forked from kscience/kmath
Benchmarking random generators
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,14 +61,23 @@ extern "C"
void set_long(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, int *index, long value);
void set_int(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, int *index, int value);
TorchTensorHandle randn_double(int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle rand_double(int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle randn_float(int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle randn_double(int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle rand_float(int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle randn_float(int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle randint_long(long low, long high, int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle randint_int(int low, int high, int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle rand_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle);
void rand_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle);
TorchTensorHandle randn_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle);
void randn_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle);
TorchTensorHandle randint_long_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, long low, long high);
void randint_long_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, long low, long high);
TorchTensorHandle randint_int_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, int low, int high);
void randint_int_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, int low, int high);
TorchTensorHandle full_double(double value, int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle full_float(float value, int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
TorchTensorHandle full_long(long value, int *shape, int shape_size, int device);
@ -181,22 +181,22 @@ void set_int(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, int *index, int value)
ctorch::set<int>(tensor_handle, index, value);
TorchTensorHandle randn_double(int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::randn<double>(ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
TorchTensorHandle rand_double(int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::rand<double>(ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
TorchTensorHandle randn_float(int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
TorchTensorHandle randn_double(int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::randn<float>(ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::randn<double>(ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
TorchTensorHandle rand_float(int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::rand<float>(ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
TorchTensorHandle randn_float(int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::randn<float>(ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
TorchTensorHandle randint_long(long low, long high, int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
@ -207,6 +207,39 @@ TorchTensorHandle randint_int(int low, int high, int *shape, int shape_size, int
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::randint<int>(low, high, ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
TorchTensorHandle rand_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle)
return new torch::Tensor(torch::rand_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle)));
void rand_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle)
ctorch::cast(tensor_handle) = torch::rand_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle));
TorchTensorHandle randn_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle)
return new torch::Tensor(torch::randn_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle)));
void randn_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle)
ctorch::cast(tensor_handle) = torch::randn_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle));
TorchTensorHandle randint_long_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, long low, long high)
return new torch::Tensor(torch::randint_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle), low, high));
void randint_long_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, long low, long high)
ctorch::cast(tensor_handle) = torch::randint_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle), low, high);
TorchTensorHandle randint_int_like(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, int low, int high)
return new torch::Tensor(torch::randint_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle), low, high));
void randint_int_like_assign(TorchTensorHandle tensor_handle, int low, int high)
ctorch::cast(tensor_handle) = torch::randint_like(ctorch::cast(tensor_handle), low, high);
TorchTensorHandle full_double(double value, int *shape, int shape_size, int device)
return new torch::Tensor(ctorch::full<double>(value, ctorch::to_vec_int(shape, shape_size), ctorch::int_to_device(device)));
@ -2,19 +2,19 @@ package kscience.kmath.torch
import kotlin.test.Test
class BenchmarkMatMultFloatGPU {
class BenchmarkMatMultGPU {
fun benchmarkMatMult20() =
fun benchmarkMatMultFloat20() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(20, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkMatMult200() =
fun benchmarkMatMultFloat200() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(200, 10, 10000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkMatMult2000() =
fun benchmarkMatMultFloat2000() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(2000, 10, 1000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package kscience.kmath.torch
import kotlin.test.Test
class BenchmarkRandomGeneratorsGPU {
fun benchmarkRandNormal1() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(10, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandUniform1() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(10, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandIntegral1() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(10, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandNormal3() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(1000, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandUniform3() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(1000, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandIntegral3() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(1000, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandNormal5() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(100000, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandUniform5() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(100000, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandIntegral5() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(100000, 10, 100000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandNormal7() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(10000000, 10, 10000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandUniform7() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(10000000, 10, 10000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
fun benchmarkRandIntegral7() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(10000000, 10, 10000,
device = TorchDevice.TorchCUDA(0))
@ -108,8 +108,22 @@ public sealed class TorchTensorFieldAlgebra<T, TVar : CPrimitiveVar,
PrimitiveArrayType, TorchTensorType : TorchTensor<T>>(scope: DeferScope) :
TorchTensorAlgebra<T, TVar, PrimitiveArrayType, TorchTensorType>(scope) {
public abstract fun randNormal(shape: IntArray, device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU): TorchTensorType
public abstract fun randUniform(shape: IntArray, device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU): TorchTensorType
public abstract fun randNormal(shape: IntArray, device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU): TorchTensorType
public fun TorchTensorType.randUniform(): TorchTensorType =
public fun TorchTensorType.randUniformAssign(): Unit {
public fun TorchTensorType.randNormal(): TorchTensorType =
public fun TorchTensorType.randNormalAssign(): Unit {
public operator fun TorchTensorType.div(other: TorchTensorType): TorchTensorType =
wrap(div_tensor(this.tensorHandle, other.tensorHandle)!!)
