Implemented external configuration support through ExternalConfigurationProvider and ExternalConfigApplier, and expanded error handling in AbstractDeviceHubManager with CUSTOM strategy support. Improved DeviceLifecycleConfig, added HealthChecker support for device health checks. Implemented hot-swappable device functionality.

This commit is contained in:
Максим Колпаков 2024-12-25 18:11:01 +03:00
parent 76fa751e25
commit 7e286ca111
4 changed files with 1011 additions and 904 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
public enum class LifecycleState {
* The device is newly created and has not started yet.
* Device is initializing
@ -18,6 +23,11 @@ public enum class LifecycleState {
* The Device is stopping
* The Device is closed
@ -50,8 +60,10 @@ public interface WithLifeCycle {
public fun WithLifeCycle.bindToDeviceLifecycle(device: Device){
device.onLifecycleEvent {
LifecycleState.INITIAL -> {/*ignore*/}
LifecycleState.STARTING -> start()
LifecycleState.STARTED -> {/*ignore*/}
LifecycleState.STOPPING -> stop()
LifecycleState.STOPPED -> stop()
LifecycleState.ERROR -> stop()

View File

@ -1,384 +1,248 @@
package space.kscience.controls.spec
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import space.kscience.controls.api.ActionDescriptorBuilder
import space.kscience.controls.api.Device
import space.kscience.controls.api.PropertyDescriptorBuilder
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.Meta
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.MetaConverter
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.ValueType
import space.kscience.controls.api.*
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.*
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.descriptors.MetaDescriptor
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.string
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty1
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty1
* Create a [MetaConverter] for enum values
* Create a [MetaConverter] for enum values using [reified] type with an option to ignore case.
public fun <E : Enum<E>> createEnumConverter(enumValues: Array<E>): MetaConverter<E> = object : MetaConverter<E> {
override val descriptor: MetaDescriptor = MetaDescriptor {
allowedValues( { })
public inline fun <reified E : Enum<E>> createEnumConverter(ignoreCase: Boolean = false): MetaConverter<E> {
val allValues = enumValues<E>()
return object : MetaConverter<E> {
override val descriptor: MetaDescriptor = MetaDescriptor {
allowedValues( { })
override fun readOrNull(source: Meta): E? {
val value = source.value ?: return null
return enumValues.firstOrNull { == value.string }
override fun readOrNull(source: Meta): E? {
val stringVal = source.value?.string ?: return null
return allValues.firstOrNull {, ignoreCase) }
override fun convert(obj: E): Meta = Meta(
override fun convert(obj: E): Meta = Meta(
* A read-only device property that delegates reading to a device [KProperty1]
* Unified function: if [write] == null -> read-only property, else -> mutable property.
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.property(
public fun <T, D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.typedProperty(
converter: MetaConverter<T>,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> T?,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> T?,
write: (suspend D.(String, T) -> Unit)? = null,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, T>>> {
return property(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
return if (write == null) {
property(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
} else {
mutableProperty(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Mutable property that delegates reading and writing to a device [KMutableProperty1]
* Boolean property: read-only or mutable (if [write] is not null).
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.mutableProperty(
converter: MetaConverter<T>,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.booleanProperty(
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> T?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: T) -> Unit,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, T>>> {
return mutableProperty(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> Boolean?,
write: (suspend D.(String, Boolean) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(MetaConverter.boolean, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Register a mutable logical property (without a corresponding physical state) for a device
* Int property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <T, D : DeviceBase<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.logical(
converter: MetaConverter<T>,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.intProperty(
name: String? = null,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, T>>> =
read = { propertyName -> getProperty(propertyName)?.let(converter::readOrNull) },
write = { propertyName, value -> writeProperty(propertyName, converter.convert(value)) }
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> Int?,
write: (suspend D.(String, Int) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Double property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.doubleProperty(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> Double?,
write: (suspend D.(String, Double) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(MetaConverter.double, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Long property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.longProperty(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> Long?,
write: (suspend D.(String, Long) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(MetaConverter.long, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Float property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.floatProperty(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> Float?,
write: (suspend D.(String, Float) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(MetaConverter.float, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Number property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.numberProperty(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> Number?,
write: (suspend D.(String, Number) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(MetaConverter.number, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* String property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.stringProperty(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> String?,
write: (suspend D.(String, String) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(MetaConverter.string, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Meta property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.metaProperty(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> Meta?,
write: (suspend D.(String, Meta) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(MetaConverter.meta, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Enum property (read-only or mutable).
