations.FieldOperations
@ -13,47 +16,69 @@ import scientifik.kmath.operations.RingOperations
import scientifik.kmath.operations.SpaceOperations
* TODO move to common
* TODO move to core
private object ArithmeticsEvaluator : Grammar<MST>() {
val num by token("-?[\\d.]+(?:[eE]-?\\d+)?".toRegex())
val lpar by token("\\(".toRegex())
val rpar by token("\\)".toRegex())
val mul by token("\\*".toRegex())
val pow by token("\\^".toRegex())
val div by token("/".toRegex())
val minus by token("-".toRegex())
val plus by token("\\+".toRegex())
val ws by token("\\s+".toRegex(), ignore = true)
object ArithmeticsEvaluator : Grammar<MST>() {
// TODO replace with "...".toRegex() when better-parse 0.4.1 is released
private val num: Token by regexToken("[\\d.]+(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?")
private val id: Token by regexToken("[a-z_A-Z][\\da-z_A-Z]*")
private val lpar: Token by regexToken("\\(")
private val rpar: Token by regexToken("\\)")
private val comma: Token by regexToken(",")
private val mul: Token by regexToken("\\*")
private val pow: Token by regexToken("\\^")
private val div: Token by regexToken("/")
private val minus: Token by regexToken("-")
private val plus: Token by regexToken("\\+")
private val ws: Token by regexToken("\\s+", ignore = true)
val number: Parser<MST> by num use { MST.Numeric(text.toDouble()) }
private val number: Parser<MST> by num use { MST.Numeric(text.toDouble()) }
private val singular: Parser<MST> by id use { MST.Symbolic(text) }
val term: Parser<MST> by number or
(skip(minus) and parser(this::term) map { MST.Unary(SpaceOperations.MINUS_OPERATION, it) }) or
(skip(lpar) and parser(this::rootParser) and skip(rpar))
private val unaryFunction: Parser<MST> by (id and skip(lpar) and parser(::subSumChain) and skip(rpar))
.map { (id, term) -> MST.Unary(id.text, term) }
val powChain by leftAssociative(term, pow) { a, _, b ->
private val binaryFunction: Parser<MST> by id
.map { (id, left, right) -> MST.Binary(id.text, left, right) }
private val term: Parser<MST> by number
.or(skip(minus) and parser(::term) map { MST.Unary(SpaceOperations.MINUS_OPERATION, it) })
.or(skip(lpar) and parser(::subSumChain) and skip(rpar))
private val powChain: Parser<MST> by leftAssociative(term = term, operator = pow) { a, _, b ->
MST.Binary(PowerOperations.POW_OPERATION, a, b)
val divMulChain: Parser<MST> by leftAssociative(powChain, div or mul use { type }) { a, op, b ->
if (op == div) {
private val divMulChain: Parser<MST> by leftAssociative(
term = powChain,
operator = div or mul use TokenMatch::type
) { a, op, b ->
if (op == div)
MST.Binary(FieldOperations.DIV_OPERATION, a, b)
} else {
MST.Binary(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, b)
val subSumChain: Parser<MST> by leftAssociative(divMulChain, plus or minus use { type }) { a, op, b ->
if (op == plus) {
private val subSumChain: Parser<MST> by leftAssociative(
term = divMulChain,
operator = plus or minus use TokenMatch::type
) { a, op, b ->
if (op == plus)
MST.Binary(SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION, a, b)
} else {
MST.Binary(SpaceOperations.MINUS_OPERATION, a, b)
override val rootParser: Parser<MST> by subSumChain
fun String.tryParseMath(): ParseResult<MST> = ArithmeticsEvaluator.tryParseToEnd(this)
fun String.parseMath(): MST = ArithmeticsEvaluator.parseToEnd(this)
fun String.parseMath(): MST = ArithmeticsEvaluator.parseToEnd(this)
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import scientifik.kmath.ast.MST
import scientifik.kmath.ast.MstExpression
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.Expression
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Algebra
import scientifik.kmath.operations.NumericAlgebra
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
@ -17,7 +16,19 @@ import kotlin.reflect.KClass
fun <T : Any> MST.compileWith(type: KClass<T>, algebra: Algebra<T>): Expression<T> {
fun AsmBuilder<T>.visit(node: MST) {
when (node) {
is MST.Symbolic -> loadVariable(node.value)
is MST.Symbolic -> {
val symbol = try {
} catch (ignored: Throwable) {
if (symbol != null)
is MST.Numeric -> loadNumeric(node.value)
is MST.Unary -> buildAlgebraOperationCall(
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ internal class AsmBuilder<T> internal constructor(
* Loads a [T] constant from [constants].
