AST-based expression representation and operations (kmath-ast)

This subproject implements the following features:

  • Expression Language and its parser.
  • MST as expression language's syntax intermediate representation.
  • Type-safe builder of MST.
  • Evaluating expressions by traversing MST.

Dynamic expression code generation with OW2 ASM

kmath-ast JVM module supports runtime code generation to eliminate overhead of tree traversal. Code generator builds a special implementation of Expression<T> with implemented invoke function.

For example, the following builder:

    RealField.mstInField { symbol("x") + 2 }.compile()

… leads to generation of bytecode, which can be decompiled to the following Java class:

package scientifik.kmath.asm.generated;

import java.util.Map;
import scientifik.kmath.asm.internal.AsmCompiledExpression;
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Algebra;
import scientifik.kmath.operations.RealField;

// The class's name is build with MST's hash-code and collision fixing number. 
public final class AsmCompiledExpression_45045_0 extends AsmCompiledExpression<Double> {
    // Plain constructor
    public AsmCompiledExpression_45045_0(Algebra algebra, Object[] constants) {
        super(algebra, constants);

    // The actual dynamic code: 
    public final Double invoke(Map<String, ? extends Double> arguments) {
        return (Double)((RealField)super.algebra).add((Double)arguments.get("x"), (Double)2.0D);

Example Usage

This API is an extension to MST and MSTExpression APIs. You may optimize both MST and MSTExpression:

RealField.mstInField { symbol("x") + 2 }.compile()

Known issues

  • Using numeric algebras causes boxing and calling bridge methods.
  • The same classes may be generated and loaded twice, so it is recommended to cache compiled expressions to avoid class loading overhead.
  • This API is not supported by non-dynamic JVM implementations (like TeaVM and GraalVM) because of using class loaders.

Contributed by Iaroslav Postovalov.