* [ignoreCase] controls case sensitivity when reading the enum value from Meta.
* If [write] is null, the property is read-only; otherwise it's read-write.
public inline fun <reified E : Enum<E>, D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>>
name: String? = null,
ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
noinline descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
noinline read: suspend D.(String) -> E?,
noinline write: (suspend D.(String, E) -> Unit)? = null,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, E>>> =
converter = createEnumConverter<E>(ignoreCase),
name = name,
descriptorBuilder = descriptorBuilder,
read = read,
write = write
* Creates a boolean property for a device.
* List property: read-only or mutable.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.boolean(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
public fun <T, D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.listProperty(
listConverter: MetaConverter<List<T>>,
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Boolean?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Boolean>>> =
property(MetaConverter.boolean, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
read: suspend D.(String) -> List<T>?,
write: (suspend D.(String, List<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
) = typedProperty(listConverter, name, descriptorBuilder, read, write)
* Creates a mutable boolean property for a device.
* Logical property (no real hardware I/O).
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.booleanMutable(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
public fun <T, D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.logicalProperty(
converter: MetaConverter<T>,
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Boolean?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Boolean) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Boolean>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.boolean, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
) = typedProperty(
converter = converter,
name = name,
descriptorBuilder = descriptorBuilder,
read = { propertyName -> getProperty(propertyName)?.let(converter::readOrNull) },
write = { propertyName, value -> writeProperty(propertyName, converter.convert(value)) }
* Creates a read-only number property for a device.
* Creates an action with optional input/output converters.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.number(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Number?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Number>>> =
property(MetaConverter.number, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable number property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.numberMutable(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Number?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Number) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Number>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.number, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only double property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.double(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Double?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Double>>> =
property(MetaConverter.double, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable double property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.doubleMutable(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Double?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Double) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Double>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.double, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only string property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.string(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> String?
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, String>>> =
property(MetaConverter.string, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable string property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.stringMutableProperty(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> String?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: String) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, String>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.string, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only meta property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.meta(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Meta?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Meta>>> =
property(MetaConverter.meta, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable meta property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.metaMutable(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Meta?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Meta) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Meta>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.meta, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only enum property for a device.
public fun <E : Enum<E>, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.enum(
enumValues: Array<E>,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> E?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, E>>> {
val converter = createEnumConverter(enumValues)
return property(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable enum property for a device.
public fun <E : Enum<E>, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.enumMutable(
enumValues: Array<E>,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> E?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: E) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, E>>> {
val converter = createEnumConverter(enumValues)
return mutableProperty(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only float property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.float(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Float?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Float>>> =
property(MetaConverter.float, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable float property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.floatMutable(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Float?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Float) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Float>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.float, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only long property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.long(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Long?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Long>>> =
property(MetaConverter.long, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable long property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.longMutable(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Long?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Long) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Long>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.long, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only int property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.int(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Int?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Int>>> =
property(, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable int property for a device.
public fun <D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.intMutable(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Int?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Int) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Int>>> =
mutableProperty(, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
* Creates a read-only list property for a device.
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.list(
converter: MetaConverter<List<T>>,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> List<T>?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, List<T>>>> =
property(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
* Creates a mutable list property for a device.
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.listMutable(
converter: MetaConverter<List<T>>,
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> List<T>?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: List<T>) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, List<T>>>> =
mutableProperty(converter, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
public fun <I, O, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.asyncActionProperty(
public fun <I, O, D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.typedAction(
inputConverter: MetaConverter<I>,
outputConverter: MetaConverter<O>,
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: ActionDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
execute: suspend D.(I) -> Deferred<O>,
execute: suspend D.(I) -> O,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DeviceActionSpec<D, I, O>>> =
action(inputConverter, outputConverter, descriptorBuilder, name) { input ->
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.metaProperty(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Meta?,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DevicePropertySpec<D, Meta>>> =
property(MetaConverter.meta, descriptorBuilder, name, read)
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.mutableMetaProperty(
descriptorBuilder: PropertyDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
read: suspend D.(propertyName: String) -> Meta?,
write: suspend D.(propertyName: String, value: Meta) -> Unit
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, MutableDevicePropertySpec<D, Meta>>> =
mutableProperty(MetaConverter.meta, descriptorBuilder, name, read, write)
inputConverter = inputConverter,
outputConverter = outputConverter,
descriptorBuilder = descriptorBuilder,
name = name,
execute = execute
* An action that takes no parameters and returns no values
* Action with no parameters and no return values.
