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* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package space.kscience.kmath.complex
import space.kscience.kmath.memory.MemoryReader
import space.kscience.kmath.memory.MemorySpec
import space.kscience.kmath.memory.MemoryWriter
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MemoryBuffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableBuffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableMemoryBuffer
import kotlin.math.*
* This complex's conjugate.
public val Complex.conjugate: Complex
get() = Complex(re, -im)
* This complex's reciprocal.
public val Complex.reciprocal: Complex
get() {
val scale = re * re + im * im
return Complex(re / scale, -im / scale)
* Absolute value of complex number.
public val Complex.r: Double
get() = sqrt(re * re + im * im)
* An angle between vector represented by complex number and X axis.
public val Complex.theta: Double
get() = atan(im / re)
private val PI_DIV_2 = Complex(PI / 2, 0)
* A field of [Complex].
public object ComplexField :
Norm<Complex, Complex>,
ScaleOperations<Complex> {
override val zero: Complex = 0.0.toComplex()
override val one: Complex = 1.0.toComplex()
override fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): Complex? = if (value == "i") i else null
override fun binaryOperationFunction(operation: String): (left: Complex, right: Complex) -> Complex =
when (operation) {
PowerOperations.POW_OPERATION -> ComplexField::power
else -> super<ExtendedField>.binaryOperationFunction(operation)
* The imaginary unit.
public val i: Complex by lazy { Complex(0.0, 1.0) }
override fun Complex.unaryMinus(): Complex = Complex(-re, -im)
override fun number(value: Number): Complex = Complex(value.toDouble(), 0.0)
override fun scale(a: Complex, value: Double): Complex = Complex(a.re * value, a.im * value)
override fun add(left: Complex, right: Complex): Complex = Complex(left.re + right.re, left.im + right.im)
// override fun multiply(a: Complex, k: Number): Complex = Complex(a.re * k.toDouble(), a.im * k.toDouble())
override fun multiply(left: Complex, right: Complex): Complex =
Complex(left.re * right.re - left.im * right.im, left.re * right.im + left.im * right.re)
override fun divide(left: Complex, right: Complex): Complex = when {
abs(right.im) < abs(right.re) -> {
val wr = right.im / right.re
val wd = right.re + wr * right.im
if (wd.isNaN() || wd == 0.0)
throw ArithmeticException("Division by zero or infinity")
Complex((left.re + left.im * wr) / wd, (left.im - left.re * wr) / wd)
right.im == 0.0 -> throw ArithmeticException("Division by zero")
else -> {
val wr = right.re / right.im
val wd = right.im + wr * right.re
if (wd.isNaN() || wd == 0.0)
throw ArithmeticException("Division by zero or infinity")
Complex((left.re * wr + left.im) / wd, (left.im * wr - left.re) / wd)
override operator fun Complex.div(k: Number): Complex = Complex(re / k.toDouble(), im / k.toDouble())
override fun sin(arg: Complex): Complex = i * (exp(-i * arg) - exp(i * arg)) / 2.0
override fun cos(arg: Complex): Complex = (exp(-i * arg) + exp(i * arg)) / 2.0
override fun tan(arg: Complex): Complex {
val e1 = exp(-i * arg)
val e2 = exp(i * arg)
return i * (e1 - e2) / (e1 + e2)
override fun asin(arg: Complex): Complex = -i * ln(sqrt(1 - (arg * arg)) + i * arg)
override fun acos(arg: Complex): Complex = PI_DIV_2 + i * ln(sqrt(1 - (arg * arg)) + i * arg)
override fun atan(arg: Complex): Complex {
val iArg = i * arg
return i * (ln(1 - iArg) - ln(1 + iArg)) / 2
override fun power(arg: Complex, pow: Number): Complex = if (arg.im == 0.0) {
} else {
exp(pow * ln(arg))
public fun power(arg: Complex, pow: Complex): Complex = exp(pow * ln(arg))
override fun exp(arg: Complex): Complex = exp(arg.re) * (cos(arg.im) + i * sin(arg.im))
override fun ln(arg: Complex): Complex = ln(arg.r) + i * atan2(arg.im, arg.re)
* Adds complex number to real one.
* @receiver the augend.
* @param c the addend.
* @return the sum.
public operator fun Double.plus(c: Complex): Complex = add(this.toComplex(), c)
* Subtracts complex number from real one.
* @receiver the minuend.
* @param c the subtrahend.
* @return the difference.
public operator fun Double.minus(c: Complex): Complex = add(this.toComplex(), -c)
* Adds real number to complex one.
* @receiver the augend.
* @param d the addend.
* @return the sum.
public operator fun Complex.plus(d: Double): Complex = d + this
* Subtracts real number from complex one.
* @receiver the minuend.
* @param d the subtrahend.
* @return the difference.
public operator fun Complex.minus(d: Double): Complex = add(this, -d.toComplex())
* Multiplies real number by complex one.
* @receiver the multiplier.
* @param c the multiplicand.
* @receiver the product.
public operator fun Double.times(c: Complex): Complex = Complex(c.re * this, c.im * this)
override fun norm(arg: Complex): Complex = sqrt(arg.conjugate * arg)
* Represents `double`-based complex number.
* @property re The real part.
* @property im The imaginary part.
public data class Complex(val re: Double, val im: Double) {
public constructor(re: Number, im: Number) : this(re.toDouble(), im.toDouble())
public constructor(re: Number) : this(re.toDouble(), 0.0)
override fun toString(): String = "($re + i * $im)"
public companion object : MemorySpec<Complex> {
override val objectSize: Int
get() = 16
override fun MemoryReader.read(offset: Int): Complex =
Complex(readDouble(offset), readDouble(offset + 8))
override fun MemoryWriter.write(offset: Int, value: Complex) {
writeDouble(offset, value.re)
writeDouble(offset + 8, value.im)
public val Complex.Companion.algebra: ComplexField get() = ComplexField
* Creates a complex number with real part equal to this real.
* @receiver the real part.
* @return the new complex number.
public fun Number.toComplex(): Complex = Complex(this)
* Creates a new buffer of complex numbers with the specified [size], where each element is calculated by calling the
* specified [init] function.
public inline fun Buffer.Companion.complex(size: Int, init: (Int) -> Complex): Buffer<Complex> =
MemoryBuffer.create(Complex, size, init)
* Creates a new buffer of complex numbers with the specified [size], where each element is calculated by calling the
* specified [init] function.
public inline fun MutableBuffer.Companion.complex(size: Int, init: (Int) -> Complex): MutableBuffer<Complex> =
MutableMemoryBuffer.create(Complex, size, init)