private fun loadTConstant(value: T) {
internal fun loadTConstant(value: T) {
if (classOfT in INLINABLE_NUMBERS) {
val expectedType = expectationStack.pop()
val mustBeBoxed = expectedType.sort == Type.OBJECT
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package scietifik.kmath.ast
import scientifik.kmath.ast.evaluate
import scientifik.kmath.ast.parseMath
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Field
import scientifik.kmath.operations.RealField
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
internal class ParserPrecedenceTest {
private val f: Field<Double> = RealField
fun test1(): Unit = assertEquals(6.0, f.evaluate("2*2+2".parseMath()))
fun test2(): Unit = assertEquals(6.0, f.evaluate("2+2*2".parseMath()))
fun test3(): Unit = assertEquals(10.0, f.evaluate("2^3+2".parseMath()))
fun test4(): Unit = assertEquals(10.0, f.evaluate("2+2^3".parseMath()))
fun test5(): Unit = assertEquals(16.0, f.evaluate("2^3*2".parseMath()))
fun test6(): Unit = assertEquals(16.0, f.evaluate("2*2^3".parseMath()))
fun test7(): Unit = assertEquals(18.0, f.evaluate("2+2^3*2".parseMath()))
fun test8(): Unit = assertEquals(18.0, f.evaluate("2*2^3+2".parseMath()))
@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ import scientifik.kmath.ast.evaluate
import scientifik.kmath.ast.mstInField
import scientifik.kmath.ast.parseMath
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.invoke
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Algebra
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Complex
import scientifik.kmath.operations.ComplexField
import scientifik.kmath.operations.RealField
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
@ -22,4 +24,37 @@ internal class ParserTest {
val res = ComplexField.mstInField { number(2) + number(2) * (number(2) + number(2)) }()
assertEquals(Complex(10.0, 0.0), res)
fun `evaluate MST with singular`() {
val mst = "i".parseMath()
val res = ComplexField.evaluate(mst)
assertEquals(ComplexField.i, res)
fun `evaluate MST with unary function`() {
val mst = "sin(0)".parseMath()
val res = RealField.evaluate(mst)
assertEquals(0.0, res)
fun `evaluate MST with binary function`() {
val magicalAlgebra = object : Algebra<String> {
override fun symbol(value: String): String = value
override fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: String): String = throw NotImplementedError()
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: String, right: String): String = when (operation) {
"magic" -> "$left ★ $right"
else -> throw NotImplementedError()
val mst = "magic(a, b)".parseMath()
val res = magicalAlgebra.evaluate(mst)
assertEquals("a ★ b", res)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package scientifik.kmath.operations
import scientifik.kmath.operations.RealField.pow
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.pow as kpow
@ -85,6 +86,11 @@ object RealField : ExtendedField<Double>, Norm<Double, Double> {
override inline fun Double.times(b: Double) = this * b
override inline fun Double.div(b: Double) = this / b
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: Double, right: Double): Double = when (operation) {
PowerOperations.POW_OPERATION -> left pow right
else -> super.binaryOperation(operation, left, right)
generally + in exponent is generally allowed1.23e+3
generally + in exponent is generally allowedFixed