Add PropertyHistory API

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Alexander Nozik 2024-03-04 11:12:16 +03:00
parent cfd9eb053c
commit 28ec2bc8b8

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package space.kscience.controls.misc
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import space.kscience.controls.api.Device
import space.kscience.controls.api.DeviceMessage
import space.kscience.controls.api.PropertyChangedMessage
import space.kscience.controls.spec.DevicePropertySpec
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.transformations.MetaConverter
* An interface for device property history.
public interface PropertyHistory<T> {
* Flow property values filtered by a time range. The implementation could flow it as a chunk or provide paging.
* So the resulting flow is allowed to suspend.
* If [until] is in the future, the resulting flow is potentially unlimited.
* Theoretically, it could be also unlimited if the event source keeps producing new event with timestamp in a given range.
public fun flowHistory(
from: Instant = Instant.DISTANT_PAST,
until: Instant =,
): Flow<ValueWithTime<T>>
* An in-memory property values history collector
public class CollectedPropertyHistory<T>(
public val scope: CoroutineScope,
eventFlow: Flow<DeviceMessage>,
public val propertyName: String,
public val converter: MetaConverter<T>,
maxSize: Int = 1000,
) : PropertyHistory<T> {
private val store: SharedFlow<ValueWithTime<T>> = eventFlow
.filter { == propertyName }
.map { ValueWithTime(converter.metaToObject(it.value), it.time) }
.shareIn(scope, started = SharingStarted.Eagerly, replay = maxSize)
override fun flowHistory(from: Instant, until: Instant): Flow<ValueWithTime<T>> =
store.filter { it.time in from..until }
* Collect and store in memory device property changes for a given property
public fun <T> Device.collectPropertyHistory(
scope: CoroutineScope = this,
propertyName: String,
converter: MetaConverter<T>,
maxSize: Int = 1000,
): PropertyHistory<T> = CollectedPropertyHistory(scope, messageFlow, propertyName, converter, maxSize)
public fun <D : Device, T> D.collectPropertyHistory(
scope: CoroutineScope = this,
spec: DevicePropertySpec<D, T>,
maxSize: Int = 1000,
): PropertyHistory<T> = collectPropertyHistory(scope,, spec.converter, maxSize)