
operator fun Meta.get(token: NameToken): Meta?
operator fun <M : TypedMeta<M>> TypedMeta<M>.get(token: NameToken): M?
operator fun Meta.get(name: Name): Meta?

Perform recursive item search using given name. Each NameToken is treated as a name in Meta.items of a parent node.

If name is empty return current Meta

operator fun Meta.get(key: String): Meta?

Parse Name from key using full name notation and pass it to Meta.get

operator tailrec fun <M : TypedMeta<M>> TypedMeta<M>.get(name: Name): M?

Perform recursive item search using given name. Each NameToken is treated as a name in TypedMeta.items of a parent node.

If name is empty return current Meta

operator fun <M : TypedMeta<M>> TypedMeta<M>.get(key: String): M?

Parse Name from key using full name notation and pass it to TypedMeta.get