Fix ball on springs demo
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import space.kscience.controls.constructor.*
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.units.*
import space.kscience.dataforge.context.Context
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
import kotlin.time.DurationUnit
@ -17,7 +15,6 @@ public class Inertia<U : UnitsOfMeasurement, V : UnitsOfMeasurement>(
inertia: Double,
public val position: MutableDeviceState<NumericalValue<U>>,
public val velocity: MutableDeviceState<NumericalValue<V>>,
timerPrecision: Duration = 10.milliseconds,
) : ModelConstructor(context) {
init {
@ -27,7 +24,7 @@ public class Inertia<U : UnitsOfMeasurement, V : UnitsOfMeasurement>(
private var currentForce = force.value
private val movement = onTimer (timerPrecision) { prev, next ->
private val movement = onTimer { prev, next ->
val dtSeconds = (next - prev).toDouble(DurationUnit.SECONDS)
// compute new value based on velocity and acceleration from the previous step
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package space.kscience.controls.constructor.models
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.*
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.units.*
import space.kscience.dataforge.context.Context
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.time.DurationUnit
* 3D material point
public class MaterialPoint(
context: Context,
force: DeviceState<XYZ<Newtons>>,
mass: NumericalValue<Kilograms>,
public val position: MutableDeviceState<XYZ<Meters>>,
public val velocity: MutableDeviceState<XYZ<MetersPerSecond>>,
) : ModelConstructor(context) {
init {
private var currentForce = force.value
private val movement = onTimer(
reads = setOf(velocity, position),
writes = setOf(velocity, position)
) { prev, next ->
val dtSeconds = (next - prev).toDouble(DurationUnit.SECONDS)
// compute new value based on velocity and acceleration from the previous step
position.value += (velocity.value * dtSeconds).cast(Meters) +
(currentForce / mass.value * dtSeconds.pow(2) / 2).cast(Meters)
// compute new velocity based on acceleration on the previous step
velocity.value += (currentForce / mass.value * dtSeconds).cast(MetersPerSecond)
currentForce = force.value
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package space.kscience.controls.constructor.models
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.units.NumericalValue
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.units.UnitsOfMeasurement
public data class XY<U: UnitsOfMeasurement>(val x: NumericalValue<U>, val y: NumericalValue<U>)
public data class XYZ<U: UnitsOfMeasurement>(val x: NumericalValue<U>, val y: NumericalValue<U>, val z: NumericalValue<U>)
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> NumericalValue<U>.div(
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> NumericalValue<U>.div(other: NumericalValue<U>): Double =
value / other.value
public operator fun <U: UnitsOfMeasurement> NumericalValue<U>.unaryMinus(): NumericalValue<U> = NumericalValue(-value)
private object NumericalValueMetaConverter : MetaConverter<NumericalValue<*>> {
override fun convert(obj: NumericalValue<*>): Meta = Meta(obj.value)
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package space.kscience.controls.constructor.units
public data class XY<U : UnitsOfMeasurement>(val x: NumericalValue<U>, val y: NumericalValue<U>)
public fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XY(x: Number, y: Number): XY<U> = XY(NumericalValue(x), NumericalValue((y)))
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XY<U>.plus(other: XY<U>): XY<U> =
XY(x + other.x, y + other.y)
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XY<U>.times(c: Number): XY<U> = XY(x * c, y * c)
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XY<U>.div(c: Number): XY<U> = XY(x / c, y / c)
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XY<U>.unaryMinus(): XY<U> = XY(-x, -y)
public data class XYZ<U : UnitsOfMeasurement>(
val x: NumericalValue<U>,
val y: NumericalValue<U>,
val z: NumericalValue<U>,
public fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XYZ(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number): XYZ<U> =
XYZ(NumericalValue(x), NumericalValue((y)), NumericalValue(z))
public fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement, R : UnitsOfMeasurement> XYZ<U>.cast(units: R): XYZ<R> = this as XYZ<R>
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XYZ<U>.plus(other: XYZ<U>): XYZ<U> =
XYZ(x + other.x, y + other.y, z + other.z)
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XYZ<U>.minus(other: XYZ<U>): XYZ<U> =
XYZ(x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z)
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XYZ<U>.times(c: Number): XYZ<U> = XYZ(x * c, y * c, z * c)
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XYZ<U>.div(c: Number): XYZ<U> = XYZ(x / c, y / c, z / c)
public operator fun <U : UnitsOfMeasurement> XYZ<U>.unaryMinus(): XYZ<U> = XYZ(-x, -y, -z)
@ -1,105 +1,50 @@
package space.kscience.controls.demo.constructor
