When I finished the school, I had two choices: I liked physics and I liked programming. In the end I decided that physics is more interesting. Now I am doing programming in physics. Currently, I am doing software and physical data analysis for a number of experiments in particle physics (Troitsk nu-mass, IAXO and other experiments). I am leading development of scientific libraries and leading the development of new simulation software and models.
The [laboratory](https://npm.mipt.ru/) and the [centre](/) at MIPT, we created in the last years include young passionate researchers in different fields. My aim is to prepare the new generation of researchers, familiar with modern scientific software tools and able to develop new ones.
* The best (until 2020) limit on electron neutrino mass: https://arxiv.org/abs/1108.5034
* The best limit on sterile neutrino contribution to the electron neutrino with masses up to 2 keV: https://arxiv.org/abs/1307.5687, https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.10779
* The data acquisition and analysis software in Troitsk nu-mass experiment.
* The Reactor model for TGF generation in thunderclouds.