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.unitAction(
descriptorBuilder: ActionDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.unitAction(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: ActionDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
execute: suspend D.() -> Unit,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DeviceActionSpec<D, Unit, Unit>>> =
inputConverter = MetaConverter.unit,
outputConverter = MetaConverter.unit,
name = name,
descriptorBuilder = descriptorBuilder,
) {
public fun <I, O, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.asyncAction(
* Action with async result. The result is awaited.
public fun <I, O, D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.asyncAction(
inputConverter: MetaConverter<I>,
outputConverter: MetaConverter<O>,
descriptorBuilder: ActionDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: ActionDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
execute: suspend D.(I) -> Deferred<O>,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DeviceActionSpec<D, I, O>>> =
) {
typedAction(inputConverter, outputConverter, name, descriptorBuilder) { input ->
* An action that takes [Meta] and returns [Meta]. No conversions are done
* Action that takes and returns [Meta].
public fun <T, D : Device> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.metaAction(
descriptorBuilder: ActionDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
public fun <D : ConfigurableCompositeControlComponent<D>> CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>.metaAction(
name: String? = null,
descriptorBuilder: ActionDescriptorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
execute: suspend D.(Meta) -> Meta,
): PropertyDelegateProvider<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, ReadOnlyProperty<CompositeControlComponentSpec<D>, DeviceActionSpec<D, Meta, Meta>>> =
) {
typedAction(MetaConverter.meta, MetaConverter.meta, name, descriptorBuilder, execute)
* Throw an exception if device does not have all properties and actions defined by this specification
* Validates that [device] has all properties and actions defined by this spec.
public fun CompositeControlComponentSpec<*>.validate(device: Device) { { it.value.descriptor }.forEach { specProperty ->
check(specProperty in device.propertyDescriptors) { "Property ${} not registered in ${}" }
public fun CompositeControlComponentSpec<*>.validateSpec(device: Device) {
properties.values.forEach { propSpec ->
check(propSpec.descriptor in device.propertyDescriptors) {
"Property ${} not registered in ${}"
} { it.value.descriptor }.forEach { specAction ->
check(specAction in device.actionDescriptors) { "Action ${} not registered in ${}" }
actions.values.forEach { actSpec ->
check(actSpec.descriptor in device.actionDescriptors) {
"Action ${} not registered in ${}"

View File

@ -18,98 +18,92 @@ class CompositeControlTest {
// ---------------------- Device Specifications ----------------------------------
public object StepperMotorSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<StepperMotorDevice>() {
public val position by intMutable(
public val position by intProperty(
name = "position",
read = { getPosition() },
write = { _, value -> setPosition(value) }
public val maxPosition by int(
public val maxPosition by intProperty(
name = "maxPosition",
read = { maxPosition }
public object ValveSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<ValveDevice>() {
public val state by booleanMutable(
public val state by booleanProperty(
read = { getState() },
write = { _, value -> setState(value) }
public object PressureChamberSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<PressureChamberDevice>() {
public val pressure by doubleMutable(
public val pressure by doubleProperty(
read = { getPressure() },
write = { _, value -> setPressure(value) }
public object SyringePumpSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<SyringePumpDevice>() {
public val volume by doubleMutable(
public val volume by doubleProperty(
read = { getVolume() },
write = { _, value -> setVolume(value) }
public object ReagentSensorSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<ReagentSensorDevice>() {
public val isPresent by boolean(
public val isPresent by booleanProperty(
read = { checkReagent() }
public object NeedleSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<NeedleDevice>() {
public val mode by enumMutable(
enumValues = NeedleDevice.Mode.entries.toTypedArray(),
public val mode by enumProperty<NeedleDevice.Mode, NeedleDevice>(
read = { getMode() },
write = { _, value -> setMode(value) }
public val position by doubleMutable(
public val position by doubleProperty(
read = { getPosition() },
write = { _, value -> setPosition(value) }
public object ShakerSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<ShakerDevice>() {
public val verticalMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>()
