apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.bintray' def vcs = "" def pomConfig = { licenses { license { name "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0" url "" distribution "repo" } } developers { developer { id "MIPT-NPM" name "MIPT nuclear physics methods laboratory" organization "MIPT" organizationUrl "" } } scm { url vcs } } project.ext.configureMavenCentralMetadata = { pom -> def root = asNode() root.appendNode('name', root.appendNode('description', project.description) root.appendNode('url', vcs) root.children().last() + pomConfig } project.ext.configurePom = pomConfig // Configure publishing publishing { repositories { maven { url = "" } } // Process each publication we have in this project publications.all { publication -> // apply changes to pom.xml files, see pom.gradle pom.withXml(configureMavenCentralMetadata) } } bintray { user = project.hasProperty('bintrayUser') ?'bintrayUser') : System.getenv('BINTRAY_USER') key = project.hasProperty('bintrayApiKey') ?'bintrayApiKey') : System.getenv('BINTRAY_API_KEY') publish = true override = true // for multi-platform Kotlin/Native publishing pkg { userOrg = "mipt-npm" repo = "scientifik" name = "scientifik.kmath" issueTrackerUrl = "" licenses = ['Apache-2.0'] vcsUrl = vcs version { name = project.version vcsTag = project.version released = new Date() } } } bintrayUpload.dependsOn publishToMavenLocal // This is for easier debugging of bintray uploading problems bintrayUpload.doFirst { publications = project.publishing.publications.findAll { !'-test') && != 'kotlinMultiplatform' }.collect { println("Uploading artifact '$it.groupId:$it.artifactId:$it.version' from publication '$'") } }