new file: .vs/Python_HW/FileContentIndex/bf645799-c9e5-45df-816d-b791fcb04273.vsidx new file: .vs/Python_HW/v17/.wsuo new file: .vs/VSWorkspaceState.json new file: .vs/slnx.sqlite new file: LICENSE new file: Makefile modified: README.md new file: hwvenv/Scripts/Activate.ps1 new file: hwvenv/Scripts/activate new file: hwvenv/Scripts/activate.bat new file: hwvenv/Scripts/deactivate.bat new file: hwvenv/Scripts/pip.exe new file: hwvenv/Scripts/pip3.11.exe new file: hwvenv/Scripts/pip3.exe new file: hwvenv/Scripts/python.exe new file: hwvenv/Scripts/pythonw.exe new file: hwvenv/pyvenv.cfg new file: hwvenv/requirements.txt new file: make.bat new file: setup.py new file: source/conf.py new file: source/index.rst
917 B
917 B
How to create virtual enviroment
- Ensure you have the latest version of Python. Print python --version If you have the lattest version, go to the next step. Othervise download it from the oficcial website.
- Create a Virtual Enviroment. Open your terminal, choose your project directory, run the next command: python -m venv .<venv_name>
- Activate the Virtual Enviroment. .<venv_name>\Scripts\activate
- Done. Note: if you use Virtual Studio Code, you may not have the virtual enviroment name in the beggining of the string, but your project files become green.
If you need to deactivate your Virtual Enviroment, print deactivate
How to create a documentation
- Open your project directory cd
- Print sphinx-quickstart
- Answer all questions that installator asks you You can change all configurations in conf.py
- Print sphinx-build -b html source build\html