plugins { id("ru.mipt.npm.base") id("org.jetbrains.changelog") version "0.4.0" } val kmathVersion by extra("0.2.0-dev-1") val bintrayRepo by extra("kscience") val githubProject by extra("kmath") allprojects { repositories { jcenter() maven("") maven("") } group = "kscience.kmath" version = kmathVersion } subprojects { if (name.startsWith("kmath")) apply() } /** * TODO move to base plugin */ val generateReadme by tasks.creating { group = "documentation" fun List>.generateFeatureString(pathPrefix: String): String = buildString { this@generateFeatureString.forEach { feature -> val id by feature val description by feature val ref by feature appendln(" - [$id]($pathPrefix$ref) : $description") } } doLast { val reader = groovy.json.JsonSlurper() val projects = HashMap>() project.subprojects { var properties: Map = mapOf( "name" to, "group" to, "version" to this.version ) val projectProperties = this.file("docs/kscience-module.json") @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") if (projectProperties.exists()) { val customProperties: Map = (reader.parse(projectProperties) as? Map ?: emptyMap()).withDefault { null } val features: List>? by customProperties val featureString = features?.generateFeatureString("") properties = customProperties + properties + ("featuresString" to featureString) } projects[name] = properties.withDefault { null } val readmeStub = this.file("docs/") if (readmeStub.exists()) { val readmeFile = this.file("") readmeFile.writeText( groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(readmeStub).make(properties).toString() ) } } val rootReadmeStub = project.file("docs/") val modulesString = buildString { projects.filter { it.key.startsWith("kmath") }.forEach { (name, properties) -> appendln("### [$name]($name)") val features: List>? by properties if (features != null) { appendln(features!!.generateFeatureString("$name/")) } } } val rootReadmeProperties: Map = mapOf( "name" to, "group" to, "version" to project.version, "modulesString" to modulesString ) if (rootReadmeStub.exists()) { val readmeFile = project.file("") readmeFile.writeText( groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(rootReadmeStub).make(rootReadmeProperties).toString() ) } } }