@ -157,6 +171,8 @@ public sealed class TorchTensorRingAlgebra<T, TVar : CPrimitiveVar,
low: T, high: T, shape: IntArray,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU
): TorchTensorType
public abstract fun TorchTensorType.randIntegral(low: T, high: T): TorchTensorType
public abstract fun TorchTensorType.randIntegralAssign(low: T, high: T): Unit
public class TorchTensorRealAlgebra(scope: DeferScope) :
@ -305,6 +321,12 @@ public class TorchTensorLongAlgebra(scope: DeferScope) :
override fun randIntegral(low: Long, high: Long, shape: IntArray, device: TorchDevice): TorchTensorLong =
wrap(randint_long(low, high, shape.toCValues(), shape.size, device.toInt())!!)
override fun TorchTensorLong.randIntegral(low: Long, high: Long): TorchTensorLong =
wrap(randint_long_like(this.tensorHandle, low, high)!!)
override fun TorchTensorLong.randIntegralAssign(low: Long, high: Long): Unit {
randint_long_like_assign(this.tensorHandle, low, high)
override operator fun TorchTensorLong): TorchTensorLong =
wrap(plus_long(this, other.tensorHandle)!!)
@ -363,6 +385,13 @@ public class TorchTensorIntAlgebra(scope: DeferScope) :
override fun randIntegral(low: Int, high: Int, shape: IntArray, device: TorchDevice): TorchTensorInt =
wrap(randint_int(low, high, shape.toCValues(), shape.size, device.toInt())!!)
override fun TorchTensorInt.randIntegral(low: Int, high: Int): TorchTensorInt =
wrap(randint_int_like(this.tensorHandle, low, high)!!)
override fun TorchTensorInt.randIntegralAssign(low: Int, high: Int): Unit {
randint_int_like_assign(this.tensorHandle, low, high)
override operator fun TorchTensorInt): TorchTensorInt =
wrap(plus_int(this, other.tensorHandle)!!)
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package kscience.kmath.torch
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.time.measureTime
internal fun benchmarkingMatMultDouble(
scale: Int,
numWarmUp: Int,
numIter: Int,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU
): Unit {
TorchTensorRealAlgebra {
println("Benchmarking $scale x $scale matrices over Double's on $device: ")
val lhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
val rhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
repeat(numWarmUp) { lhs dotAssign rhs }
val measuredTime = measureTime { repeat(numIter) { lhs dotAssign rhs } }
println(" ${measuredTime / numIter} p.o. with $numIter iterations")
internal fun benchmarkingMatMultFloat(
scale: Int,
numWarmUp: Int,
numIter: Int,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU
): Unit {
TorchTensorFloatAlgebra {
println("Benchmarking $scale x $scale matrices over Float's on $device: ")
val lhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
val rhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
repeat(numWarmUp) { lhs dotAssign rhs }
val measuredTime = measureTime { repeat(numIter) { lhs dotAssign rhs } }
println(" ${measuredTime / numIter} p.o. with $numIter iterations")
internal class BenchmarkMatMult {
fun benchmarkMatMultDouble20() =
benchmarkingMatMultDouble(20, 10, 100000)
fun benchmarkMatMultFloat20() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(20, 10, 100000)
fun benchmarkMatMultDouble200() =
benchmarkingMatMultDouble(200, 10, 10000)
fun benchmarkMatMultFloat200() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(200, 10, 10000)
fun benchmarkMatMultDouble2000() =
benchmarkingMatMultDouble(2000, 3, 20)
fun benchmarkMatMultFloat2000() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(2000, 3, 20)
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package kscience.kmath.torch
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.time.measureTime
internal fun benchmarkingMatMultDouble(
scale: Int,
numWarmUp: Int,
numIter: Int,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU
): Unit {
TorchTensorRealAlgebra {
println("Benchmarking $scale x $scale matrices over Double's on $device: ")
val lhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
val rhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
repeat(numWarmUp) { lhs dotAssign rhs }
val measuredTime = measureTime { repeat(numIter) { lhs dotAssign rhs } }
println(" ${measuredTime / numIter} p.o. with $numIter iterations")
internal class BenchmarkMatMultDouble {
fun benchmarkMatMult20() =
benchmarkingMatMultDouble(20, 10, 100000)
fun benchmarkMatMult200() =
benchmarkingMatMultDouble(200, 10, 10000)
fun benchmarkMatMult2000() =
benchmarkingMatMultDouble(2000, 3, 20)