import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.window.Window
import androidx.compose.ui.window.application
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import space.kscience.controls.compose.asComposeState
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.*
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.models.MaterialPoint
import space.kscience.controls.constructor.units.*
import space.kscience.dataforge.context.Context
import java.awt.Dimension
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
import kotlin.time.DurationUnit
private data class XY(val x: Double, val y: Double) {
companion object {
val ZERO = XY(0.0, 0.0)
private val XY.length: Double get() = sqrt(x.pow(2) + y.pow(2))
private operator fun XY): XY = XY(x + other.x, y + other.y)
private operator fun XY.times(c: Double): XY = XY(x * c, y * c)
private operator fun XY.div(c: Double): XY = XY(x / c, y / c)
private class Spring(
context: Context,
val k: Double,
val l0: Double,
val begin: DeviceState<XY>,
val end: DeviceState<XY>,
val l0: NumericalValue<Meters>,
val begin: DeviceState<XYZ<Meters>>,
val end: DeviceState<XYZ<Meters>>,
) : ModelConstructor(context) {
* vector from start to end
* Tension at the beginning point
val direction = combineState(begin, end) { begin: XY, end: XY ->
val dx = end.x - begin.x
val dy = end.y - begin.y
val l = sqrt(dx.pow(2) + dy.pow(2))
XY(dx / l, dy / l)
val tension: DeviceState<Double> = combineState(begin, end) { begin: XY, end: XY ->
val dx = end.x - begin.x
val dy = end.y - begin.y
k * sqrt(dx.pow(2) + dy.pow(2))
val beginForce = combineState(direction, tension) { direction: XY, tension: Double ->
direction * (tension)
val endForce = combineState(direction, tension) { direction: XY, tension: Double ->
direction * (-tension)
private class MaterialPoint(
context: Context,
val mass: Double,
val force: DeviceState<XY>,
val position: MutableDeviceState<XY>,
val velocity: MutableDeviceState<XY> = MutableDeviceState(XY.ZERO),
) : ModelConstructor(context, force, position, velocity) {
private val timer: TimerState = timer(2.milliseconds)
//TODO synchronize force change
private val movement = timer.onChange(
writes = setOf(position, velocity),
reads = setOf(force, velocity, position)
) { prev, next ->
val dt = (next - prev).toDouble(DurationUnit.SECONDS)
val a = force.value / mass
position.value += a * (dt * dt / 2) + velocity.value * dt
velocity.value += a * dt
val tension: DeviceState<XYZ<Newtons>> = combineState(begin, end) { begin: XYZ<Meters>, end: XYZ<Meters> ->
val delta = end - begin
val l = sqrt(delta.x.value.pow(2) + delta.y.value.pow(2) + delta.z.value.pow(2))
((delta / l) * k * (l - l0.value)).cast(Newtons)
private class BodyOnSprings(
context: Context,
mass: Double,
mass: NumericalValue<Kilograms>,
k: Double,
startPosition: XY,
l0: Double = 1.0,
startPosition: XYZ<Meters>,
l0: NumericalValue<Meters> = NumericalValue(1.0),
val xLeft: Double = -1.0,
val xRight: Double = 1.0,
val yBottom: Double = -1.0,
@ -110,21 +55,23 @@ private class BodyOnSprings(
val height = yTop - yBottom
val position = stateOf(startPosition)
val velocity: MutableDeviceState<XYZ<MetersPerSecond>> = stateOf(XYZ(0, 0, 0))
private val leftAnchor = stateOf(XY(xLeft, (yTop + yBottom) / 2))
private val leftAnchor = stateOf(XYZ<Meters>(xLeft, (yTop + yBottom) / 2, 0.0))
val leftSpring = model(
Spring(context, k, l0, leftAnchor, position)
private val rightAnchor = stateOf(XY(xRight, (yTop + yBottom) / 2))
private val rightAnchor = stateOf(XYZ<Meters>(xRight, (yTop + yBottom) / 2, 0.0))
val rightSpring = model(
Spring(context, k, l0, rightAnchor, position)
val force: DeviceState<XY> = combineState(leftSpring.endForce, rightSpring.endForce) { left, right ->
left + right
val force: DeviceState<XYZ<Newtons>> =
combineState(leftSpring.tension, rightSpring.tension) { left: XYZ<Newtons>, right ->
-left - right
@ -134,21 +81,23 @@ private class BodyOnSprings(
mass = mass,
force = force,
position = position,
velocity = velocity
fun main() = application {
val initialState = XY(0.1, 0.2)
val initialState = XYZ<Meters>(0.01, 0.1, 0)
Window(title = "Ball on springs", onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication) {
window.minimumSize = Dimension(400, 400)
MaterialTheme {
val context = remember {
val model = remember {
BodyOnSprings(context, 100.0, 1000.0, initialState)
BodyOnSprings(context, NumericalValue(10.0), 100.0, initialState)
//TODO add ability to freeze model
@ -159,12 +108,12 @@ fun main() = application {
// }.collect()
// }
val position: XY by model.body.position.asComposeState()
Box(Modifier.size(400.dp)) {
val position: XYZ<Meters> by model.body.position.asComposeState()
Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
fun XY.toOffset() = Offset(
center.x + (x / model.width * size.width).toFloat(),
center.y - (y / model.height * size.height).toFloat()
fun XYZ<Meters>.toOffset() = Offset(
((x.value - model.xLeft) / model.width * size.width).toFloat(),
((y.value - model.yBottom) / model.height * size.height).toFloat()
@ -180,4 +129,3 @@ fun main() = application {
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