public val horizontalMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>()
public val verticalMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>(StepperMotorSpec)
public val horizontalMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>(StepperMotorSpec)
public object TransportationSystemSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<TransportationSystem>() {
public val slideMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>()
public val pushMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>()
public val receiveMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>()
public val slideMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>(StepperMotorSpec)
public val pushMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>(StepperMotorSpec)
public val receiveMotor by childSpec<StepperMotorSpec, StepperMotorDevice>(StepperMotorSpec)
public object AnalyzerSpec : CompositeControlComponentSpec<AnalyzerDevice>() {
public val transportationSystem by childSpec<TransportationSystemSpec, TransportationSystemSpec>()
public val shakerDevice by childSpec<ShakerSpec, ShakerDevice>()
public val needleDevice by childSpec<NeedleSpec, NeedleDevice>()
public val transportationSystem by childSpec<TransportationSystemSpec, TransportationSystem>(TransportationSystemSpec)
public val shakerDevice by childSpec<ShakerSpec, ShakerDevice>(ShakerSpec)
public val needleDevice by childSpec<NeedleSpec, NeedleDevice>(NeedleSpec)
public val valveV20 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>(ValveSpec)
public val valveV17 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>(ValveSpec)
public val valveV18 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>(ValveSpec)
public val valveV35 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>(ValveSpec)
public val valveV20 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>()
public val valveV17 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>()
public val valveV18 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>()
public val valveV35 by childSpec<ValveSpec, ValveDevice>()
public val pressureChamberHigh by childSpec<PressureChamberSpec, PressureChamberDevice>(PressureChamberSpec)
public val pressureChamberLow by childSpec<PressureChamberSpec, PressureChamberDevice>(PressureChamberSpec)
public val syringePumpMA100 by childSpec<SyringePumpSpec, SyringePumpDevice>(SyringePumpSpec)
public val syringePumpMA25 by childSpec<SyringePumpSpec, SyringePumpDevice>(SyringePumpSpec)
public val pressureChamberHigh by childSpec<PressureChamberSpec, PressureChamberDevice>()
public val pressureChamberLow by childSpec<PressureChamberSpec, PressureChamberDevice>()
public val syringePumpMA100 by childSpec<SyringePumpSpec, SyringePumpDevice>()
public val syringePumpMA25 by childSpec<SyringePumpSpec, SyringePumpDevice>()
public val reagentSensor1 by childSpec<ReagentSensorSpec, ReagentSensorDevice>()
public val reagentSensor2 by childSpec<ReagentSensorSpec, ReagentSensorDevice>()
public val reagentSensor3 by childSpec<ReagentSensorSpec, ReagentSensorDevice>()
public val reagentSensor1 by childSpec<ReagentSensorSpec, ReagentSensorDevice>(ReagentSensorSpec)
public val reagentSensor2 by childSpec<ReagentSensorSpec, ReagentSensorDevice>(ReagentSensorSpec)
public val reagentSensor3 by childSpec<ReagentSensorSpec, ReagentSensorDevice>(ReagentSensorSpec)
// ---------------------- Device Implementations ----------------------------------
// ---------------------- Device Implementations ----------------------------------
// Implementation of Stepper Motor Device
public class StepperMotorDevice(
context: Context,
meta: Meta = Meta.EMPTY
@ -774,6 +768,9 @@ class CompositeControlTest {
val context = createTestContext()
val shaker = ShakerDevice(context)
shaker.start()// Start the device
// Access properties to initialize motors and test shaking
val verticalMotor = shaker.verticalMotor
val horizontalMotor = shaker.horizontalMotor
@ -791,19 +788,23 @@ class CompositeControlTest {
val context = createTestContext()
val transportationSystem = TransportationSystem(context)
transportationSystem.start()// Start the device
// Access properties to initialize motors and test existence
assertNotNull(transportationSystem.slideMotor, "slideMotor should exist")
assertNotNull(transportationSystem.pushMotor, "pushMotor should exist")
assertNotNull(transportationSystem.receiveMotor, "receiveMotor should exist")
fun `test AnalyzerDevice device access`() = runTest{
fun `test AnalyzerDevice device access`() = runTest {
val context = createTestContext()
val analyzer = AnalyzerDevice(context)
analyzer.start()// Start the device
// Access properties to initialize child devices and test existence
// Access properties to initialize child devices
assertNotNull(analyzer.transportationSystem, "Transportation system should exist")
assertNotNull(analyzer.shakerDevice, "Shaker device should exist")
assertNotNull(analyzer.needleDevice, "Needle device should exist")