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package kscience.kmath.torch
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.time.measureTime
internal fun benchmarkingMatMultFloat(
scale: Int,
numWarmUp: Int,
numIter: Int,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU
): Unit {
TorchTensorFloatAlgebra {
println("Benchmarking $scale x $scale matrices over Float's on $device: ")
val lhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
val rhs = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(scale, scale), device = device)
repeat(numWarmUp) { lhs dotAssign rhs }
val measuredTime = measureTime { repeat(numIter) { lhs dotAssign rhs } }
println(" ${measuredTime / numIter} p.o. with $numIter iterations")
internal class BenchmarkMatMultFloat {
fun benchmarkMatMult20() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(20, 10, 100000)
fun benchmarkMatMult200() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(200, 10, 10000)
fun benchmarkMatMult2000() =
benchmarkingMatMultFloat(2000, 3, 20)
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package kscience.kmath.torch
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.time.measureTime
internal fun benchmarkingRandNormal(
samples: Int,
numWarmUp: Int,
numIter: Int,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU): Unit
println("Benchmarking generation of $samples Normal samples on $device: ")
val shape = intArrayOf(samples)
val tensor = randNormal(shape = shape, device = device)
repeat(numWarmUp) { tensor.randNormalAssign() }
val measuredTime = measureTime { repeat(numIter) { tensor.randNormalAssign() } }
println(" ${measuredTime / numIter} p.o. with $numIter iterations")
internal fun benchmarkingRandUniform(
samples: Int,
numWarmUp: Int,
numIter: Int,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU): Unit
println("Benchmarking generation of $samples Uniform samples on $device: ")
val shape = intArrayOf(samples)
val tensor = randUniform(shape = shape, device = device)
repeat(numWarmUp) { tensor.randUniformAssign() }
val measuredTime = measureTime { repeat(numIter) { tensor.randUniformAssign() } }
println(" ${measuredTime / numIter} p.o. with $numIter iterations")
internal fun benchmarkingRandIntegral(
samples: Int,
numWarmUp: Int,
numIter: Int,
device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU): Unit
TorchTensorIntAlgebra {
println("Benchmarking generation of $samples integer [0,100] samples on $device: ")
val shape = intArrayOf(samples)
val tensor = randIntegral(0,100, shape = shape, device = device)
repeat(numWarmUp) { tensor.randIntegralAssign(0,100) }
val measuredTime = measureTime { repeat(numIter) { tensor.randIntegralAssign(0,100) } }
println(" ${measuredTime / numIter} p.o. with $numIter iterations")
internal class BenchmarkRandomGenerators {
fun benchmarkRandNormal1() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(10, 10, 100000)
fun benchmarkRandUniform1() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(10, 10, 100000)
fun benchmarkRandIntegral1() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(10, 10, 100000)
fun benchmarkRandNormal3() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(1000, 10, 10000)
fun benchmarkRandUniform3() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(1000, 10, 10000)
fun benchmarkRandIntegral3() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(1000, 10, 10000)
fun benchmarkRandNormal5() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(100000, 5, 100)
fun benchmarkRandUniform5() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(100000, 5, 100)
fun benchmarkRandIntegral5() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(100000, 5, 100)
fun benchmarkRandNormal7() =
benchmarkingRandNormal(10000000, 3, 20)
fun benchmarkRandUniform7() =
benchmarkingRandUniform(10000000, 3, 20)
fun benchmarkRandIntegral7() =
benchmarkingRandIntegral(10000000, 3, 20)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class TestTorchTensor {
assertEquals(tensor[intArrayOf(0)], 2.0)
val tensorData = tensor.getData()
tensorData[0] = 3.0
println(assertEquals(tensor[intArrayOf(0)], 3.0))
assertEquals(tensor[intArrayOf(0)], 3.0)
assertEquals(data[0], 3.0)
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ internal fun testingSetSeed(device: TorchDevice = TorchDevice.TorchCPU): Unit {
internal class TestUtils {
fun testSetNumThreads() {
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