# Module kmath-jafama Integration with [Jafama](https://github.com/jeffhain/jafama). ${features} ${artifact} ## Example usage All the `DoubleField` uses can be replaced with `JafamaDoubleField` or `StrictJafamaDoubleField`. ```kotlin import space.kscience.kmath.jafama.* import space.kscience.kmath.operations.* fun main() { val a = 2.0 val b = StrictJafamaDoubleField { exp(a) } println(JafamaDoubleField { b + a }) println(StrictJafamaDoubleField { ln(b) }) } ``` ## Performance According to KMath benchmarks on GraalVM, Jafama functions are slower than JDK math; however, there are indications that on Hotspot Jafama is a bit faster. ${benchmarkJafamaDouble}